August 27, 2023
Dear School Community,
Warm greetings as we enter an exciting new chapter at L'Ecole Française du Maine as an official IB World School! With immense pride and enthusiasm, I welcome new and returning families into our vibrant community for the upcoming school year. As we embark on this journey together, I am thrilled to share some significant developments and essential information that will make this year exceptional.
IB Announcement: A Triumph of Excellence
We are overjoyed to announce a momentous achievement for EFDM - we have attained full accreditation as an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for the esteemed Primary Years Programme (PYP). This prestigious recognition is a testament to our unwavering dedication to delivering excellence and innovative education. At EFDM, we have evolved into an educational institution that empowers students aged 3 to 12 through inquiry-based, transdisciplinary learning.
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme is an inquiry-based transdisciplinary curriculum framework reflecting the best educational research and leadership from IB World Schools. In their own words: “The PYP is an example of best educational practice globally, responding to the challenges and opportunities facing young students in our rapidly changing world.” With over 6,000 schools around the world, we are excited to be part of such a wonderful global learning community!
I thank our outstanding teachers, students, and families for their hard work and unwavering support during the past three years. An extra pat on the back goes to our PYP Coordinator, Elise Le Bihan, for her diligence and hard work leading us through this accreditation process. Finally, I would like to thank our amazing administrative team for pioneering this natural progression in our school’s mission to provide the best education possible for our students. To all, un grand merci! Please visit our website for more information about the PYP Programme at EFDM.
Summer Camp Recap and Gratitude
We extend heartfelt gratitude to all families who participated in our enriching summer camp! The biggest "merci" goes to Suzie Rannou for her leadership and organization and all our incredible Camp Counselors, Léna, Raphaël, Manon, Molly, Zoé, Lisa, Garance, Martine, Alex, Angelique, and Hannah, for their incredible planning and hard work! Their creativity and enthusiasm made it an extraordinary experience for all, a "best year yet," as we heard from many! It was a fun-filled, explorative, and memorable season. Thanks to Emily Smith (and Arlo) for a flawless camp season. Bravo!
School Form Submission Reminder
This a gentle reminder to all families to promptly submit any pending school forms to Emily in the office. Your timely cooperation ensures that we have all the necessary information to establish a nurturing and productive environment for your child.
School Organization at a Glance
Below is the school organization and a brief introduction to our teaching staff for the 2023-2024 school year.
France Education International - DELF/DALF
Congratulations to Laura Piehl for her remarkable achievement in Paris this summer, where she successfully completed the training to become a Teacher Trainer for the DELF-DALF exams through France Education International. Bravo to Laura for her dedication and hard work. Her accomplishment is not only a personal triumph but also a shining addition to L'Ecole Française du Maine's presence on the global stage. Laura is the only person north of Boston to hold this qualification and one of very few in North America!
Essential Back-to-School Supplies List
L’Ecole Française du Maine provides all books and general materials; however, the supplies listed below are constantly used and need to be replenished throughout the year. We have also outlined personal items needed for each student. Please label all items with your child's name and drop them off on the porch of La Maison. Merci!
Back-to-School Meetings
Please mark your calendars for our forthcoming Back to School Meetings, offering families the opportunity to meet our dedicated faculty and staff, gain valuable insights into our curriculum, and have your inquiries addressed. This is a valuable moment for us to connect and collaborate as partners in your child's education.
Drop Off and Pick Up Information
To ensure the safety and efficiency of our daily routines, we have outlined detailed drop-off and pick-up procedures. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these guidelines to facilitate each school day's seamless start and end. Please see the detailed descriptions below.
Thursday, August 31st:
Meet new families and teachers; all are welcome at 3 p.m. on the school playground.
Tuesday, September 5th:
The first day of school at 8:20 am!
I am elated to embark on this educational journey alongside you and your children. As we commence the new school year, let us collectively embrace the spirit of kindness, growth, and collaboration. Together, we will forge an empowering environment that nurtures young minds and paves the way for success.
Thank you for entrusting EFDM with your child's education. Here's to a year brimming with joy, learning, and meaningful experiences!
All of us at EFDM are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Willy LeBihan
Founder and Head of School
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Upcoming dates to keep in mind
Aug 31st: Professional Day - No School
Aug 31st: Meet new families and teachers; playground at 3 pm
Sept 1st: Professional Day - No School
Sept 4th: Labor Day - No School
Sept 5th: First Day of School at 8:20 am
Sept 8th: Family Picnic at School 12 pm - 1 pm
September 13th: Café et Conversation 8:30 am
Sept 11-15: Back to School Presentations every day from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Monday September 11th: Petite Section/EC3
Tuesday September 12th: Moyenne Section/EC4
Wednesday September 13th: Grande Section/K
Thursday September 14th: CP/CE1 - 1st/2nd grades
Friday September 15th: CE2/CM1 - 3rd/4th grades
September 27th: Café et Conversation 8:30 am
October 6th: Early Release, dismissal 11:30, no lunch
October 9-13: October Break
October 9th: Indigenous People's Day - No School
October 18th: Café et Conversation 8:30 am
October 31st: Halloween Parade at 2 pm at School
November 10th: Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal 11:30 am
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2023-2024 Essential Information | |
2023-2024 School Organization
EC3/Petite Section Beth Gallant & Jennifer Priouzeau (Assistant)
EC4/Moyenne Section Raphaël Robin & Angélique Rutega (Assistant)
KG/Grande Section Alison Soleihac
Grade 1-2 / CP-Ce1 Fabien Sureau
Grades 3-4 / Ce2-CM1 Anaëlle Marret
English Language Arts Sarah Hotham
Classroom Assistants: Lisa Stangarone, and Molly Doccola
Support Staff & Substitute Teachers: Martine Goldberg & Nelly Oye
Music Appreciation Class - grades 1 and up Peter Dugas
Music Together Program - prek-K Lindz Amer
Suzuki Violin Shaina Graff
Suzuki Cello Ben Noyes
Piano Peter Dugas
Afterschool Program Jennifer Priouzeau, Lisa Stangarone, Molly Doccola
Curriculum Coordinator Laura Piehl
IB PYP Programme Coordinator Elise LeBihan
Adult Ed & DELF/DALF Director Laura Piehl
Admission Director and Business Manager Elizabeth LeBihan
School & Childcare Director Emily Smith
Head of School Willy LeBihan
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2023-2024 Calendars
Attached, please find the 2023-2024 school calendar, which is
also available at all times on the homepage of the school website
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School Supplies
The school supply lists for each classroom can be found below. Merci beaucoup!
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Afterschool Clubs and Annual Aftercare Enrollment
We are currently working to bring back after-school clubs this school year! Please look for more information soon on enrolling your child in any activities offered. The 10-week club session will begin sometime in late September or early October and run through December.
For those who require aftercare regularly, we offer the option to enroll and prepay for the entire year with a 25% discount! Please use this link to sign up for the days/times your family needs.
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Back-to-School Meetings
Back-to-school meetings foster parent-teacher collaboration, understanding roles, student support, and consistent expectations. They engage parents, create a supportive environment, build trust, and share resources.
Back to School Meeting Petite Section/EC3
Monday, September 11th, 3:30-4:30 pm
Back to School Meeting Moyenne Section/EC4
Tuesday, September 12th, 3:30-4:30 pm
Back to School Meeting for Grande Section/Kindergarten
Wednesday, September 13th, 3:30-4:30 pm
Back to School Meeting for CP, CE1 (1st and 2nd grades)
Thursday, September 14th, 3:30-4:30 pm
Back to School Meeting for CE2, CM1 (3rd and 4th grades)
Friday, September 15th, 3:30-4:30 pm
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Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures | |
The drop-off procedure becomes increasingly more efficient as the year gets into full swing, but establishing routines from the beginning will help. To make a smooth start to the day, we ask you to please arrive on time, but not too early- around 8:20 is ideal for an 8:30 start. Drop-off should be quick and safe. Please remember to drive slowly. Also, cell phone use in the parking lot is prohibited. Thank you!
Elementary students will come up the walkway of the drop-off circle and enter the playground gate. All students will enter the building with their class when directed to do so by their teacher.
Preschool students will be guided into the school individually by a staff member and shown their cubbies. They will then enter the classroom, where they can play freely and explore their new surroundings until all their little friends trickle in.
When dropping off the wee ones, especially those who have never been through drop-off before at pre-k or daycare, please remember that your enthusiasm and confidence will reassure them. A confident smile and a kiss show your child all is ok. Your child is looking to you for cues, so show them how happy and excited you are about their new experience. If there are tears in the first days, remember that this is normal and will pass. Your child is about to take a huge step towards independence and rest assured, all will be well!
The pick-up procedure is basically drop-off in reverse. Instruction ends at 3:00, and the school day ends promptly at 3:30 pm. Children remaining after 3:30 will be considered part of the after-care program.
Shortly after 3:00, the children are on the playground, ready for you to pick them up.
During pick-up, we divide the playground into two zones, one for pre-K (near the gate) and one for elementary (near the woods).
Please let a staff member know you have arrived, and we will send your child to meet you at the gate. Your child is now your responsibility. Please move swiftly and carefully to your car, taking small children by the hand.
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2023-2024 New Staff Introduction | |
Anaëlle Marret
Classroom Teacher Grades 3-4 (Ce2-CM1)
Anaëlle was born in Montbrison in central France, known for its blue cheese. Montbrison is the birthplace of Musical Director Pierre Boulez. Anaëlle is a "Renaissance" woman with a wide range of abilities and interests.
After obtaining her Baccalaureate (in Math and Sciences), she earned a degree in communication at the Université Blaise Pascal - in Clermont-Ferrand, an area surrounded by dormant volcanoes. After graduation, she decided to travel and learn a new language. Because of her love for children, she found herself in a small town in Maryland as an au pair for almost two years. This was a wonderful experience that confirmed she wanted to become a teacher.
Back in France, Anaëlle studied to become an elementary school teacher for the French Ministry of Education and eventually taught 4th and 5th grade in several schools in the Loire School district. Her insatiable thirst for discovering the world allowed her to teach at the French International School of Bogota (Columbia). Anaëlle is thrilled to continue her journey at l’Ecole Française du Maine as a Primary school teacher.
Anaelle enjoys reading, swimming, running, and, of course, traveling.
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Fabien Sureau
Classroom Teacher: Grades 1-2 (CP-Ce1)
Fabien Sureau, a teacher for the French Ministry of Education MENJS-AEFE since 2009, was born in Nantes, France, and grew up in Guinea, Africa.
In France, his studies took him to the universities of La Rochelle and Poitiers, which allowed him to focus on Elementary Education and Physical Education. After earning his teaching certification with the French Ministry of Education in 2009, he taught in several schools in France's "La Rochelle School District."
Throughout his teaching career, Fabien has taught every grade level from Kindergarten to 4ième (eighth grade) to various students, some with special needs, and even literacy curriculum to young adults in French Correctional Facilities.
Following his dream and passion for traveling and foreign cultures, it was only a matter of time before Fabien set his sights on new horizons beyond France to come and teach in the United States. In 2015, Fabien Sureau developed the skills to teach French to non-French speakers at the French School of Managua, Nicaragua. Then, in 2018 and 2019, he taught 1st and 2nd grade (CP-CE1) at the French International Leadership Academy in Lake Oswego, Portland, Oregon.
Fabien is a competitive athlete, trained in various sports such as handball, surfing, hiking, squash, snowboarding, and swimming. In addition, he is a French Volunteer lifesaver assisting search and rescue operations at sea and training future volunteers with their swimming skills in the open ocean.
He loves spending time with his wife, Jennifer, and their two young children, students at l'Ecole Française du Maine. He enjoys cooking and making arts and crafts with his kids at home.
Fabien is delighted to join a dynamic school and live a new experience in Maine.
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Jennifer Priouzeau
Assistant Teacher / ASTEM: EC3 (Petite Section)
Jennifer Priouzeau was born in La Rochelle in southwest France and grew up on the Ré island, famous for its oyster beds, bike trails, and endless beaches.
Jennifer became a certified fitness instructor and helped various age groups improve their lives through nutrition and exercise for several years. She then became interested in early childhood education. Jennifer rapidly obtained the national Teacher Assistant certification in the French Ministry’s Preschool Maternelle (CAP Early Childhood - ASTEM).
After spending a year in Nicaragua with her family, she became an Assistant Preschool Teacher at the French International Leadership Academy in Lake Oswego, Portland, Oregon, inspired by the world-renowned Early Childhood program of “Les écoles maternelles” of France.
Jennifer is athletic, patient, and adaptable. She enjoys hiking, fitness, and biking, and loves good pastries and playing board games with her children. She is delighted to join L'Ecole Française du Maine and live a new experience in a country she has learned to love!
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Classroom Teacher: EC3 (Petite Section)
Beth grew up in the nearby town of Westbrook, Maine. In 2006, she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Ecology from the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine. An opportunity to teach at a college-run summer camp in the months following graduation sparked a passion for education. After several years working as a substitute teacher and childcare provider in Portland, Maine, she decided to pursue her love of education. She moved across the country and, in 2011, received a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon. Later that year, on a trip back to Maine to visit family and friends, Beth met her husband from Nantes, France. They decided to settle in Portland and now have two daughters. Beth has always had a commitment to her children being bilingual and having a bilingual education. She believes the ability to navigate and understand two different cultures will give her children a unique perspective of the world and grow their empathy for all. She has been a parent at EFDM for three years and is excited to join the school faculty as the Petite Section Lead Teacher. In her spare time, Beth loves spending time with her family and her dog and being outdoors. She enjoys hiking, biking, and swimming at her parent’s camp on Little Sebago Lake. She also likes knitting and reading when she can find the time.
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Please join us for coffee and conversation | |
Please join us!
The Café et Conversation is a regular event at the school.
A revolving presence of school staff attends cafés. You are always welcome to participate in any gathering, even if your child is not in the classroom featured on a particular day. Attending other classroom cafés is a great way to meet school families and staff and learn how your child's experience will develop.
Willy LeBihan, Head of School
Emily Smith, School Director,
and Laura Piehl, Curriculum Coordinator
will lead the first "Café et Conversation" of the school year.
on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 from 8:30-9:30
at "La Maison Française"
Come on over after drop-off; we look forward to seeing you!
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COVID-19 Recommendations - Updated 08/27/23 | |
The graphic chart below indicates what you must do if your child is exposed to or contracts COVID-19. Please be advised that these recommendations are subject to change. We will publish updates in this newsletter should they occur. Thank you for keeping your students home when they are sick! => link to Maine DHHS-CDC | |
Got a question? Let us help! | |
Please use the email address for general school correspondence. Questions and requests sent to this address are forwarded as needed. We do our best to respond to emails as quickly as possible; thank you for your patience. Alternatively, please know you can call us anytime for an immediate response! School Office Phone: (207) 865-3308 | | | | |