Welcome to our
Train All Summer Program!

My name is Patrick Lee, and I am the chief instructor and owner of Tiger-Rock Martial Arts of Metairie.

We are proud to be your premier martial arts and life skills academy, serving Metairie and the surrounding area for over 17 years.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our training center for our "Train All Summer" Program. Congratulations on joining the team and taking the first step on the martial arts journey!

I just wanted to take a moment to go over some important information for you, our newest member of our program!

If you have any questions, please let us know! Our contact information is at the bottom of the email.
1.) You can start with classes June 12

Our Train All Summer Program starts on June 12 and you can begin any time starting on that date or after.

Please note these other important dates:

  • No Lessons July 3-4 for Independence Day
  • No Lessons July 19-24 for National Tournament in San Antonio, TX
  • Deadline to save $100 to become a full member: August 10 (See below--includes first Belt Testing, Full Uniform and Equipment!)
  • Summer Program Last Day of Lessons: August 12
  • Belt Testing for Yellow Belt for those who continue: August 14
2.) Check out our Member Website

  • Class Schedule
  • Virtual Training Login
  • Upcoming Events
  • Online Pro Shop
  • Contact & Social Media Links

Take a look around the Member Website:
3.) Parents/Spectators can watch class on Zoom

Spectators are not allowed inside during the lessons, however classes may be observed online through Zoom.
4.) We will let students in for class about 10 minutes before their class begins

Students should remain in their vehicles until we open the doors for classes to begin. When the door opens, students may enter for their lesson.
5.) Look for our "Weekly Update" emails on Sundays

Every Sunday we email you information relevant to that week's lessons and any upcoming events or announcements. Please make sure to look for the Weekly Update and any other communications we email to you.
6.) What to wear and bring to class

Students are required to be in proper attire and bring all their equipment for each lesson. Students not in proper uniform will not be allowed to attend the lesson. Do not wear the grip socks or mat shoes outside.

Students should arrive for lessons with the following:
  • Black Uniform Pants
  • Red or Black Drifit Training Shirt, tucked in
  • Belt tied around the waist
  • Grip socks on (Make sure to wear shoes outside)

Here are instructions for tying the belt:
7.) When you're ready to take the next step!

Your Summer Program trial membership ends on August 12!

When you upgrade to a full membership any time by August 10, you’ll get these 3 GREAT BONUSES:

  1. $100 OFF first Belt Testing, Full Uniform, and Equipment
  2. Guaranteed Spot in our Program for the Fall (we fill up!)
  3. Don't Pay Monthly Training Fees until August 14

Let us know when you're ready to upgrade your membership anytime by August 10!
Thanks for joining our program!

I'm looking forward to meeting and working with all of our new students!

We're here to help if you have any questions! Call or text us at (504) 455-9699 or stop by the front desk.


Grand Master Patrick Lee
Tiger-Rock Metairie
See you on the mat!