Crescent's ability to provide learning and development opportunities to our people is critical to their ongoing development and is our ultimate competitive advantage.

Crescent University will help provide additional development opportunities to our People. Training and development are critical pieces for any role and career growth. Building new skills makes an individual more efficient at a job or capable of handling different responsibilities and challenges.

Whether your growth path is a promotion or progression, both paths will require behavioral growth. Each new step a person takes will require them to grow their knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

Crescent has a good track record of career growth; those who have realized career growth clearly understand how their minute-by-minute learning and development activities help shaped where they want to go. Take advantage of this free learning platform and expand your skills!
Crescent University offers various courses from software training, safety and compliance, interpersonal and leadership training. You can access the Learning Center from multiple devices: desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.

How to access Crescent University Courses:
  • Login into KRONOS/UKG and select the Crescent University Tab
  • Select a course that you would like to enroll in.
  • Once you click on a course title, Crescent University will open
  • Your first time accessing Crescent University will require you to register. Provide your full name and email address.
  • Once you have registered for a course, you can access the course directly through Crescent Univerity Online at www.crescent.coassemble.com or click on the Crescent University link on the Crescent University dashboard KRONOS/UKG under the hyperlinks tab.
Within KRONOS/UKG you will Crescent University from the main dashboard. From Crescent University you will have access to:

  1. YOUR Training and Certifications, containing any courses that you have been assigned, have taken, and any courses that have expired.
  2. The Crescent University Guide contains all Crescent University Courses available and allows you to review course definitions and information on additional training offered such as the Reflected Best Self program, Progressive Leadership Clinic and more.
  3. Crescent University Login will open your Crescent University portal to return to any courses you have already registered for or any courses you need to return to.
  4. Crescent Training Calendar sign up for constructive discussions and training topics on various topics with interactive FAQs and diversified scenarios. 

Log into KRONOS/UKG today and access these new tools available to you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay for these classes?

Good News! Crescent offers all courses free of charge to all Crescent (FTE) People.

What happens if I don't complete a training course?

If you do not complete a training course, you will not receive training credit for that course. Course completions may count towards your annual review and count towards your ongoing training and development.

How will I receive credit for a course I have taken?

Crescent University and KRONOS/UKG will house all training records.

When you register for a course, use your Crescent email address or email address listed in KRONOS and legal name to receive credit. All Training reports and training class credits will be updated weekly by the People Group.
How can I access the e-learning courses?

You can access the e-learning courses you have already REGISTERED for a course; you can access your course via the Crescent University link in KRONOS/UKG or by visiting www.crescent.coassmble.com.

To sign up for a new course, select the course title within the Crescent University Guide and register.

Will these training courses count towards our Progression metrics?

Eventually, all training and development will count towards the progression metrics; until announced, training will not count towards the progression metric.

Will there be more courses added?

Of course! More courses and even Crescent-specific courses will be added and announced when they become available throughout the year and beyond.
Technical Trouble?
Call or email Tasha Bell at 513-759-7047 or tbell@crescentpark.com or the Technical Support Team at 1-888-315-8707 or support@bizlibrary.com.

BizLibrary Support is available from 7 AM to 7 PM CST Mon – Fri, and from 8 AM to 5 PM Sat & Sun.
 * Safety-related material on BizLibrary is intended to serve as a supportive resource; however, all Crescent People should reference their People Playbook and Crescent policies for company-specific guidance.