Choir Appreciation Sunday and Welcome, Brian Lustig!
First UMC Music Ministries celebrate the first full year of in-person music-making since the pandemic this Sunday. All music ensembles of all ages will participate in worship as we conclude the 2021-2022 choir season. Another piece of good news is that after a long search and wait, we will finally welcome Brian Lustig as Director of Choral Activities this Sunday. There will be a reception for him shortly after the 9 AM service where you can meet him. Please do not miss this special Sunday!
Don't miss this season's final Midday Pipes!
Midday Pipes
We welcome Amber Dahlberg, winner of the Regional Competition for Young Artists, MM, Brigham Young University, Utah, who will close this season's concert series.
Music Series presents:
Summer Pops Cabaret “Back to Broadway, the Songs I’ve Never Sung”
Saturday, June 11 | 7 - 8:30 PM | Linder Hall | Learn more
Featuring San Diego Tenor Enrique Toral and The Back to Broadway Trio: Ben Read, piano, Eric Mroczek, bass, David Sullivan. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be available starting at 6:15 PM. Child care by advance reservation- 619-297-4366. Sponsored by the Cultural Events Committee.
Visit to the Border Church
Sunday, June 12 | 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM | Cost: $20 | Limit to 22 participants | Learn more
First Church has been supporting the work of Border Church for a few years. Now that COVID has subsided, the Global Missions Task Force is planning a day trip to visit the church in Friendship Park, Playas - just west of Tijuana. We will carpool from the Mission Valley Campus to the US side of the border and then walk across the bridge to the Mexican side where FUMCSD's old bus, which was donated to Border Church, will pick us up and drive us to Friendship Park.
At 1 PM we will join the binational worship service, and Rev. John Fanestil will be the pastor on the U.S. side. Following the service, Via International will serve a meal and you will have time to learn more about Border Church and Friendship Park, look at the "wall" and all the paintings on the fence and wander around before we head back. Note that passport and proof of vaccination is required crossing the border back into the US.
Zoom Conversation before Border Church
Sundays |1 PM | RSVP to get your Zoom Invite
Hiking with Students 1st
Saturdays, June 11, 18, 25 | 8 AM - 1 PM
Students 1st invites all youth (grades 6-12) to join us as we explore our beautiful city! For detailed information regarding transportation and meetup emails will be shared the week of the event. No registration needed. For questions, please contact Ja'Bri Begay or Kenton Reeves Hundley Remember to bring water (snacks will be provided) and to wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen.
This will be a hiking series that are as follows:
Saturday, June 11: Morning reverse hike on Mount Soledad followed by breakfast.
Saturday, June 18: Cowles' mountain.
Saturday, June 25: "Potato Chip Rock" (backside)
The completion of this series will result in the children being presented with their own T-shirts created for these event.
Water Fun with Kids First/Students 1st!
Sunday, June 12 | 1 - 3:30 PM | The Plaza
Join us for an afternoon of water balloons, water games, and a foam party! This event will allow us to grow closer and enjoy each other's company while still being able to run, joke and play. Besides all the water fun, there will also be food provided. Please bring a towel and a change of clothes! We can guarantee everyone will be laughing and soaking wet during this event!
Farewell Party for Rev. Jessica Strysko
Sunday, June 19 | 12 - 1:30 PM | Linder Patio
After over 10 years of service at FUMCSD and Water's Edge Faith Community, Rev. Jessica Strysko has been reappointed as the lead pastor for Anaheim United Methodist Church starting July 1, 2022. Let us all gather together to celebrate all of the work and ministry that Rev. Jessica has done over the years for the church and surrounding community. There will be food, music and a chance to bid Rev. Jessica and her family farewell as they embark on this next journey that God has in store for them.
Young Adults 4th Sunday Brunch
Sunday, June 26 | 12:30 PM | Location TBD
Join us every 4th Sunday after worship for food and community! We will be meeting in person at some local eatery and we are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Save the Date!
Join your friends at First Church at the Parade on July 16
Theme: "Justice with Joy!"
Locations: The parade begins at the Hillcrest Pride Flag at University Ave. and Normal St., proceeds west on University Ave., turns south on 6th Ave., turns left onto Balboa Dr. and ends at Quince Dr.
Route Length: 1.5 miles
Cost: This is a free, community event.
Approx. time frame: 10 AM - 3 PM
Food Truck Party VBS
Grades Pre K - Gr. 5 | Cost: $40 per child, Snacks and T-shirt are included in the cost.
Join us this summer as we cook up some fun with our Food Truck Party VBS! We are excited to have a week-long, half-day summer camp return to First Church. Each morning will be full of games and learning activities centered around Matthew 6:11, “Give us this day our daily bread.” These words will help campers to remember that everything we have comes from God, and to turn to God in prayer for our daily needs to be met.
To make VBS a success we need VOLUNTEERS!
Please use this registration form if you would like to sign up as a volunteer. All volunteers are submitted to a background screening. Register below, by June 27 if you want to take part in VBS or Volunteer this summer.
Get Ready for Realm!
Every Sunday in June we'll help enroll our congregation in Realm, our digital church directory. Our church staff and many volunteers have been using Realm since 2019, and we’re excited at the possibilities it offers to stay connected to your First Church family.
We are here to help
Any Sunday in June between services | Linder Patio
If you need help setting up or updateing your account information, please stop by the Realm table on the patio between services any Sunday in June, where we can help you 1) take your directory photo, 2) update your contact information, and 3) set up the Realm Connect app on your mobile device.
Set up your own Realm account
If you’ve given a gift online or signed up for an event recently, you probably already have used Realm and set up an account. You can log into your account, update information, or create a new account HERE.
If you're already using Realm - Volunteer to help!
We’re also looking for volunteers to help fellow congregation members get Realm set up. If you’ve already been using Realm and would like to shepherd others, please contact Jason Tucker at
Get "Realm Connect" app on your phone
After you've set up your Realm account, you can download the Realm Connect app to your phone, for easier access. Click buttons below.
UMW Rummage Sale ~SAVE THE DATE!
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Donations Needed for UMW Rummage Sale
Save your spring and summer clean-out items to donate to the United Methodist Women's rummage sale! Suggestions: housewares, small scale furniture, functional electronics, toys, bicycles, knick-knacks, gently used clothing (no stains or holes!) shoes, purses, hats, jewelry, bedding, and even tools!
Bring your donations on Sundays, before/after worship: July 24 & 31 AND July 31 - August 11, 9:30 AM 3 PM ~ Linder Hall 2
Then save the date - Saturday, Aug, 13 - to come to the sale!
Profits will benefit the many ministries supported by the UMW. Thank you in advance for your donations!
Breaking Bread and Journeying with Our Church Family
Let's get back together to continue our Neighborhood Gatherings, get some workout--walking, hiking, biking, and meet people in your life stage for mutual support. Join Rev. Hannah for any gatherings that meet your needs or interests at a location near you. When two or three of us are gathered in Jesus' name, we'll find His presence among us wherever we may be.
Tue. 6/7 | 5 PM
7005 Navajo Rd.
San Diego, CA 92119
Neighborhoods: Del Cerro/ San Carlos/Allied Gardens
Zip codes: 92119/92120
Wed. 6/8 | 12 PM (noon)
8131 Broadway,
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
Neighborhoods: Lemon Grove/Encanto/Spring Valley
Zip codes:
Wed. 6/8 | 5 PM (eve)
CA 92128
Neighborhoods: Rancho Bernardo/Poway/Ramona/
Del Sur/4S Ranch/
Rancho Santa Fe/Escondido/
San Marcos
Zip codes: 92064/92128/92065/92127/92067/92091/92029/92078/92025/92026
Thu. 6/9 | 12 PM (noon)
Neighborhoods: Coronado/Downtown/Logan Heights
Zip codes:
Thu. 6/9 | 5 PM (eve)
13211 Black Mountain Rd San Diego, CA 92129
Neighborhoods: Mira Mesa/Rancho Peñasquitos/Scripps Ranch
Zip codes:
Sun. 6/12 | 5 PM
6061 El Cajon Blvd. Ste. 4, San Diego, CA 92115
El Cerrito/Talmage/Rolando
Zip code: 92115
Mon. 6/13 | 5 PM
9225 Carlton Hills Blvd. Ste. 21
Santee, CA 92071
Neighborhoods: Santee/Lakeside
Zip codes: 92071/92040/92021
Meet via Zoom & In-person
Monday Night Book Club
Mondays, 7-8 PM
Book study:
Prayers of the People
Join us as we pray for one another and shared prayer requests.
Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
In-person & Zoom
1st Friday of the month
8 AM
via Zoom
Heart of Christianity
Sundays, 10:30 AM
via Zoom
Participants suggest books to read and take turns leading the discussions.
Mask-wearing during indoor church activities has been reinstated for protection of you and others.
Lead Pastor
Rev. Trudy Robinson
The Song in Our Heart - Choir Appreciation Sunday
For our online viewers: Consecrated elements for communion are available for pick up Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM, or can be mailed upon request.
Childcare for infants to pre-school, Kids/Students First Activities.
Join us in person or watch the 10:15 Live-stream from OB
Sunday Coffee and Donuts
Sundays | 10 - 11 AM | Linder Lounge
Corner Bakery Coffee $2/Donuts Free.
Cash or credit card.
Donut donations needed
Show your spirit of hospitality by signing up to pay for donuts on the easel in Linder Lounge on Sundays. You may also email Demmie or Linda or send a check to the church with “Sunday donuts” in the memo.
Altar Flowers
Donating altar flowers on Sunday is a way to recognize significant events in your family’s life. Bouquets are $65 each and anyone can donate one or two bouquets. If you are interested, please contact Demmie Divine in the church office about available dates.
Summer Kids' Music June 19 - August 28
School's out, but music is IN. Each week we will explore musical skills, instruments and singing. This summer is about musical skill building and having fun until our formal music program returns after Labor Day.
All children and youth are invited to join. Prior musical experience is not necessary. Come when you can!
Summer Kids' Music program runs Sundays from June 19 to August 28 (no classes July 3 or July 31).
10:15 - 11 AM | Entering Grades K to 5 "Rhythm Explorers" | Children’s Choir Room
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM | Entering Grades 4+ "Chime Time" | Children’s Choir Room
Children and Youth Ministries Sunday Schedule
Kids First will remain after the Children’s Time at the 9 AM service until 10 AM. Students First will meet from 10:30 - 11:30 AM. We encourage children to sign up to be acolytes and students to volunteer to serve as liturgists for either worship services. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL on any 5th Sunday of the month, when children and youth are encouraged to worship in the sanctuary with their families. Email Dir. of Discipleship for Children & Youth, Kenton Reaves Hundley, for more info.
Summer Grief Support Group
Sundays, June 12 - July 31 | 12:30 - 1:30 PM | Via Zoom
Grief is not something to overcome, it is something that we learn to adapt into our lives. Pastor Tamara Walker and Director of the New Life Counseling Center, Sheilah Cameron, LMFT invite you to understand how your loss is impacting your life and normalize this experience.
This is an online class. RSVP below to recieve the Zoom invite.
Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry
When is a prayer quilt appropriate?
Anyone in special need of prayer is an appropriate recipient of a prayer quilt. We pray for one another in times of illness, injury, or sorrow. We also pray for them at times of great change or transition in their lives. Anyone can request a quilt for another person. We refer to the requester as the quilt’s sponsor. To sponsor a prayer quilt for someone in need of prayer, be sure to ask for their agreement to be a recipient. Ask them what prayers they need. Learn more about the Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry here and please fill out the online request form.
Would you like someone to talk to?
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. You'll meet privately—by phone, video chat, or in person—for care and support. Information: email Pastor Tamara.
Deaths: Check our website for weekly updates regarding deaths, memorial services and funerals.
Church Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM
Memorial Garden Hours
Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - 8 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday - 8 AM - 4 PM
Staffing Changes
We are pleased to announce that Chris Cain, who currently serves as our Physical Plant Manager, is stepping into the role of Interim Director of Facilities and Events. The custodians and David Patterson, Events Coordinator, will report to Chris as we continue to collaborate with the Board of Trustees and our lay leaders on campus projects. During this interim period, we will review the position to ensure we have the right structure in place to support our congregation.
In another staffing change, Andrew Polster has agreed to serve as Lead Custodian, working closely with Chris on projects to ensure we maintain the momentum on addressing maintenance, repair and renovation projects on both campuses.
David Patterson is our Events Coordinator so please reach out to him with your event and meeting needs. He will partner with hosts/leaders on ensuring quality, successful events for internal and external groups.
Please join me in congratulating Chris and Andrew as they step into their new positions. Thank you for your support of our facilities and event team. We are here to serve!
Linda Hawk, Controller & Business Manager
Job Opening
Administrative Assistant for Music Ministries, part time, non-exempt
10-15 hours per week (hourly rate: $22-24)
How to give
- Deposit your gift in the offering plate during worship.
Give online using your credit/debit card or ACH transfer from your checking account. Gifts can be one-time or automatically recurring each week or month.
TEXT to Give. Just text MYCHURCHGIFT to 73256 and see how easy it can be!
Mail your check directly to the church via US postal service: First United Methodist Church of San Diego, 2111 Camino del Rio S., San Diego, CA 92108.
Contact Jason Tucker with your questions about giving and tithing to First Church.
Weekly Attendance
5/29, Sunday in-person services (Mission Valley 9 AM, Ocean Beach 10 AM)
Combined number of attendees: 258
5/29, Sunday 9 AM live-streamed service
Real-time viewers: 159
Avg. watch-time: 15:44
First Church YouTube subscribers: 1368
To subscribe, log in to your Gmail account, go to First Church YouTube channel, click the subscribe button. You can choose to be notified when we live-stream.
100% of the contributions to UMCOR Global ministries go to the designated cause. We provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country. Support the humanitarian response in Ukraine. Give Now!
2111 Camino del Rio South,
San Diego, CA 92108