If you missed Monday's presentation you can view it on the UPC YouTube Channel.
Event Description: Let's talk about the emotional and physical labor we are currently carrying. Let’s recognize the unseen labor that we as parents experience.You are not alone - whether you are a parent of young children or teens you will come away with some helpful tips, resources and solutions to help you manage your day to day.
About the Presenters:
Health & Wellness for PV Families Information
Community Check-ins
PV Families can join UPC virtually as we check-in with one another, share ideas, resources, what challenges we are facing and work together to support each other. 

Open to parents, family members and PVSchools staff! 
Please fill out this RSVP form if you are interested in joining us.

Resource Document
Here is a LINK to UPC's Health & Wellness Resources Document where you can find links to affordable counseling options, meditation apps, crisis hotlines and more.

Thank you to all who helped support PV students as we begin another exciting school year! We delivered the supplies to 17 schools in our district!
We collected:
432 boxes of crayons
453 glue sticks
264 pairs of scissors
219 rulers
2794 pencils
and lots more!

We want to make sure all students have the materials they need to learn and be successful this year. Teachers and staff are working hard to adapt to online learning and create packets of materials and supplies for students to use at home. These supplies will help PV students learn and grow this year! Thank you for your support of PV students!

We will continue to collect supplies to be distributed to schools. If you or your organization would like to help with this, please email communications@pvupc.org!
You can support UPC every time you shop with Amazon Smile! You can sign up HERE and search for "Paradise Valley United Parent Council."
Questions about the beginning of the school year? Be sure to check out the PVSchools' FAQs Page HERE!

You can watch the Virtual Forum on Reopening HERE!

Jessica M. Wani and the UPC Exec Team
President UPC 2020/2021
PV United Parent Council
PV United Parent Council | Website