Welcome back! 

2024 starts with a sunny Rome and a new Spring Programme!

We would like to thank all members who are supporting our work, allowing us to sustain and build our programmes and activities in Rome.


If you have not yet done so, please consider becoming a member in 2024!

See the programme
Discover the events

Next event at the BSR

17 January 2024

18:00 - 19:30

Rediscovering Byzantium | Bisanzio e l'Italia: nostalgia e rinascita

Francesco Monticini (Roma Tre)

▶ British School at Rome, Lecture Theatre, via Antonio Gramsci 61, Roma

Open Calls - don't forget to apply:

Abbey Awards Fellowships and Scholarship - 14 Jan 2024

Open Call for Postgraduate Course ROMAN EPIGRAPHY 2024 - Deadline 31 Jan 2024

BSR/Early Medieval Europe Fellowship - Deadline: 31 Jan 2024

Paul Mellon Centre Rome Fellowship - Deadline: 31 Jan 2024

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