Professor Brad Schoenfeld helps The New York Timesdebunk fitness myths to support your 2024 fitness goals.
Ayudas para estudiantes universitarios en Nueva York: Cómo aplicar al programa ‘CUNY Cares’
Univision 41 visits Lehman's Campus and interviews students about the benefits available through CUNY Cares.
Book Launch
Democracy and Capitalism in Turkey: The State, Power, and Big Business
Professor Devrim Yavuz discusses his newly published work on the New Books Network podcast. Take a listen.
Sun Don't Shine
In a new young adult novel by Professor Crissa-Jean Chappell (English Dept.) sixteen-year-old Reece is an expert at keeping secrets and quickly realizes everyone else is keeping them too. Read about it.
Faculty Fellow
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dance Nami Yamamoto was named a Princeton University Mary Mackall Gwinn Hodder Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. Princeton’s Lewis Center for the Arts recently announced the newest recipients, who will explore a range of profound issues in their chosen mediums.
Alumni Success
Julissa Alvarez B.S. ’04 , M.S. ’10, M.S. ’12 has been included in Marquis Who's Who for Excellence in Educational Administration. In addition to her career highlights, Julissa established an endowment to support scholarships for students at Lehman and continues to do amazing work for her community.
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Tour and Networking
Tuesday, January 23, 2-5 p.m.
Join Lehman and CUNY Inclusive Economy to tour the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene facilities, learn how to apply for their paid 2024 Summer Internship, and discover more about the organization from professionals who currently work there. Sign up.
Nursing Education, Research, and Practice Center Ribbon Cutting
Thursday, February 1, 1-3 p.m.
The campus community is invited to attend a ceremonial ribbon cutting for Lehman's new state-of-the-art nursing building. RSVP here.
New York Jobs CEO Council, CEO Speaker Series
Tuesday, February 6, 2:30 p.m.
Paul Knopp, Chair and CEO of KPMG, is coming to Lehman College. Knopp will join Lehman College President Delgado to discuss his path to the C-suite then join fellow KMPG leaders to network with students at a reception with refreshments. The event is hosted by the Lehman College School of Business. Students, register today!
CUNY staff, students, and alumni may be eligible for a 15% tuition discount prior to registering for one applicable course per semester. Email for more information.
Reply to this email with anything that's missing from this list.
Scene at Lehman
Quiet Campus Days
Inviting Space: Here's a sneak peek of the new Nursing Education, Research, and Practice Center. RSVP for the February Ribbon Cutting. (Photos by Harrison Yang)
Hawking Around: With no leaves to obscure the view, Velveth Suarez was able to take this photograph of our resident young Red Tail Hawks in front of Shuster Hall.