Jan 2023

2-3 MAP Newsletter

Welcome to 2023!

Here we are in a new year! We are roughly halfway through the year, and have done a ton with our time together! We are looking forward to a ton more!

As we continue to progress through...whatever season this is...and into spring, we will be spending a whole bunch of quality time together with vacation weeks, and half days all abound in the next few months! That means lots of fun to be had with our friends!

While it might be a new year, we are only about half way through our current club semester so check below for some updates about how those are going!

As a friendly reminder - eventually here we are going to get actual winter weather! Please send your child in weather appropriate clothing and if you can label with their name it will make returning objects easier! Thanks!

Staff Update!

We are pleased to welcome back Joe! He started 2017 and has both been the remote 5th grade teacher at Dale, and has taught abroad in Japan!

Upcoming Dates to Know

Mon Jan 16th: No School No MAP

Tue Jan 24th: HALF DAY - if you normally attend on Tuesday we will be expecting you!


MAP will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of Vacation week!

Club Updates

Clubs have been rolling along!

Hockey Club update from Alex: The kids have been crushing it! Our games have been fast paced and lively, and the sportsmanship has been incredible! We recently conducted our MAP Fantasy Hockey Draft and those teams have all shaken out to be competitive too!

Harry Potter Club update from Kelly: We have just gotten to Hogwarts in our reading and movie adventure through The Sorceror's Stone! We are looking forward to sorting the kids into houses, and doing some projects based around the classes they are going to be hearing about!

Cartoon Club update from Kim: Cartoon Club is going awesome! We have watched many different shows involving different cultures, issues, and problem solving. We've learned about different types of art and drawing styles that animators have used in their shows. We even got to make some food from one of the shows!

Superhero Club update from Brian and Jack: Superhero club has gone heroically! We have looked at famous superheroes, we did a test to find out our superhero name, and drew what our heroes would be! We just finished our famous female superhero day! We are looking forward to some superhero training and other fun activities! If you can pack a plain white teeshirt you do not care about getting turned into a superhero outfit please send it in for 1/12!

A Visit from Dean Football

As you may have heard, Rocco is a college football player at Dean College. While the season was in full swing it was tough for him to bring some of his teammates to come visit last semesters sportsclub with practice conflicts. It all worked out though as once the season ended, Rocco brought some of his teammates in to talk to the kids about being a college athlete, to conduct some drills, and even to sign some autographs!

Thanks to Rocco and the Dean Program for giving the kiddo's this experience!

Wintery Fun

Before vacation we had some holiday fun! On Thursday before break Alex read Snowball Fight! by Jimmy Fallon, and at the end, the teachers all burst in and initiated a snowball fight with those yarn-like indoor snowballs! After the surprise attack we spent some time playing Snowball messy backyard!

On the half day before vacation, we had a Hot Cocao Creation Contest! Cinnemon, Marshmallows, Whipped Cream, Peppermint Patties, Caramel and gummy worms?! Oh my!


A massive thanks to all the families who donated to the holiday fund, brought us treats, or gave us cards! We are so thankful that you all thought of us this holiday season. Thank you, and we are grateful to be a part of your children's lives :)


Alex, Kelly, Kim, Jack, Amy, Maggie, Rocco and Brian

A Note on 2023-24

A Note About Next Year -

2023-2024 Re-Enrollment & Registration

MAP is beginning to plan & prepare for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. We will be sending out our re-enrollment forms to our current MAP families as well as registration forms for those new to MAP in Jump Start and Kindergarten through Sixth Grade once the Memorial School has sent out their pre-school and kindergarten placements. Current families have enrollment priority for siblings registering for MAP.

If you have an incoming Jump Starter or Kindergartener, please let us know by emailing [email protected] and in the subject line write JUMP START 2023-2024 or KINDERGARTEN 2023-2024 (or the grade your child will be entering for the upcoming school year).   In your e-mail, please provide us with your name, your child’s name, phone number and your preferred email address. You will be added to the list to receive our registration information.

Thank you for sharing this information with anyone you know who may be interested in MAP! www.medfieldafterschoolprogram.com has this same information to get on our email list and is a great resource current & new families.

Annette Gallagher

Executive Director


[email protected]

Alex Sakash

Program Director


[email protected]

Kelly Meisner

Office Billing


[email protected]

TAX ID: 043061993