July / 8 / 2015
Bob's Brigade, Wisconsin
Welcome to the STC's Caring News
Thank you for your overwhelmingly positive response to our first issue. We will continue to bring you you news that we think will interest and inform you. News of caregivers, new resources, and recognition. Hope you enjoy it. We are looking forward to your feedback .

Warm regards,
In This Issue
An Unbreakable Bond - by Adam Sibley - the story of a son's love for his mother An Unbreakable Bond.
The story of a son's love for his mother
by Adam Sibley

There are innumerable books on caregiving written by adults who have devoted years of their lives to caring for an ill spouse, parent, child, relative or friend.


Then, there are the "hidden" caregivers rarely mentioned outside of professional articles or research - the child, teen or young adult who has to take on enormous responsibilities that dramatically change his or her daily life to support a sibling, grandparent or more commonly a parent.


An Unbreakable Bond is the heartfelt and moving journey of, Adam Sibley, a young man in the U.K. who, at age 24, cared for his mom diagnosed with dementia for a period of four years until she died at age 54. It is the first book about caregiving I have seen written by a young adult. Adam describes his challenges, emotional dreads and joys and then empowers other young people with priceless advice on tough subjects such as: Isolation, Anger, Hopelessness, Being Proactive, Creating Balance, and Love. An excerpt below:


"Caring for someone can seem like a daunting prospect especially if you are anything like I was and you don't have any skills or experience to call upon. But I don't think caring is about that; to me caring is about love, patience and selflessness, which are things you can't learn on a job. I think the best carers are those that don't realise that what they are doing is caring and those that don't realise what an amazing job they are doing."


Most of all, I wholeheartedly agree with his thoughts about educating young people about caregiving so they know what do and provide them with skills that prepares them to be caregivers.


"With more and more people having to care for a loved one at some point in their life, surely we should be educating kids about this in school. I think advice and teaching on what to do if called to care for a loved one would be really important life advice that could help so many young people. Children should be taught what to do, how to handle it and who to contact. Doing this would help the care levels for ill people and help the mental and emotional health of the one having to give the care. The care industry is a big employment field in the UK right now so it would also give young people a skill they could use to gain employment.


In the very near future, as the global population ages in unprecedented numbers, there will be an overwhelming number of older adults in need of care. To know that compassionate young people like Adam are out there helping their peers, gives one a sense of hope about the future. Were his mum here, she would be immensely proud.


I wholeheartedly recommend Adam's book for young caregivers. If you know one, gift him or her with a copy and read it yourself. See: links for US and UK





Elder Orphans
We would like to draw your attention to another segment of the population that is (or will be) in need of caregiving support. People-who live alone and have no family.


There is a new word describing those that are older as 'Elder Orphans'


Click here to read this important article from

One-in-Five Older Adults at Risk of Becoming an 'Elder Orphan'


If you are, or know someone who is at risk for becoming an Elder Orphan, please check out an earlier article from STC: Who Cares For The Person Who Lives Alone


Below are suggestions from our article.



  1. Build your networks. Nurture your friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, teams, clubs, and faith communities...they may become a priceless resource.
  2. Volunteer to assist a neighbor who lives alone, is ill, or undergoing a difficult time.
  3. Offer to start a Share The Careā„¢ group for someone you know (single or with (family) struggling with a crisis.
  4. Organize YOUR important personal information into a folder that a trusted friend could access should it ever be needed. See our free Share The Care forms at (medications, doctors, medical history, who to call in an emergency.

  5. Get legal documents in order: medical directives, final wishes, will, and power of attorney.
  6. Give a trusted friend (who lives nearby) keys to your home.
  7. Ask for help or learn to accept help occasionally. "Lighten up" on being so independent. People who are open to assistance seem to get it when needed.
  8. Gather friends to discuss and agree to "be there" for each other should help be needed.
  9. Practice caring and compassion. Call friends, or relatives you rarely see to find out how they are doing. Say "I love you" more often.
  10. Keep an "In Case of Emergency" list in your wallet. Include: current medications, conditions, doctors, allergies, and other vital information.



    Click here to read full article as a PDF



Dolores' Baker's Dozen
by Claire Culbertson

Dolores & Claire
Dolores & Claire

Dolores Kamm has been my neighbor for 29 years (we lived in the country) during which time we became very close friends.  When my children were babies (they are adults now), I used to stroll them over to visit, and Dolores always gave us a such warm welcome.


Dolores has been a baker for over 40 years, supplying the natural foods co-op with fresh baked bread prepared in a room off her home that was built especially for the bakery.  Dolores always kept a supply of extra bread in the freezer for the many friends and neighbors that would stop to purchase loaves.


Dolores is the youngest of five siblings, and was a caregiver for both of her sisters who lived with her that died at the ages of 101 and 102!  As Dolores began to age (she is almost 92), I started to see she needed a little extra assistance with her weekly trip in town to shop. Plus, she told me depression was starting to set in. She has many friends from various parts of her life, so with her permission, I got a Share The Care group started for her a number of months ago. 


I knew this Share The Care group would be especially important because my husband and I were moving out of state and I wanted to make sure Dolores' needs, especially during the difficult winters, would be taken care of long after we had moved.  This has definitely proven to be the case!  Some of the support her group is giving her includes:

  • Weekly shopping trips
  • Going to movies on $5 Tuesdays
  • Accompanying one of the group members on his weekly Meals on Wheels delivery route
  • Special outings and events

One of the main benefits of her group is that it decreases Dolores' sense of isolation and will be in place as her needs increase due to old age.


Her nephew, Jack, suggested her group be known as Dolores' Baker's Dozen!   


We sold our home to a family with two young girls.  I told them about our neighbor/friend/baker, Dolores, and suggested they stop by for a loaf of her home-baked bread.  I hope they do stop by to visit with her so they can enjoy her beautiful garden, her delicious bread, and come to know the beauty and wisdom that is Dolores.  


Care to Share?

We would love to hear your caregiving stories, see your videos, share your pictures or advice on our website. Your stories and thoughts will help others that find themselves on the  paths that you have traveled.

View some of your stories here.
View some of your photos here.
View some of your advice here.

Contact us here or by email.


Aging with Dignity - Five Wishes Document

Aging Solutions - Aging Parents and Elder Care    

Alliance for Aging Research  

ALS Association - The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association  

ALS - MDA - MDA / ALS News Magazine Current Research