Fall Specials

September is generally speaking a time of transition. We leave the long, hazy days of summer behind and begin to feel cooler breezes. Our kids head back to school. We begin to think of how to close out the year. Even the trees change their colors and signal that we are entering a new season.

In the Psalms we find the curious word - Selah. It appears 74 times. We don't know exactly what the word means, but it is probably either a liturgical-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text to "stop and listen". Selah is a good word for what has been happening at Welcome House Raleigh. We took an intentional pause for a few weeks. There was a lull in the number of incoming refugees, we had staff changes, and the kitchen/dining room needed renovations. It was/is/has been a good time to "stop and listen" - listen to our volunteers, to our staff, to our partners, to our guests, to the Holy Spirit. We are so grateful for this space of time to reflect and dream a holy dream, to pause and consider what could be. In this newsletter you will read a bit about what we learned. Over the next year we are intentionally setting aside time each month to consider how God is leading this ministry and what new work the Spirit may call forth. Please pray for Welcome House in this season as we discern what could be.

At the writing of this newsletter, we are washing sheets and checking our stock of kitchen supplies. Guest will be here soon. The work continues even as the dreams are being crafted. We are grateful for your support and excited about how God is calling all of us to shape a better community with hospitality and love.

Cultural Liaisons

Meet Nicole Iyoko, Cultural Liaison for Welcome House Raleigh. Nicole is one of several Cultural Liaisons joining the Welcome House Raleigh staff. We are excited by the possibilities these talented leaders bring to this ministry. One of the goals coming out of our Selah was to build out the Welcome House staff to be more reflective of the families that we host. These staff members will come along side current staff and volunteers to engage with our families, offer a bit of guidance as needed and answer questions. Our families come from all different backgrounds. We know the WHR Cultural Liaisons will be a valuable asset not only for our guests but also for our teams as together we learn how to care for one another across cultures.

Welcome to all our new Cultural Liaisons!

WHR kitchen
WHR dinning

Kitchen and Dining Room Renovations

Our Selah, or holy pause, meant we were busy in a different rhythm of work. After six years of use and thousands of meals, we have a renovated kitchen! Johnny Glover led churches from all over Wake County to upgrade the wiring, install new dry wall, new floors, new shelves, and fresh paint. We took out several cabinets for a more functional and adaptive space. Thank you to teams from Trinity, Greystone, Westwood and Wake Forest! We could not be happier.

Hospitality Team Listening Session

We had lunch with over 20 of our dedicated and amazing Hospitality Team volunteers. These dedicated disciples work with families in their first days in Raleigh. They look for problems, help our guests in the house, offer a bit of friendship, and walk alongside families in a time a transition. Over a delightful meal, we discussed best practices, shared from our experience and dreamed about what could be better. If you would like to learn more about our Hospitality Team and their work, please fill out the volunteer interest form on our website.

WHR quilt 1

New Bedding and Furniture

Part of the recent refresh of the house meant that we updated the living room by swapping out the sofas. The Quilting Group from Wake Forest Baptist Church made new quilts for the beds. We are so excited that our guests will have such a comfortable space as they stay in the house. The quilts are beautiful and are handcrafted with prayers and love which we know our guests will feel.

ESL Volunteer Highlight: Meet Gwen Bowles

English as a Second Language is an important need for our new neighbors. Welcome House Raleigh has a team of volunteers that teach in person classes and remotely. Through this ministry we are able to serve hundreds of people who are at various levels of English proficiency. We asked Gwen Bowles to share how she started teaching.

When I first read that Facebook post, little did I know what a difference it would make in my life. It was asking for volunteer online ESL teachers through Welcome House. In person classes had been shut down because of Covid. I had never taught ESL but I did know how to teach people to read and I was going a little crazy staying home without a ministry.

So, together, my students and I began to learn. Yes, we learned to speak, read and write English. But, we have learned so much more…

-      To be friends and share our lives and families with each other

-      To pray for each other in our variety of faiths

-      To support each other through times of sickness, grief and joy

-      To share our countries’ customs and celebrations

-      To support each other in further education and job searches

-      To continue our friendships via texts even when we no longer have class together

One former student put it this way. He said, “I really appreciate your messages. These make me feel like I have a part of my family nearby.” Because I live in the NC mountains, I have never met any of my students in person. But, yes, that is what we have learned – to share the love of God’s wonderful family despite our differences. I am grateful for my new family. 

Welcome House Raleigh Christmas Bags Needed

We would like to distribute 100 gift bags this Christmas for families and individuals who are friends of Welcome House. It is a wonderful way to celebrate the joy of the season by sharing with people who are not only new to our community but also may not know why we celebrate.

If you, your church, your prayer circle, your friends, your family would like to participate, please use the SignUp Genius site to let us know how many gift bags you would like to donate.

Sign Up Genius Link

Please include the following in each bag:

  1. Start by providing 1 Large reusable bag
  2. Christmas Card with Christian message (keep unsealed – don’t lick it)
  3. $100 Visa gift card (place inside Christmas card)
  4. Moisturizing soap (like Dove)
  5. Calendar
  6. Colored pencils/coloring book
  7. Pencil sharpener
  8. Umbrella
  9. Activity Book (grades 1-3)
  10. Stuffed animal
  11. Board game (Like: Connect 4/Checkers/Go Fish or UNO cards)
  12. Outdoor toy (Soccer ball/sidewalk chalk/Frisbee)

We will also include the story of the Life of Jesus in every Christmas Gift Bag. The message is offered in multiple languages so all our friends may hear the Good News of Christmas in their heart language.

Churches should ask families, SS Classes and Mission Prayer Groups to complete one or more Christmas Gift Bags and return them to your church on or before Sunday, December 10, 2023.

Please drop off collected bags to Crabtree Valley Baptist Church between 10 am-2pm on Tuesday, December 12. For more information, please email Kim Wyatt

[email protected]

Gifts to Welcome House Raleigh are given through the CBFNC Website. 

A Note: In the drop down menu under Additional Information - "Where would you like to direct your gift?" PLEASE CHOOSE "WELCOME HOUSE (WYATT MINISTRY)"

If you would like to mail your gift, kindly use this address:

CBFNC | 2640 Reynolda Road | Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Please indicate on your check: Welcome House Raleigh

Welcome House Raleigh is part of CBF North Carolina's Welcome House Community Network, a collaborative missions program of CBFNC, CBF field personnel, partner churches and individuals that provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors across the state.

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