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 June 2014 


Be Well Now welcomes Suzanne Cogan back to our yoga family!

Suzanne taught for us shortly after we moved to our current location but left to spend more time with her family. She comes to us with many years' experience and we are thrilled to have her back on our staff! She will be teaching a Sunday evening 90-minute class. The class needs a minimum of five students so sign up today. What a great way to end your weekend!

Brenda Schnable became interested in qigong after experiencing some medical challenges. She's combined qigong with yoga to create Qi Infused Yoga. Read her story here.

We're excited that Brenda will be at the studio to teach a Qi Yoga Workshop Saturday, Sept. 27, 2-4 pm. Details to follow but mark your calendars now.

What goes around comes around so generate some good karma with Tracey's Karma class July 5, 1:00-2:30 pm. Suggested donation is $5-$15 and ALL proceeds go to Beverly Farm Foundation.

The next session of Tai Chi begins June 23. Find details here.

Can't fit a massage in during the day? We have evening hours available 7 days a week until 7 pm. Call today to schedule yours with one of our five massage therapists.

New yoga fees, effective immediately:
monthly class - $75, Ultimate Yoga Package (one month of unlimited yoga and 1 one hour massage) - $125. Drop-in classes ($10) and 4-class passes ($40) remain the same.

Summer is here! Get your  Tate's, the natural miracle sunscreen - 10% off while supplies last.

Inclined Plank is a more challenging pose but there are some modifications you can do to build up to the full posture.

We offer a wide variety of classes and times. Check out our calendar to find something that fits into your schedule or a service to give you a pick-me-up.



Theresa Franklin, NCTMB, LMT, RYT, CMT
Olivia Kelly, NCTMB, LMT


Feature Article

 featurearticle Twice the Benefits in "Qi Infused Yoga" 

A woman's medical challenges led her to develop a unique yoga style that incorporates qigong. Qi (chi) is the life force within each of us, an energy that's recognized in several cultures. An imbalance in our qi becomes manifested in health problems.

Brenda Schnable is a former Wood River resident who lives in Cary, NC. A yoga therapist and instructor and certified in Qigong, she wrote two books on the influence of qi on the subtle (energy) body.

She wrote her first book, "Access Your Inner Power: Awakening Your Health and Vitality," (2012) because she wanted to help others understand their energies. "I thought if it was confusing to me, then a person who is non-yogic would be even more confused." Qi is described from the Western (bioelectric), Indian (Ayurvedic), Yoga (pranayama), and Chinese (qigong) perspectives.

Brenda had been struggling with hives for two years in the early 1990s before coming across Ayurveda. She discovered her Pitta dosha had increased in relation to her vata and kapha doshas. Once she recognized that, she was on her way to overcoming her skin disorder.

In 2007, on the brink of having a bone marrow biopsy to test for leukemia, a Qigong energy instructor and friend recommended she practice a series of exercises for two weeks beforehand. When she went back in for the biopsy, the doctor tested her blood and it came back perfect.

"That told me there was something to this energy stuff."

An E-RYT500 with Yoga Alliance, Brenda developed a style of yoga that incorporates qigong. The result is her second book, "Qi Infused Yoga,"(2014) which combines Qigong movements and yoga asanas into one flowing practice. Gentle yet energizing, the book benefits any age group but is especially good for the 35+ and baby boomer generation.

"I'm 53, so I have wear and tear on my body, too. It's a moving class. For instance, we might flow from Qigong to Warrior 2. Warrior 2 energetically opens the first four Chakras, opens the hips and shoulders, and improves respiratory and circulatory systems if held long enough back. From Warrior 2, we move to Qigong, then settle in, feeling relaxed but also tingly from the energy that's stimulated."

Brenda says her goal is to let people know Western medicine is not a bad thing.

"If you catch an ailment early enough, then Eastern medicine is the way to go but Western medicine is good for trauma such as a snake bite. Something like heart disease develops over a dozen years and manifests as an energy imbalance in your subtle body."

Brenda's books can be ordered through her website ( or Amazon. There also is a Kindle version of "Qi Infused Yoga" and a DVD will be available later this year. Brenda conducts workshops throughout the country and has a YouTube channel at



Why You Need an Unlimited Yoga Card

It may seem like just one more expense but there are advantages to having an unlimited yoga class card.
  • You're more likely to get to the studio 3-4 times a week, which is recommended to really solidify your yoga practice. 
  • You can experience the many styles of yoga we offer, especially great if you're new to yoga. You can take:
    • Hot yoga
    • Vinyasa flow
    • Traditional Hatha
    • Restorative
    • Yin   
  • No hassles when you arrive at the studio - just sign in to class.

skincareGo All-natural with Your Sunscreen  

Many who practice yoga and tai chi are also committed to living a healthier lifestyle all around. That often means eating organic foods and using "green" goods, including cosmetics and other body products.

If you're one of those folks, you'll be pleased to know we carry Tate's Sunscreen. It's an all-natural, fragrance-free sunscreen that offers protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Some of the things Tate's Sunscreen DOESN'T have are:
* Oils
* Dyes
* Fragrance
* Parabens
* Pesticides
* Phosphates

What Tate's DOES have:
* Wheat Grass
* Rice Grass
* Celendula
* Golden Seal
* Balsam Resin

Try Tate's Sunscreen today!

Asana Zone

Inclined Plank Pose    
Vasistha = sage, best, richest 
Vasisthasana is an asymmetrical balancing arm support pose. It  requires a lot of strength to be performed correctly. If you can't easily support your own weight, be sure to do one of the modifications first.

The blueprint

The yogi balances on one arm, stretching the opposite arm overhead so the two are aligned, while holding her hips off the floor.


How to do it:
1. Start in Plank (Chaturangasana) with hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Hold your body in a straight line so your hips don't dip.

2. Rotate your entire body to the left, so the weight of your body is on the outer side of your left foot. Your body is facing the front. Strengthen the left arm by firming the triceps muscle and pressing the base of the index finger firmly against the floor.

3. Raise your right arm, extending the arm, hand and fingers vertically upward. Keep your torso and hips in line with your legs. Balance, holding the pose for 3-8 breaths.

4. Exhale. Return to Plank, then inhale, moving into Side Plank on the other side. Hold the posture for 3-8 breaths.

5. After balancing on both sides, move into Child's Pose.

  • Keep head and eyes looking forward.
  • Firm the scapulas and sacrum against the back torso.
  • Align your entire body into one long diagonal line from the heels to the crown.
  • Stack shoulders and hips
  • Position your supporting hand slightly in front of it's shoulder so the supporting arm is angled a bit, relative to the floor 


  • allow your hips to dip.
  • Strengthens the arms, belly, and legs
  • Stretches and strengthens the wrists, increases their flexibility
  • Stretches the backs of the legs in the full versions
  • Improves sense of balance, concentration and focus
  • Tones abdominal muscles
  • Students with serious wrist, elbow, or shoulder injuries should avoid this pose.
Beginners have three options:
  • Bring your bottom knee and shin to the mat until you have enough strength to fully support your body weight.
  • Keep your bottom leg extended, bend your top knee, and step your top foot in front of your body.
  • Keep your legs extended but rest on the forearm of your supporting arm instead of extending it.
If you're more advanced:
  1. Start as in Inclined Plank.
  2. Bend your right knee, opening it to face upward. Grasp your right foot or big toe between your thumb and first two fingers of your right hand. Place your right arm in front of your right leg, then straighten your right leg upward as you straighten your arm which holds the toe.
  3. Turn your head to look up toward your right hand.
  4. Hold for several breaths. Return to Plank and repeat on the other side.


The Be Well Now newsletter is edited by Danette Watt. For suggestions, comments or concerns about the newsletter content, contact her at 
In This Issue
Quick Links

Our schedule of classes

Our services
Sunday Evening Class

End your weekend with yoga and carry the positive feeling over to Monday.

Suzanne Cogan will teach a 90-minute class beginning June 22, 6-7:30 pm. Class is $15 or unlimited card.
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.

~ Joseph Campbell

taichi Tai Chi Classes

The next series of Tai Chi classes with Jerry Whitten begins June 23.  


All classes are on Monday and are $60 for a 10-week session.  


Intro to Yang Style Tai Chi - 5:30-6:30 pm  


Intro to Chen Style Tai Chi - 6:30-7:30 pm  


Adv. Chen Style Tai Chi - 7:30-8:30 pm  

 ourclasses Our staff 

Samantha Burton
Amy Clary
Suzanne Cogan
Tracey Curtis
Shannon Dunham
Theresa Franklin

Theresa Franklin
Olivia Kelly
Katie Roach
Daniel Sheets
Sarah Smith

Kendelle Pelot

Jerry Whitten

Matt Hawkin

 ourclasses Our classes
Please check the website calendar to confirm class times. Friend us on Facebook for updates and cancellations.

12:30-1:30 pm Hot Yoga (Shannon)
9:00-10:00 am (Theresa)
5:45-6:45 pm - Vinyasa (Tracey)

5:45-6:45 pm (Samantha) 

5:30-6:15 pm - Vinyasa (Tracey)  


12:05-12:50 pm - Vinyasa (Samantha)
4:30-5:30 - Restorative (Tracey)
8:30-9:30 am Beginners Yoga (Amy)

10:00-11:00 am
- Yin (Tracey)

Intro to Yang Tai Chi 
5:30-6:30 p.m.
Intro to Chen Style Tai Chi
6:30-7:30 pm

Adv. Chen Style Tai Chi -
7:30-8:30 pm

8:30-9:30 pm