Welcome back to another great year!

Can you believe the summer is over already?! Neither can we. But there's no point in fighting it, so let's get ready for a great year. Check out our Back to School Newsletter below. It is filled with great learning opportunities, resources to use with your classes and other great info!

MACUL Events & PD

MACUL Coaching Certification

Maximize your impact as an instructional coach through a 5 month cohort-style certification program. The MACUL Certified Coach Program was created to support instructional coaches and help them to build their coaching skillset- ultimately impacting teaching and learning in their local school environments.

The next Cohort starts on 9/27. Learn more and get registered today!

MACUL Edge•U Badges

MACUL has partnered with Forward Edge to provide 100 SCECHs for educators through the Edge•U Badges program! Edge•U Badges is a powerful, instruction-focused professional learning system that adapts to the needs of educators.

Jumpstart your SCECH hours for the year while learning at your own pace!

Sign-up today and get started with all new courses to support your school year!

MACUL Conference Call for Speakers - SUBMIT TODAY

MACUL’s 48th Annual Conference is March 13-15, 2024 in Grand Rapids and we need you and your expertise to make the conference amazing. Submit a proposal today and share your story with your peers, colleagues and educators from all over Michigan and the Midwest.

The deadline to submit is 10/9.

Learn more about the process and get submit your session today!

STS at the Capitol - Submit your Team Application

The showcase will take place at the Michigan State Capitol Building to allow lawmakers, business leaders and other citizens to see first-hand how technology is used in classrooms across Michigan. K-12 student teams representing their schools from around the state demonstrate best practices of how technology can enhance teaching and learning for the success of Michigan student. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2022.

Visit https://sts.macul.org for more info.

CSforMichigan - Fall Event

This year's event features three parts with newly added Workshops, the return of the Leadership Summit and the Education Conference.

The event will be held at Oakland Schools on 11/2 & 11/3.

Find out more and get registered to attend!

Important Dates



MACUL Coaching Certification - Cohort 2 Kickoff

Get Registered



MACUL Conference Call for Speakers Deadline

Submit a Session



STS at the Capitol - Team Application Deadline

Apply Now!

Partner Resources

Back to School Resources (click links below):

Back to School Family Engagement Tips

Device Advice Collection for K-5

Media Well-Being Lesson Collection 9-12 and Pacing Guide and Upcoming webinar 

TECH Habits Challenge

REMC Courses to start the school year (click links below):

Applying Google Apps in Chrome

Digital Tools For Classroom Collaboration

Engaging Students in a Personalized Classroom

Exploring Formative Assessment Tools

Visit HERE for more courses

Funding Opportunity for the new year:

There will be several upcoming EdTech funding opportunities for districts to consider. Here are some highlights around 99b, Computer Science/Computational Thinking Professional Learning, and the annual Implementing Effective Use of Technology (IET) Competitive Grant.  

Check out this guide for more information

Back to School Toolkit

Michigan Virtual is excited to welcome you back for the 2023 school year, so we asked some of our teachers and staff for their favorite "back to school" recommendations.


We hope these activities, readings, and resources will incite your curiosity and inspire you and your students as you head back to the classroom!

The 2023 Toolkit