Welcome to Marshall Elementary School!

On behalf of the entire Marshall Elementary staff, we hope everyone is having a safe and relaxing summer break. We are excited for the children to return to MES! Each year, we work extremely hard to achieve our vision of being a premier school that inspires excellence in academics, arts, and activities for every student every day.

North Allegheny’s educational program is rooted in our community’s respect for the dignity and integrity of all students and families. Our shared mission guides this principle, preparing all students for success in a changing world.

On Monday, August 8 by approximately 6 p.m., your student's 2022-2023 classroom assignment will be available online. If you are unable to see your student's placement in the Tyler 360 Portal by the evening of Tuesday, August 9, please contact the main office. Our Marshall Elementary teachers worked diligently throughout this process to make the best placement decision for each student. They met several times in the spring and summer, recognizing the need to consider gender balance, special services, peer interactions, individual student needs, and learning styles.

As always, we thank our MES families for working together to build a positive school culture. It is going to be another great school year!


Dr. Thornton


Mr. Heckmann

Assistant Principal

Marshall Elementary Handbook 

The Marshall Elementary Handbook is designed to provide you with the information you need about our school’s procedures, programs, and activities. Please use this handbook for guidance and reference throughout the academic year. Once you read through the information, please contact the school’s office if you have any specific questions.

MES Handbook

 Kindergarten Orientation Reminder

Thursday, August 11

A.M. Kindergarten - 10:00 a.m.

P.M. Kindergarten - 1:00 p.m.

We are so excited to meet the youngest members of our Tiger family! 

Please visit this link for additional information.

New Student Orientation Reminder

Wednesday, August 10

10:30 a.m.

Welcome to our new students! 

Please visit this link for additional information about new student orientation. 

Marshall Elementary Open House 

Our school’s open house is an excellent opportunity to gain further insight into the entire curriculum for your student’s grade level, along with classroom routines and procedures.

Please mark your calendars for the following dates/times:

  • Kindergarten & 1st Grade: Thursday, August 18, 6:30 p.m.
  • 2nd & 3rd Grades: Thursday, September 1, 6:30 p.m.
  • 4th & 5th Grades: Thursday, September 8, 6:30 p.m.

Student Homeroom Assignments

Student homeroom assignments will be available in Tyler 360 on August 8, 2022, by approximately 6:00 p.m.

Visit our website for more information or assistance logging into your student’s Tyler account.

Classroom & School Supplies

Although our District supplies many of the items that your student needs, there may be some additional items your student teacher requests that they bring to school. 

On our website, you’ll find a list of suggested school supplies. Once your student’s teacher is assigned, they may reach out with specific supply needs. 

We appreciate your support and partnership to help us enrich our student’s experiences in the classroom! 

Pick Up / Drop Off | Arrival/Dismissal

Arrival & Dismissal 

For the safety of our students, staff, and car riders, our school has specific procedures during arrival and dismissal. 

Please review this document for MES Dismissal Procedures.

NASD Transportation 

  • Tentative student bus assignments are now available in Tyler 360. 
  • Instructions on how to locate your student’s bus assignment can be found here
  • Drivers will be testing routes the week of August 1, which may result in a change to your student's bus assignment.
  • Please log back into Tyler 360 on Friday, August 19 to view your student’s final assignment. 
  • If your student's transportation is provided by a non-NASD transportation company, you will be contacted separately with the bus assignment.

Visit the Transportation section on the NA website for questions about bus assignments and to review our safety tips with your student.

A Note from the Nurse

Medication Drop off and District Medication Paperwork

If your student requires medication during the school day, please see the North Allegheny School District Medication Policy. You will also be able to print the necessary District paperwork from that link. The nurse is available for medication drop-off for the 2022-2023 school year on August 11, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

NASD Flu Shot Clinic

Saturday, September 24

North Allegheny School District will host a drive-thru flu vaccination clinic for students and their families Saturday, September 24, from 8-11 a.m. at the Central Administration Offices.

If you are interested in the clinic, please

Completed paperwork should be submitted to no later than Monday, September 19.

Join the MES PFA!

Parents/guardians are a vital part of the Marshall Elementary community!

We encourage you to join our Marshall Elementary School PFA.

Every Day is a Great Day at NA! 

First Day of School Printable

We are so excited to welcome back our Tiger family and we can’t wait to see all of our students! As you prepare for the first day of school, we wanted to share a NASD-branded “Back to School” printable. If you post a photo on social media, please use #ItsAGreatDayAtNA so that we can share in this special moment for our students. 

Download your own NASD Back to School Printable!

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