Dear Brother,
The Delta Chi Fraternity and International Headquarters staff welcome you back to campus for what should be a very exciting 2016-17 academic year! I hope your summer was relaxing and productive! 

A lot has happened over the past few months...

Delta Chi hosted its 60th International Convention in Louisville, Kentucky - and if you weren't able to make it, we missed you! See the recap of the Convention's events online (, and also mark your calendars for the 61st International Convention in Denver, Colorado: August 1-5, 2018

A very exciting advancement to Delta Chi's technology comes in the form of MYDCHI, a web-based membership portal for all of our undergraduate and alumni members! Hosted by OmegaFi, MYDCHI will now serve as your one-stop-shop to get news and announcements from the Fraternity and access resources and files, and chapter officers will have use of VAULT - the chapter management platform.

The Fraternity is growing this semester through two expansions: Texas A&M University, Kingsville and The University of Delaware. Watch and our social media channels for updates on these projects throughout the year.

I hope you take advantage and utilize all of Delta Chi's resources...

We have a wonderful group of staff members who are here to help you and your chapter succeed. Please never hesitate to reach out to one of us when you are in need (see all contact information here).

We also have excellent programs coming up this year, including January's "A"s' Academy for each chapter/colony president to attend,  your  Regional Leadership Conference (locations and dates are available online), and our first-ever Emerging Leaders Academy to be held in Ithaca, New York this  June 15-18, 2017  (learn more on ).  

And if you haven't had the chance to check out MYDCHI yet, I strongly recommend you log in and learn more about this awesome resource. 


Remember that we are just a few weeks away from the Fraternity's Founders' Day, October 13th. I  encourage you to use this occasion   to revisit and reengage with our four Founding principles, and to reach out to and reconnect with Delta Chi alumni in your area. Be sure  to invite them to join you for your Founders' Day event.

We wish you great successes as you begin your fall term on campus! I hope you have a great year, and challenge yourself through new discoveries   and by making new friends.

In the Bond,
KEITH R. SHRIVER, Florida '79
Executive Director & CEO
TO: All Undergraduate Members
CC: Board of Regents, DCEF Board of Directors, Staff
The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters
319-337-4811 |