Greetings! welcome to our first quarterly newsletter, a brief history of REHM Foundation Inc is provided below.
Dr. Robert L. McKenzie is founder of Reginald Edward Holloway McKenzie Foundation Inc. (REHM Foundation Inc) Recognized by the IRS as a public charity 501 (c) 3) non profit organization in April 2005. Dr. McKenzie made an announcement at his nephew Reggie home-going service that "REHM Foundation would be created in his honor." He was the only son of one of his older sisters the late Mrs. Ida Ruth Holloway. Dr. McKenzie established REHM Foundation in April 2005 from the ground up with his own personal funds in honor of his nephew. Persistence and perseverance paid off and during the year 2009 the 501 (c) 3) designation was finally granted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with the purpose of supporting mental health. More specifically funding preventive counseling for children 11-18 years of age. The Foundation also donates new toys and clothing throughout the year including the holiday season to families in need within the local area of Atlanta GA. and its surrounding communities. Along with Dr. McKenzie there are a total of 7 board of directors. We would like to send a heartfelt thank you to each and everyone of our subscribers for breathing life into this newsletter in order for it to come to fruition. Our next newsletter is scheduled for release about September 17, 2021. Ladies, and gentlemen, family, friends scholars and gentlemen alike, lets see what's going on in our first historical issue for our subscribers. A heartfelt thank you again to all our subscribers. There is strength in numbers and power in a diverse nation living in harmony. As of today REHM Foundation Inc is self funded so donations are greatly appreciated.
Kids Creativity during the Pandemic
Kids are our future don't allow the pandemic to stop or interfere with their creativity. Although kids are going back to school There is a wealth of information for parents to reference the ideas to continue their creativity at home.
Brilliant Minds start with Pencil and Paper
As a student in grade school, I was once told that good writing is essentially rewriting. Allowing youth to get their initial thoughts on paper is essential to their educational progress. Let us not forget that Albert Einstein teachers in grade school as posited by Caliprice & Liscomb (2005) "one of his teacher told him he would never amount to anything and his mere presence undermines the class's respect for the teachers." Later he would began to teach himself pre-calculus.
Power in that High School Diploma
The high school diploma is one the most powerful accomplishment in your life. Some High School Graduates decide to continue on to college with adult parental support. The American Rescue Act of 2021, became law March 11 2021. Review Section 2007 to see how it may effect funding for your children future. Click on American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Section 2007
REHM Foundation supporting families, Science for our youth and knowing your child School Policies.
Years of supporting families
REHM Foundation since its inception in 2005 has supported over 1000 families over the years, a photo is provided, even during the pandemic Parents came to the community yearly outreach to get free school supplies and toys for their children.
Science is Fun for kids
Know your school Policies
Always know the school policies where your children attend to be able to enforce the policies when needed. Example of School Policies for parents.
Reginald Edward Holloway McKenzie Foundation Inc! REHM Foundation Inc. is a youth community outreach program that provide donations of new school supplies, toys and clothing to families.
©2020 REHM Foundation.