Welcome to CLIHTF!
Thanks so much for your interest in The Chicago-Low Income Housing Trust Fund! We are so glad that you are interested in joining us in our mission to meet the permanent housing needs of Chicago's very low-income residents.

The Chicago Low-Income Housing Trust Fund assists residents living in poverty, with incomes at or below 30 percent of area median income (AMI), by providing well maintained and affordable housing. We also partner with Social Service Agencies to ensure that chronically homeless persons, veterans, single mothers, and many more under-served Chicagoans have access to affordable housing through our program.

To the right, you will find a link to our introductory program overview as well a link to an interactive quiz on our program policies. You will also find a link to our Rental Subsidy Program guidelines, a link to our 2020-21 area median income chart, and a link to our website.

Please feel free to email marlana.edwards@CLIHTF.org with any questions or concerns!