St. John's     Da church

Volume IX #15
March 31, 2017 

Dear ,

It is with great pleasure we announce the selection of The Reverend Mally Lloyd as the Interim Priest starting on April1.  Reverend Lloyd brings an extensive background with the Episcopal Church serving as a parish Rector and at the Diocese as Canon to the Ordinary for the now-deceased Bishop Tom Shaw. A short resume' appears below.  We welcome Reverend Mally to our Parish and look forward to her time here at St. John's

What is the role of the Interim Priest as we proceed with our search for a new Rector? The Interim Priest is trained to assist parishes during a time of transition between the leave-taking of one Rector and the calling of another. The interim time period is one of intentional transition and change and a priest specifically trained in interim ministry supports a parish through this transition.  We all should keep in mind the fact that an interim priest such as Reverend Lloyd is not eligible to be a candidate for the new Rector position.

Please come to St John's on Sunday, April 2, and join your fellow parishioners in welcoming Mally Lloyd as our Interim Priest.


The Reverend Mally Ewing Lloyd
Mally Lloyd's ordained ministry is grounded in lay ministry beginning in high school, teaching Sunday School, and ending with eighteen years of service at St. Paul's, Dedham.   After ordination, she focused on multi-generational Christian formation as the Assistant Rector then interim priest at Christ Church, Needham.  She offered healing as an after-pastor and encouraged the expansion of the feeding and homeless ministries as Christ Church, Plymouth's Priest-in-Charge, then rector.  She mentored newly ordained clergy at Fresh Start and served on  the Diocesan Council, advocating for congregational involvement in diocesan decisions.
She served as Bishop Tom Shaw's Canon to the Ordinary, a many-faceted job which included ministering to laity and clergy; varied congregations: urban, small town, suburban, large, small, struggling, flourishing; and overseeing Diocesan staff and operation.  She continued for a year of transition with Bishop Alan Gates and has most recently been consulting and spent four months as a bridge priest in Little Compton, RI.  Mally also serves The Episcopal Church as deputy to General Convention and member of Executive Council which serves as Convention between Conventions.
Mally graduated from Brown University, married, taught English and history and managed her former husband's building business; they raised three children who are now in their 30's.  She earned a M.Div. from Episcopal Divinity School.
Living in Plymouth, married to the Very Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, and grandmother of two, Mally's soul is nourished by quiet, praying while walking, knitting, painting, writing, reading, the ocean, and time with friends and family.  
"While I enjoyed my time on diocesan staff, I am looking forward to returning to full time parish ministry, and to begin by sharing Holy Week with the people of St. John's is an added bonus.  It is a privilege to journey together with the parish through the process of preparing to call the next Rector."


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