Stay Current with Calendar & Video | |
Newsletter submissions and story ideas are due to the Clerk of Council no later than the 15th of the month prior to publication. Email or call 513-531-8675. | |
This Month in Amberley Village | |
Administration & Maintenance
Closed November 24 & 25
for Thanksgiving Holiday
Dispatch Open
24 hours, 7 days a week
Trash & Recycling
Regular Friday Pick Up Remains
On Schedule
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Leaf Collection
Leaf collection begins October 17 and runs through December 23
Village Maintenance Crews make every effort to pick up at each residence once per week.
Brush Collection
Brush Collection continues as needed,
with one pickup per week
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Please note: pickup days are no longer assigned to allow for greater efficiency
Please follow the guidelines below to ensure our ability to reach all residents in a timely manner.
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Check Smoke, Carbon Monoxide Alarm Batteries
as Clocks Go Back on Sunday
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When you set your clocks back on Sunday, do some simple at-home safety checks that could save your life. Check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors to be sure they're working. This is also a good time to replace their batteries.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends replacing batteries once a year unless devices have sealed 10-year batteries. The smoke alarm itself should be replaced every 10 years.
The CPSC also recommends installing smoke alarms on every level of the home, inside each bedroom and outside sleeping areas. Carbon monoxide alarms should also be installed on each level of the home, placed outside sleeping areas.
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Veterans Day in the Village | |
Amberley Village recently increased its number of veterans by 50% with the addition of our new officer, Brian Thompson. Brian joins Officer Andrea Alt and Sergeant Ryan Shaw as members of the Amberley Village Police Department who have served in the United States military. This Veterans Day, we thank all of our resident veterans for their selfless years of service and sacrifice. Be sure and thank your neighbors who are veterans for their service as well! | |
Above, Officer Brian Thompson, who served four years in the United States Marine Corps, where he completed three tours in Iraq. | | |
Sergeant Ryan Shaw served in the United States Marines Corps and the National Guard | | |
At left, K-9 Officer Andrea Alt served as a Chemical Specialist for the United States Army for nearly two and a half years. | | |
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Drug Takeback Day Sees Increase in Collections | |
Residents have come to rely on Amberley Village for a myriad of services, including 24/7 collection services for unwanted and expired prescription drugs. Twice a year, the DEA sponsors a National Drug Takeback Day, which accounts for the majority of drugs collected annually. This year's collection yielded 35 pounds of unused and expired prescription drugs, as compared to last October's collection of 24 pounds on the same Takeback Day in October. | |
AVPD Scam Alert:
Tree Contractors Ask to be Paid Upfront,
Leave Cleanup Projects Behind
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Contractors who do not clean up after completion of their project are in violation of the Village Brush Guidelines. Unfortunately, this leaves homeowners responsible for additional costs associated with cleanup, as Village Maintenance crews are not responsible for cleaning up after contractors. Maintenance Crews strive to pick up from each residence weekly, but their resources are limited, especially when compared to the number of contractors serving Village residents each week. | |
Amberley Village Police Department is warning residents to be wary of contractors from outside the Greater Cincinnati area who have been soliciting their services recently.
These licensed contractors from out of the area have been asking to be paid upfront, and then leaving downed trees and brush behind. Residents are reminded that contractors are responsible for cleaning up any brush or debris for contracted services, and most contractors know this. Following are a few helpful tips when dealing with any outside contractor:
- Always verify references
- Never pay for services before they are rendered
- Never give access to the inside of your home to ANYONE you do not know, even if it's to "write up a contract"
- Contact AVPD anytime a solicitor cannot prove they have registered with the Village - this is a requirement for them to receive our "Do Not Solicit" list
- Sign up for the "Do Not Solicit" list by contacting Dispatch at 513-531-2040
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Shown above are photos of the Pink Ribbon Cruiser. Above left, Mayor Tom Muething and Village Manager Scot Larhmer sign their support. At center, the growing number of signatures gathered in the first few days of the event. At right, a group photo taken at the kick-off. Below, councilmembers pose together after signing the car. From left to right are Dara Wood, Richard Bardach, Mayor Muething, Jay Shatz, Bob Rosen, Vice Mayor Hunt and Keely Paul. | |
The Mayor, staff and residents of Amberley Village came together at the Fire Station on October 6 to kick off the Amberley Village Police-Fire Pink Ribbon Cruiser promotion for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Throughout October, the Pink Ribbon Cruiser has been available to residents and visitors to the Village who wish to express their support for those who are battling, have battled or have lost their battle with breast cancer.
Many residents chose to sign the names of those who have faced cancer, while others wrote messages of support. AVPD also encouraged participants to consider donating to the Pink Ribbon Girls, which is a non-profit organization that provides meals, transportation, housecleaning, and peer support free of charge to breast cancer or gynecological cancer patients at their time of greatest need.
Chief Wallace, whose wife is a breast cancer survivor, initiated the effort in partnership with Eclipse Window Tinting and Donavan Car Care. Residents still interested in supporting the Pink Ribbon Girls can mail a check directly to Pink Ribbon Girls, 350 Huls Drive, Dayton, OH 45315, or online via the link below.
Stay tuned for final tallies on the number of signatures and funds raised. Thanks to all who participated!
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Website Changes to | |
Visitors to the Village website will notice significant changes as part of a concerted effort to strengthen cybersecurity, streamline technology services and maximize budget dollars spent on tech services and communications.
The new site will contain all of the information you've come to rely upon, but will integrate directly with our council packet software, both increasing accessibility for users and maximizing staff time.
While the site will convert all at once, some content will need to be updated manually so please contact the Administration Office if you encounter difficulty finding anything.
Thanks in advance for your patience as we work to continually improve your experience, as well as make the most of the resources with which you've trusted us. We look forward to your feedback!
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If your computer does not connect automatically to the new site, you may need to clear your cache by going to Settings and deleting your recent browsing history. Questions? Problems? Feedback? Contact Tammy Reasoner via the Provide Feedback button below: | |
Police Officers Take Oath of Office | |
On October 12, 2022, three new police officers were sworn in with Amberley Village Police Department by Mayor Tom Muething. The Mayor began the ceremony by saying that the swearing-in of public servants is by far one of the biggest privileges of being Mayor. Shown above, from left to right, are Officer Brian Thompson, Chief Richard Wallace, Auxiliary Officer Dan Hils and Auxiliary Officer Lisa Doll. | |
Employees Recognized for Service Milestones | |
Three employees were added to the growing list of those recognized for reaching significant service milestones at the October 12 meeting of Council. Mayor Tom Muething recognized Village Manager Scot Lahrmer for instituting the program this year as a way to show appreciation for the hard work and dedication of Amberley Village employees, which he said are instrumental in making our community a great place to live. The three employees recognized at the October meeting bring the total number of employee recognitions this year to 11. Be sure and check out their years of service on our website - and leave a message or comment! - via the button below. | |
Mayor Muething presents Tom Fallon (r.) with a recognition certificate for his five years of service to Amberley Village. | |
Mayor Muething with Dispatcher Randy Newsom, who was recognized for 10 years with Amberley Village. | |
Above, Chief Wallace (r.) accepts his award certificate for 25 years of service to Amberley Village. | |
Chief Wallace Wins Crime Stoppers Award | |
Chief Wallace was recently honored by Crime Stoppers in the category of Law Enforcement for going above the call of duty to promote community safety and build stronger community relationships. Selected from candidates throughout Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana, Chief Wallace was presented with the award at the annual Crime Stoppers breakfast last month. Crime Stoppers is a multi-faceted non-profit organization with a rich tradition of increasing safety in the community by solving crimes. Comprised of volunteer members, Crime Stoppers is a national network that has been working to keep cities across the U.S. safe for more than 40 years.
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Above: Village Manager Scot Lahrmer (l.), Chief Wallace (center) and Mayor Tom Muething (r.) show off Chief's Crime Stoppers Award | |
Hattenbach Scholarship Featured on 700-WLW | |
The Edward R. Hattenbach Memorial Scholarship Fund was recently featured on 700 WLW Radio for its unique purpose among local governments and the legacy left behind by a man who truly loved service to his community. Pictured above, left, is Ed's Council headshot. At right are Vice-Mayor Ben Hunt; Ed's daughter, Meryl Hattenbach; scholarship winner Erin Vaughn; and Mayor Tom Muething. | |
Reading EMS Wins Award; Seeks Feedback | |
Amberley Village recently reported its EMS contract with Reading Fire Department has not only been yielding great results but the Department has been recognized for its commitment to offering rapid, research-based care to people experiencing the most severe form of heart attack, ultimately saving lives.
As an additional measure to constantly improve its service, Reading EMS has voluntarily instituted a post-response survey by mail, which they're asking residents to complete and return.
The primary goal of this voluntary survey process is to identify ways to improve service delivery. Respondents are asked to answer the eight survey questions regarding the services they received, from either 1 (very bad) to 4 (very good); area to provide written comments is also provided.
Of the responses returned, 89% rate the services they received as “very good,” and one resident responded, “blessed that you service Amberley Village, extremely satisfied!” The critical and necessary element of this program is participation, so we're encouraging everyone to respond to survey requests.
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Amberley Village's own Chris Fritsch serves as Commander of the Hamilton County Police Association Dive Team, which was recently featured on local news for a project that resulted in the removal of 14 vehicles from the Ohio River. Click the video image above to view the WCPO-TV coverage of the project, and check out the HCPA Dive Team instagram video below! | |
Upcoming Village Council Meeting | |
Amberley Village Council meets on the second Monday of each month (unless there is a conflict). The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 14 at 6:30 pm, and will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, located at 7149 Ridge Road.
Residents may submit comments in writing or attend in-person to participate. To speak at the meeting or submit written comments, please contact Clerk of Council Tammy Reasoner by noon the day of the meeting at 513-531-8675 or at
Copies of the agenda and council packet are posted on the website the Friday prior to each meeting under Government / INFO SEARCH / Council & Committee Agendas or by clicking the link below.
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October Legislative Action | |
New PlayCore Equipment at Amberley Park | |
Amberley Village WeTHRIVE! organizations recently approved use of remaining WeTHRIVE! grant dollars to purchase two new exercise stations at Amberley Village Municipal Park along the walking trail.
At left, the new Sit-Up/Back Extension equipment allows users to perform crunches and sit-ups on one side of the station by placing knees over the cross-bar, feet under the foot stops, lying back on the body plate and raising themselves up using their abdominal muscles.
Back extensions are performed by placing thighs against the front cushions on the other side of the station and raising the body using the lower back muscles.
Adding the PlayCore stations to a loop around the walking trail can significantly boost your workout by burning extra calories and incorporating more key muscle groups.
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The new Chest Press (right), which sits just along the park side of the tennis courts, offers a seat on one side, with a wheelchair-accessible option on the other. Both sides are ergonomically designed to provide users with the right grip and support to perform an effective workout.
Like all of the exercise equipment at the Municipal Park, it is recommended that children under the age of 13 be accompanied by an adult. The equipment is for use on a first-come, first-served basis, and users are asked to be cognizant of others who might be waiting to use the equipment. Use of the park and equipment are prohibited after dark.
Special thanks to members of our Public Buildings and Parks Committee for their work in researching and acquiring the equipment. Be sure and stop by the park and check out the new equipment and enjoy the beautiful facilities!
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Council Recognizes Indigenous People's Day
in Amberley Village
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Amberley Village officials last year passed a resolution that included an annual reading of the Village Land Acknowledgement Statement (see link below), which recognizes the indigenous people who occupied the land on which Amberley Village now sits. The Land Acknowledgement Statement is to be read at one Council meeting per year. The Statement can also be accessed year-round on the Village website and in newsletters throughout the year. | | What's New at Your Local Library? | |
Whether your nearest library is Deer Park, Reading, Pleasant Ridge or Blue Ash, our local libraries are an excellent resource, especially during the colder months when there is less outside activity. Amberley Village E-News makes it easy for you to check out library programming for the upcoming month via the button below. For more information regarding the Featured Program, click on the image below. | |
If you know someone who is currently not receiving our emails, they may contact Clerk of Council Tammy Reasoner at with their name and email address, and we'll be happy to add them to our mailing list!
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Fall Brings Cozy Apparel to the
Amberley Village Spirit Shop!
The Amberley Village Online Spirit Shop offers a wide variety of fall outwerwear to help residents show their Amberley Village pride - with high-quality, branded gear you can tailor to suit your taste. You can even preview it online! Can't decide? Gift cards are also available!
Link now available on the Amberley Village website!
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Stay Informed. Get Involved.
Ways to connect in Amberley Village!
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Online Photo Galleries
Photos help us all visualize a story, and with such a beautiful setting here in Amberley, why not capture it all? Look for more photos, and feel free to contribute your own by emailing them to:
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Text to Opt-In
It's never been easier to opt in for the Village E-News! See above - we even have cards available to share at your block party or neighborhood gathering, so help spread the word!
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Tailor Your Notices
Ever wish you could get meeting notices for a specific committee without having to receive ALL all of them? Well, now you can! Choose which meeting notices you'd like to receive, as well as topic-specific updates.
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Share E-News with a friend | |
Join us on Nextdoor, YouTube, Facebook & twitter | |
Amberley Village is committed to keeping lines of communication open and accessible between residents and government officials. In this spirit, Amberley Village has incorporated Village-issued email addresses for Councilmembers into its digital communications protocol.
These measures unify the format, making it easier for residents to send a message when an issue comes to mind. The member's first initial followed by last name (no space) will get your message on its way to members of the Amberley Village Council.
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Amberley Village | Website | 513-531-8675
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