August 2019
  We hope you are enjoying your summer!
Here you will find links to school related documents or websites. If viewing a paper copy of the newsletter, all links can be found on the district website at We encourage you to explore and utilize our website, as is continuously updated and new content is added periodically. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email Lacey Stensberg at
Please read the following letters for important information regarding co-curricular activities and upcoming fall sports.

District Dates

Aug 26: School Board Meeting, 5:30p, theater
Aug 28: Back to School Night, 4:00-7:00p
Aug 28: Mandatory Co-Curricular Meeting, 7:00p
Sept 2: No School
Sept 3: First Day of School
Testing Dates

No testing for August
Athletics and Activities

*make sure participants have attended or viewed the co-curricular meeting and have all documents returned to Mr. Sharpe. Students cannot practice or play until all forms have been turned in.
**Times can change. Watch the Elcho School website calendar and facebook page for the most up-to-date information.
Aug 5: JV/V Equipment handout
Aug 6: JV/V First practice
Aug 16: JV/Varsity scrimmage at Elcho, 11:00a
Aug 19: MS Equipment practice/handout
Aug 23: V at Tigerton/Marion, 7:00p
Aug 26: JV at Marion, 5:00p
Aug 30: V at St. Mary Catholic, 7:00p

The E-WL Wolverines have a new logo!! Check it out!
Middle School Volleyball
Aug 19: First practice, 3:30 - 5:30p, schedules will be handed out then
Sept 5: @Phelps, 5:30p
JV/Varsity Volleyball
Aug 19: First practice, 10:00a-12:00p and 1:00-2:00p the first week
Sept 5: @Phelps, 7:00p
Tues and Thur: 10a, located in the Classic Gym

**Free to all

Terri's Classes
Mon: ZumbaGold, 4:00p
Tues: ZumbaGold, 5:00p
Tues: MIIT, 6:00p
Wed: ZumbaGold, 4:00p
Thur: Pound, 5:00p
Thur: ZumbaGold, 6:00p
Sat: ZumbaGold, 9:00a

**$6 drop in rate
Building Remodel
Summer Basketball
Coach Ott, Coach Hall, Coach Strzok and Coach Kincaid kept the basketball players busy this summer, putting on varsity tournaments and two different camps in the field house.
Badger State Representatives
Welcome Mrs. Zutavern!
We'd like to welcome Mrs. Paige Zutavern as our new 6-12 Principal, Special Education Coordinator! Mrs. Zutavern has worked at Elcho School during the last 5 years as the school Guidance Counselor and will be in her new role for the 2019-2020 school year. Congratulations!

A letter from our new 6-12 Principal, Special Education Coordinator:
Dear Students and Parents,

I can’t thank you enough for your faith and support as I transition from your School Counselor to your 6-12 Principal/Special Education Coordinator. I have truly loved my job as a Counselor in this district and feel it has allowed me to create special relationships with students that will make being your Principal that much better. My passion for advocating for students in education is something that will never change and I am so excited to be in a position to have an even greater impact on student success.

As many may be wondering by the name change... yes, I did get married over the summer! It was a beautiful (and hot) summer day in June and was everything Mr. Zutavern and I hoped it would be. We have been relaxing with family and recharging our batteries for the upcoming school year and can’t wait to see how much our students have grown over the summer. 

This school year is going to be marked with significant change, which I am hopeful is all for the good. As we adjust to a new School Counselor (he is awesome, you are going to love him!) and new expectations from your Principal, remember that my intentions will always be student-centered to raise successful individuals in all areas of life.

Although I am not your School Counselor anymore please note that I will always be here, for all students, to help them in any way I can to make school a positive and engaging time in their life. My door is always open!

I am greatly looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year and hope to see you all at our Back to School Night in August. Thank you again for your support!

Best Regards,

Mrs. Paige Zutavern
Formerly known as Ms. Paige Roland
Severe Storm July 2019
Much of our community and the surrounding areas were damaged by storms that went through the night of July 19, 2019. WPS worked tirelessly to get residents back up and running. Elcho School was able to work in conjunction with the American Red Cross and provide WPS workers somewhere to stay, shower, access to laundry, dinner and breakfast. 
Donations were also made by Rouman Cinema, the boys basketball team and the Elcho Hornet's Booster Club.
Scoreboard Sponsorships
Elcho School District has a very proud tradition of the community supporting its various activities, programs and facilities. We are excited that our new building project is completed and includes an expanded-capacity gymnasium to host a variety of athletic, educational and cultural arts events.
We are asking for sponsorship consideration for the on-going maintenance of our new gymnasium. There are two new scoreboards installed in this facility that allow for sponsorship spaces (each space is 21”x21”). This is your opportunity to show your support for our Elcho activities by sponsoring a space on the scoreboards. Each sponsorship space is $1000 for two years or $1500 for three years. If you would like your logo on a scoreboard, you can sponsor a space. Sponsors can be businesses, community organizations or individuals. Our students, families and community will greatly appreciate your active involvement in our school activities.
Please share with anyone you think may be interested. For more information or questions, please contact Sue Burby, District Administrative Assistant, (715)275-3225 x1060 or