Thank you for your continued patience as we execute new procedures this school year. Our drop-off and pick-up procedures have become increasingly more efficient, and we appreciate your ongoing support. Foul weather dismissal plans are in the works and details coming soon, and we will be prepared for all situations and circumstances. Overall, the new procedures have been successful... thanks for being part of the team!
School Lunch Begins 9/8!

I just was notified that the NBPS Lunch Program will be starting on Tuesday!

Tuesday 9/8- Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
Wednesday 9/9- Bologna and cheese Sandwich
Thursday 9/10- Nacho Meal Kit
Friday 9/11- Turkey, bologna, salami & cheese sandwich

**Please note that St. Francis is now a Peanut/Tree Nut Free School!
** Sunbutter and jelly sandwiches will be offered as a daily option for students
Students simply need to notify their homeroom teacher if they will be ordering a lunch for the day.
Full September Menu coming soon!

Breakfast this year is a "Grab and Go" process, and students who wish to have breakfast will take it with them at the end of the school day, for consumption at home the following day.
Google Classroom and Remote Learners

By now all students (remote and in person) should have access to their Google classrooms! Our remote learners have been doing a fantastic job navigating the classroom and engaging in Google meets throughout their school day. Off to a great start! Questions, problems, technical difficulties?
Please let us know.
September 11th Mass of Remembrance

Please join us, if you are able, at 5:30pm on Friday evening for a special Mass commemorating the lives lost on that tragic day 20 years ago. Fr. Williams will be the Mass celebrant, and Chief Gallagher will be addressing the congregation at the closing of Mass.
Our first MAP Growth testing window will run from Monday 9/14 through Friday 10/2.
Next week we will be assessing devices, and executing practice tests with our students, Kindergarten through Grade 8.
Click here to access a parent resource regarding MAP Growth testing.
Thank you for pre-registering for our before and after school Extended Care program. It is helpful in our planning process to know who we can expect so that proper distancing and cohort separation takes place.
Click here to pre-register for the week of September 14th, unless you have already indicated your consistent Extended Care needs. Thank you!
Our annual Back to School Night will certainly look and feel different, as we are unable to host our parents here at the school. Be expecting a flipped classroom approach to this annual
opening of our school door to our parents! More details forthcoming, as we realize the importance of communicating with our parents and bridging the gap between home and school. Thank you!

Mrs. Bentley's fifth graders enjoy an outdoor, socially distanced game of POINT after practicing a fire drill procedure .
Well done Grade 5!
Go Green Friday Folders!

This past week the Go Green folders should have made their way into your home ! Documents to have been returned and signed include the Parent/Student Handbook Agreement (sign both sides, please!), as well as the Health History Form (one per child). Student Planner purchase payment of $6 each can be sent to school at your earliest convenience as well.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Don't forget to bring masks and water bottles daily!