Welcome New Applicants!
Next COKC Meeting: August 11th, 2022 at 7pm
Good Day!

Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Crab Orchard Kennel Club (COKC)! Since 1958, COKC has been dedicated to the sport of purebred dogs. Our mission is to advance, promote, and protect dogs of all breeds, and to educate the fancy and general public in responsible dog ownership. We encourage good sportsmanship at all dog events as recognized by the American Kennel Club. Our members participate with both purebred and “All American” dogs in a wide variety of dog events including agility, obedience, rally, Fast CAT, barn hunt, conformation, search and rescue, and much more. 
Our meetings are generally as follows:
  • 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm
  • 17th Street Barbeque (2700 17th Street, Marion, IL 62959)
  • East side conference room (a hostess can guide you, if needed)
  • Meeting begins at 7pm, but please feel free to come between 6 and 7pm for dinner and socialization!
To become a full member of the club, the process is as follows:
  • Submit application signed by 2 sponsors (current members of the club) to the membership chair.
  • Dues are payable at the time of application.
  • Attend 2 meetings within 6 months. During these meetings, the membership chair will introduce you to the club. You are welcome to speak if desired, but are not required!
  • The club votes after the second reading, and you will receive a notice of acceptance or denial.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Membership Chair. Again we appreciate your interest in joining the club and hope to see more of you in the coming year(s)!


Jennifer Flesner
Membership Chair
Crab Orchard Kennel Club