Typically, when we think of chiropractic adjustments, we think about relieving pain and increasing mobility. However, did you know that they are beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing? During "Flu Season" this is especially true!
By maintaining a regular adjustment schedule throughout the year, you optimize your whole body wellness. This includes your lymphatic system, which is made up of organs and tissues that dispose of toxins and waste. This system does so by transporting white blood cell rich lymphatic fluid in order throughout your body to help you keep well and fight infections.
When your body is not in alignment, it isn’t functioning optimally and your body’s lymphatic system may become congested. This makes your body more vulnerable in these times.
Not to be confused, you may still experience symptoms of the flu. With regular chiropractic adjustments, you are setting your body up to recover better and be stronger during this time of year.
-Dr. Kurtis Siemsen