The Aerospace Center for Excellence is excited to announce a new pre-school enrichment program coming in September called STEM Sprouts! This parent participation class is designed for children between 3-5 years old. Each week, students and parents will explore a letter of the alphabet and a corresponding aviation concept using engaging, hands-on, skill-based learning centered around play.
Classes are held on Monday mornings from 9:00-10:15am. Each week has a unique theme, and enrollment is limited to 15 students using our online registration system. The class fee is $10 per student, with a 50% discount given to Florida Air Museum members. Parents can also purchase the full 26 weeks of the course at a deeply discounted bundle price. Admission to the Florida Air Museum and Destination: Aviation Playground are included in the class fee.
The STEM Sprouts calendar runs from September through May. Each week will highlight a letter of the alphabet, an aviation word, and a STEM concept of the day. The full schedule is displayed below.