Tai Tokerau Trades Training
Check out our fun video capturing our beautiful region during our visits to all of you!
We are truly blessed to be living in such an amazing place! Spectacular scenery, vibrant townships, connected communities and stunning coastal views
Over the past two weeks, our team have been busy travelling around the region successfully connecting with 19 secondary schools directly linked to the Education to Employment initiative. The level of passion and commitment within our schools to support our Tai Tamariki is inspiring!
We have already begun planning up and confirming Vocational Education events and how we can best support you all within this space. From employer meet and greets to Industry exposure days, the opportunities to support successful transition from education to employment are endless.
We look forward to developing an enriched relationship with you and your school.
Whangarei Boys' High School
L+R: Regina Rapata, Roimata Haika, Debra Miller, Jackie Fowke, Pat O'Leary, Kathy Draper, Dulcie Thompson and Lisa Ross.
Whangarei Girls' High School
L+R: Marian Innes, Loren Kerr, Anne
Cooper, Roimata Haika, Regina Rapata, Kate Simeonides Allen, Muriel Willem, Janet Lang, Tracey Cooper.
Thank you for discussing how we can support vocational education within your school. We have collate the information to develop a plan moving for 2020.
We understand that isolation impacted many plans that were organised for the year as well as the challenges returning, post lock down. We are happy to support you through developing ideas and strategies to motivate and support your education to employment activities.
Your Individual School plan has been emailed to you today. Keep an eye out for it as this is essential planning for moving forward. As part of our commitment to ensuring we provide the best service for your school, we kindly ask you to complete our 3-minute survey - one survey per school should be suffice.
If you have any new events or updated information, please email the plan to your dedicate school liaison.
As the old saying goes "It takes a village to raise a child" and an extremely important member of our village is Industry.
We have been meeting with our National Industry Training Organisations (ITO's) to discuss different resources each ITO can provide to support this initiative, whether it is Gateway and Careers support, employer relationships, event contributions, or even short courses and programs for students.
We see these relationships as essential to the success of our Youth and to be able to connect you all to their many services and resources is fantastic. Please be sure to let us know if you have interest in particular industries for your School and students.
Education, Training & Industry News
Check out the great ranges of resources here!
Tai Tokerau Trades Training
Tai Tokerau Trades Training, Whangarei, Northland. 115 likes · 151 talking about this. Education
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Photo credit to Northland NZ and
Sarah Orne