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Jenna Thompson Taylor

Business Development Manager - 

Charlotte, North Carolina

Start Date: September 19, 2022



Outside Sales



What Makes Jenna Unique?


What do you like to do on your free time?

During my free time I love traveling and going on adventures with my husband (we particularly enjoy getting lost on the motorcycle), spending time with my family, and being the best Aunt JenJen I can be to my awesome niece and nephew Gracelynn and Weston. 

I come from a family of drag racers, which I also love to do. When time allows, my brother, Dad, I all drag race. I guess you could say I love a good adrenaline rush! 


What is your favorite food/restaurant?

I absolutely love some good 'ol southern cooking! My favorite place to eat is probably my Momma's kitchen. However, I will never pass up chips and salsa, as I also love all things spicy. Mexican food is a very close second!


What is your greatest achievement?

I would say my greatest achievement was completing a half semester of college while still in high school, in which I graduated half a year early. I went on to earn 2 Associates and my Bachelors, graduating top of my class and Summa Cum Laude.

As I get older, I look at my achievements differently keeping a good balance in life, maintaining a happy marriage, good friends and amazing family can't be beat! 

Unique Vacations Inc.