August 4, 2022

Welcome back Parents and Students,

We hope everyone had an amazing summer, and you were able to rest, recharge, and spend time with loved ones. It’s hard to believe school starts next week, and we can't wait to see you. Over the summer, the campus was filled with excitement, laughs, and smiles from students and staff in summer camp. There was/is excitement around adding a new 7th grade, many new campus projects and improvements, and an extremely positive energy campus-wide. We encourage you to visit the school's Instagram and Facebook pages to see some of the great camps/events that took place and the smiles on students’ and staff’s faces. Also, see the attached link to see how much fun we had this summer.
The AAC (Arts and Athletic Center) and new middle school wing have received a full retrofit that we cannot wait for you all to see. We are extremely excited that the school filled all of its new 7th grade seats, and they are already gearing up for a trip to New York in the fall and Europe in the spring. The school also has the highest overall enrollment it’s seen in years and a waiting list in multiple grade levels. This is a testament to the amazing work the staff at Park Maitland do each day and the school's positive parent and community involvement. With the significant increase in enrollment, we have added multiple new team members that we can’t wait for you to meet.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday (8/9) for Meet and Greets and for the official kickoff of school on Wednesday (8/10). Last year’s school theme was Strength, thus when considering themes that students recommended for this year, we wanted something that worked hand in hand with last year’s theme. Mental and physical strength is extremely important, but strength alone will not get you through tough situations/circumstances. One needs to also have the courage to go with strength, which is why we chose COURAGE for the school theme for the 2022-23 school year. 

We look forward to seeing everyone next week.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear-not absence of fear.”
-Mark Twain

Michael Anna
As we launch into this exciting new school year post-Covid, there are a few areas that as a school we will be giving renewed focus and emphasis as we strive to help our students maximize their learning experience in every way at Park Maitland. 

Student Dress Code:

Please take the time to review the Student Dress Code Policy outlined in detail in our Parent Handbook. There you will find specific guidelines given regarding school uniforms and all other items pertaining to student dress. We believe wholeheartedly in teaching our students from a very young age to “dress for success”. Following guidelines and expectations regarding uniforms allows our students to feel prepared and ready for the day. Parents will be notified if their child is out of dress code so that you may partner with us in building accountability in this area with our students. 

Student Attendance:

Another way that we can work together in maximizing your child’s learning experience is for you, as parents, to prioritize daily attendance as well as timely arrival to school each day that begins with Homeroom. Students should not be tardy or absent from school except for illness or medical or dental appointments. However, for all other absences, we ask that priority to students being in school and on time be regularly given. The school cannot be responsible for student progress if there are frequent tardiness or frequent or prolonged absences. It is important to remember that tardies and absences can impact a student’s academic confidence as well as interrupt the instructional momentum taking place in the classroom. Being on time for Homeroom allows our students the necessary opportunities to bond with their classmates and their homeroom teacher on a social-emotional level. This in turn helps to set them up for success by feeling connected to a learning community that supports them. A total of 10 absences in a semester will necessitate a meeting between parents and administrators. Park Maitland School will then base a decision about the student’s continued enrollment in the school upon the advice of administrators.

Class Placement:

As your child begins the new school year in a new grade and class, we are proud that careful thought was given over the summer to every student's class placement and respectfully ask that there be no requests for class changes. Our teachers and administrators used their best professional judgment in creating the class assignments for the year, balancing many factors to best meet the needs of all of our students. It is great that for all of our students, there are ample opportunities for children to mix and be with friends across the grade level. Making new friends and working through these transitions to a new school year are part of normal and appropriate child development.More importantly, these are also necessary components of developing our students into resilient and adaptable young people for the future. 

As always, we thank you for your partnership in your child's education.

Park Maitland Administration