The Barn: an idea, a reality, a destination!
A year-round venue was a dream that I understand began as a conversation over 14 years ago and has been a fundraising project for at least the last eight. Along the way, there have been many doubters, many changes to the design, and I am often made aware that there are some people still unhappy that the old barn came down at all. I promise that the Trustees and staff are working hard to ensure that this barn matches the aesthetic of the former while fulfilling a new vision for Woodlawn where community events, educational programs, and historic research share space with private and corporate gatherings.
It has been quite a journey and I think we can all agree that we want it to be finished. Construction always feel endless until it is done. Recently, I have been walking through with Barn Manager candidates and I get excited every time because, no matter who we hire, and long after me/us, what happens in the Barn is going to be about You. Will you encourage your children, cousins, friends to get married here? Will your business have a holiday function or staff retreat or corporate trade show? Will you come up to the markets and festivals? The list is endless about the types of gatherings we will host alongside the education classes, workshops, and programs. This will be a community gathering space and Woodlawn will soon be ready to make good things happen here for Ellsworth. I hope you will join us later this summer as we open it to the public and make special memories through shared events.
Another exciting bit of news to share is that Woodlawn has officially accepted the responsibility to revive Downeast Senior College. This makes legit our claim to be a K-gray campus, offering education for learners of all ages. Joking aside, I am excited to be able to help breathe new life into this important program for active older adults. We will be mailing to all those who participated in the last year of programs (2019) and intend to establish a volunteer organizing committee later this summer. If this is something you are excited about, please get ready to get involved.
Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
Kathy Young