Dear Community Member,

In November 2020, I began my role as the chief executive officer of the Grand Rapids African American Health Institute. I am honored to work with the GRAAHI team, board and community. (Click here to read my full bio on our website.)
As we’re all aware, 2020 has been an unprecedented year of pain and adjustment as we have lost almost 300,000 people to COVID. Noble efforts to mitigate the spread have created economic and educational impacts that will take much time to undo. The Black and Latinx communities have been especially hard hit, experiencing infection and death 1.5 times more than whites.
These startling statistics are not new to us. Our Health Equity Index has informed us that health disparities are improving, but not keeping pace with health advancements overall. For example, In Kent county today, research shows that African Americans have a 50% higher mortality rate of heart disease and black babies have a 50% higher mortality rate than their white counterparts.

The physical, mental and economic impact of COVID has devastated millions of people in our nation and has disproportionately harmed the African American community and other vulnerable populations. More than ever, we must be dedicated in our service, advocacy and support. I am excited about this new role and take this charge very seriously. 

With your support, we can continue and expand our mission of CARE for our community. Please give what you can and consider making it a monthly gift to provide foundational and operational support throughout the year.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this appeal. This is a pivotal time for our nation, and for our organization. As we come together in unity, I see great promise for transformative and sustainable growth, but it will take work and we are ready. We are honored to have you join us on this journey.

Be well,
Vanessa Greene
Chief Executive Officer
This is where we need YOU.
Our organization suffered tremendous economic impact from the pandemic, forcing us to cancel our two most effective fundraising events.

Our goals for 2021 are loftier than ever, because we recognize the need is large and immediate. We have formed an advisory council to support the efforts of GRAAHI in our mission of CARE: Community engagement, Advocacy, Research and Education. In 2021, we will:
Join us on December 17th for a Facebook LIVE roundtable discussion aimed at protecting our community as COVID-19 surges again in West Michigan. The discussion will cover the following topics and allow for viewer Q&A:
  • Economic Toll on Communities of Color
  • Clinical Trials 
  • Vaccine Information
Vanessa Greene in Corp! Magazine.
Recently Corp! Magazine interviewed Vanessa for their diversity issue. Learn more about our new leader and how her early experiences have shaped her passion for equity and inclusion.

As we wrap up this extraordinary year, we want to invite you to have a stronger connection with GRAAHI. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference. Thank you!