Trinity Church News
January 9, 2025
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In this issue:
Click "view entire message" at bottom of email
to view the full newsletter.
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- Welcome Our Interim Rector, The Rev. Lou Hays!
- A Message from the Interim Rector
- Christian Formation Opportunities Begin Jan. 19
- ECW Meeting This Sunday, January 12
- Thank You - Taking Down the Greens and Christmas Offering
- The Light of Christ: Hymn Festival on February 8
- 2025 Altar Flower Donation Sign-Ups
- Trinity's Clothes Closet: Winter Coats Needed, Especially Children's Sizes
- Full Worship Schedule - In-Person and Online
- Sunday Scripture Readings
- This Week at Trinity
- January Birthdays & Anniversaries
- Prayer Requests
- Online Giving Link
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Trinity Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 851, Hamilton, OH 45012
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Welcome our Interim Rector, The Rev. Lou Hays!
As previously announced, The Rev. Lou Hays will begin his ministry with us as Interim Rector, this Sunday, January 12!
We will have a reception following the 9:30 a.m. worship service to welcome Lou to our Trinity family. Please feel free to bring light finger food and plan to stay for the reception.
In addition to being with us on Sundays, Lou's regular in-office day at the church will be on Wednesdays. He will work remotely from his home in Springfield, OH other days during the week and will be available by phone and email.
See below for a message from Lou about this Sunday's service:
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A Message from the Interim Rector
I am very much looking forward to being with you for the first time on Sunday! We will begin our sacred time of transition together and celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord on this First Sunday after the Epiphany. We will also remember and celebrate our Baptisms and renew our Baptismal Vows. At the end of the service we will have a few minutes to discuss our ministry together and answer questions you might have. Then we will adjourn for fellowship time together and partake of that 8th sacrament of the Episcopal Church, coffee hour!
In my sermon I will be addressing Jesus’ Baptism, our Baptisms, and this time of transition. What, if anything, are the threads that tie these three things together? Come and we will explore together. See you in church!
Peace and blessings, Lou+
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Christian Formation Opportunities
with The Rev. Lou Hays
Starting Sunday, January 19 we will gather for a time to learn and share together for 30 to 45 minutes following coffee hour on several Sundays each month through the spring. Depending on the length of the service and how long we linger over
coffee afterwards, I’m hoping we can begin by 11 a.m. and be on our way before noon. This will be a great way to get to know each other better and increase our understanding of and practice of our faith.
We will start by exploring the Gospel of Luke on January 19 and 26. Luke is one of my favorite Gospels and we will be hearing it read and preached most Sundays throughout this year. We will look at the very special characteristics of Luke and some of its differences with and similarities to Matthew and Mark. If there’s sufficient interest, I will consider offering a more in depth Bible study of Luke on Wednesdays after the Clothes Closet closes.
On the first Sunday of February I will share my stewardship journey, how it led me to Trinity, and what stewardship means to our Christian faith and life. Then we will take off the second Sunday of February and I will be thinking of the many options for topics to cover later in the month and beyond.
Peace and blessings, Lou+
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ECW Meeting This Sunday, January 12
This month's ECW meeting will be a short business meeting held on January 12 in the Fellowship Hall following the reception for The Rev. Lou Hays. In lieu of food during the ECW meeting, please bring finger food to share at the reception.
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Thank You - Taking Down the Greens and Christmas Offering
Thank you to the many volunteers who stayed after church last Sunday to help with taking down the greens and other Christmas decorations.
Thank you also to everyone who donated to Trinity's Christmas Offering. Your generous contributions totaling $857 have been sent to the Community Meal Center in Hamilton to help provide meals for those in our community in need.
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The Light of Christ: Hymn Festival
Saturday, February 8 at 3:00 p.m.
at Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral and All Saints Episcopal Church are hosting a hymn festival at the Cathedral on Saturday, February 8, at 3:00 pm. The festival will feature a combined choir of singers from around the Diocese of Southern Ohio. The choir will meet to rehearse at 12:30 pm the same day as the festival. If you want to participate in the combined choir, please fill out the registration form by Monday, January 13th.
Register Here
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2025 Altar Flower Donation Sign-Up
To provide flowers for a service, please contact Sue Samoviski at 513-478-8918 or to reserve a date(s).
You may choose to call a florist to order the flowers, or you can purchase the flowers at the grocery store and make two arrangements for the altar. Or, you could provide flowers from your garden or potted plants.
Clear plastic vases are available at church if you need them or you can arrange them directly into the altar vases.
Another option is to send a monetary donation to Trinity in lieu of flowers and in memory of or in honor of your loved ones.
If you do that, please be sure to let Sue know the
dedication of your donation.
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Trinity's Clothes Closet Current Needs: Winter Coats, Especially Children's Sizes
Trinity's Clothes Closet is thriving and
providing wonderful support to the community!
Current Special Donation Needs:
Winter Coats, especially for children
Other current needs include:
- Hangers (especially children's clothing and pant hangers)
- Deodorant, lotion, soap and shampoo/conditioner
- Shoes (especially closed-toed casual shoes/athletic shoes)
- Sheets / Pillow Cases / Blankets
Reminder: Please contact the parish office prior to dropping off clothing items! (Donations of personal hygiene products can be brought to the office without prior notice).
Thank you for all who have brought in plastic grocery
bags. We continue to need these!
Thank You for your Support of this Ministry!
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Sunday Worship at
Trinity Episcopal Church
115 North 6th Street
Hamilton, OH
Sunday, January 12, 2025
First Sunday after the Epiphany
The Baptism of Our Lord
In-Person Worship
Holy Eucharist, Rite II - Music
in the Sanctuary at 9:30 AM
The Rev. Lou Hays, Celebrant
Online Worship
Morning Prayer at 9:30 AM on Facebook Live
Click here to attend the service on Facebook Live
Other Online Worship Opportunities
on our Facebook Page
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
A Word and A Prayer – 9:30 AM
Compline – 8:30 PM
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Collect: Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. | |
This Week at Trinity
Thursday, January 9
NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Friday, January 10
AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, January 12 - First Sunday after the Epiphany | The Baptism of our Lord
Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 9:30 AM – Sanctuary
Welcome Reception for The Rev. Lou Hays -- 11:00 AM – Memorial Room
ECW Meeting -- 11:45 AM – Fellowship Hall
Monday, January 13
Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM - Noon
Clothes Closet Open -- 10:00 AM - Noon – Basement
Greater Power Discussion Meeting -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, January 15
Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM - Noon
Clothes Closet Open -- 10:00 AM - Noon – Basement
NA Meeting Wednesday -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Thursday, January 16
NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Friday, January 17
AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, January 19 - Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 9:30 AM – Sanctuary
Adult Formation Gathering (following Coffee Hour) -- 11:00 AM - Noon
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We encourage you to remember these people
on their special days!
If we don't have your birth or marriage dates,
please contact the office.
Michael Dohn - 1/2
Tom Wilson - 1/4
Jacob Lawrence - 1/15
Janice Vanderplough - 1/15
James Johnson - 1/16
Chuck Blaylock - 1/19
Renee Lorance - 1/21
Leslie Grossklaus 1/28
Bob & Karen Fuhrman - 1/15/66
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Prayer List
If there is someone you would like to include on or remove from the list, please email the Parish Office at
Prayer requests for:
- Jim Croom, brother in-law of Ginny Woods, who has terminal prostate cancer
- Lisa Llafet, step-sister of Linda Griffin
- Rebeca from Brazil, Ginny Woods' Compassion International Child
- Mort Mullens
- For Barb Waddell, who has died, and for her family in their grief, especially her husband, Clyde, and daughter and son-in-law Laurie and Bryan "Mark" Kile
- Kathleen Smith, recovering from surgery
- Kim Jewett
- Carl Bishop
- Art and Sandra Pizzano
- For Taylor David Luxford, son of Karen & Jim Schwartz, who is undergoing treatment for melanoma
- Teresa Durbin
- Christie Brown, who will have back surgery soon
- For Rev. Kip Colegrove's sister Bobbi, who is undergoing cancer treatment
- Jackie Huelsman's mother Jacky
- Chasity Mae Pelopida's family, and especially her step-father, Dan Wolf
- The Renners family
- For Pastor John Lewis of The Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, who was diagnosed with a sarcoma in his leg.
- Mayo Torres, father of Jennifer Torres Bates, who is recovering from a stroke.
- Pam Hurst's continued recovery from health issues
- Beth Blaylock's continued recovery from recent successful surgery
- Sue and Ken Lawrence
- Lorna and her children
- Carrie O'Connor, friend of Jennifer Elliott, whose cancer has returned
- Richard Isaacs
- Barb Morris, sister of Tom Woods
- David, Gayle Sisson's Brother
- Andrew and Maria Cole
- Tina Chandler
- Doctor Bob
- Chris Russo
- Candy, sister of Teresa Durbin
- Amanda, Mike and Penelope - friends of Linda Griffin
- For Alan
- For peace in the Middle East
- For Wade Hensley, whose mother has died
- Richard Elberfeld, brother of Anne Cole
- Donnie Eschenbrenner, recovering from a broken hip
- Herm Lorance
- Leslie and Warren Grossklaus
- Sarah Ruston and her son, Tom
- The Vanoss Family
- Dave Bahlmann, brother of Mike Bahlmann
- Caitlin Bomar - wife of the Priest-in-Charge at Diane Line's church
- Mary Kay Kroner, friend of Jennifer Elliott
- Nancy Compton, friend of Kathy Smith
- Candra
- For Jeff, brother of Kim Jewett
- Ryan Moore, Terri Comer's son
- Ken Huelsman
- Susan Tarbuck
- Nella Hurst, friend of Mike and Sue Samoviski
- Casey Graff
- Goldie, mother of Pat Combs
- Steven Palmer
- Barbara and Michael Clifton
- Rita Stanton
- Carl and Mary Bishop
- Beth and Chuck Blaylock
- Joan King
- Tom King
- Tom Snow, brother of Linda Griffin
- Haley, Anne Elberfeld’s daughter
- Our Nation
- Wesley and Mary Kay
- Bruce, nephew of Pam Bates
- Doug Ottke, friend of Ginny and Tom Woods
- Carol Paschal and her family
- Lee and Debbie Schutte, friends of Ginny and Tom Woods
- Bill, Amy, William and Jordan
- The sister of Heather Komnenovich
- Anne Cole
- Russ Thompson
- Tom Wilson
- Georgia Adams
- Heather Komnenovich
- Stephanie Woods
- James Noble
- For Ukraine
- For Peace
- Jackie Huelsman
- Mac
- Bob Ross
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Give your offering with Trinity's secure credit card/check draft link
You may use the button below or access the giving link via the website.
Click Online Giving in the menu and fill out the form.
You can donate one time or set up recurring credit card or checking account gifts. The site will generate a receipt after every gift. You have the option to cover the credit card processing fees (usually 2.5% of the transaction amount) or leave that check box blank. We also can take automatic withdrawals from your checking account.
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Post Office returns mail sent to 115 N. Sixth St.
We use the post office box because it is a reliable and safe way to receive our mail since the parish office is not open every day. The forwarding time has ended so please use the P.O. box address.
Trinity Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 851
Hamilton, OH 45012
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Parish Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays - 9:oo a.m. to Noon
Phone Messages checked weekdays.
Email checked throughout the week.
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Parish Leadership
The Rev. Lou Hays, Interim Rector Jennifer Elliott, Senior Warden
Pam Bates, Sexton ......... Terry Hurst, Junior Warden
.Jennifer Elliott, Music Director Tom Woods, General Treasurer
Jennifer Elliott, Interim Investment Treasurer
Kim Jewett, Vestry Clerk
Pam Bates, Pat Combs, Jennifer Gattermeyer,
Linda Griffin, Kim Jewett, Kathleen Smith, Ginny Woods
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