Ward 1 News from Councillor Kelvin Galbraith
- Greetings from Councillor Galbraith
- Ward 1's First Drop In Meeting - Feedback
- Ward 1 Tyandaga Neighbourhood Meeting
- Interim Control Bylaw
- Jefferson Salamanders - Update
- Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force - Update
- Green Up, Clean Up
- Gypsy Moth Aerial Spraying
- Customer Relationship Management Project (CRM)
- Ward 1 Development
- Ward 1 Construction
- FAQ's from Ward 1 - new!
- News from City Hall
- Community Events, News & Links
- Local Boards and Community Involvement
- Stay Connected
Dear friends and neighbours, welcome to the April edition of Ward 1 News!
As with every month thus far, April was a very busy one, full of events and meetings. Among the many things that have happened here at City Hall are: Council approved a sidewalk on Strathcona, Townhouse development in Ward 2, a Climate Emergency Declaration and had several statutory meetings regarding development projects throughout the city.
As spring is
here, I look forward to seeing many of you at Ward 1 events out in our community. The Aldershot Community Honour Roll event is May 29th at La Salle Park Pavilion and is always a great local event. Tickets are available
The Aldershot BIA is also planning its seasonal Markets with details of dates below.
What I've been up to this month:
- Council & Committee meetings
- Partnering Aldershot meeting
- Chamber Business Excellence Awards
- Grand Opening Aldershot Dental
- BEDC Bus Tour
- Breakfast with the Premier
- Emterra Environmental Tour
- Aldershot BIA meetings
- Ward Drop In
- Meetings with Community members to discuss ward issues
- Burlington Tourism Board
- Judging Panel - Aldershot Community Honour Roll
- Good Friday Road Race
- LaSalle Park Easter Egg Hunt
- Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force Focus Group meetings
If you would like to
stay up to date on events both at City Hall and in and around Burlington, be sure to Like our
Facebook Page
, Follow on
As always, you can contact my office with Ward 1 related issues. We'd be happy to help.
Kelvin Galbraith
Ward 1 City and Regional Councillor
City Of Burlington
Ward 1 Drop In - FEEDBACK
This event was my first ever drop in as a Ward Councillor and I was not quite sure what to expect. The venue (Mapleview Centre)allowed for walk-up meetings, as well as scheduled drop ins and was very well attended. I heard from residents from across Ward One about various issues.
Among topics discussed were: current and future projects along Plains Road including the Bingo Hall and the Aldershot Mobility Hub, Amica proposal along Northshore Boulevard, implications of the Interim Control By-Law, invitations to various Ward One events, history and photos of Aldershot
I was thankful to meet with residents one on one to get a better understanding of their concerns, wants and needs. I am empowered with this information to make future decisions, and welcome any residents who would like to meet to join me at my next drop in session. I will release the date for this shortly.
Ward 1 Tyandaga Neighbourhood Meeting
Date: June 5, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Tyandaga Golf and Country Club
I am looking forward to meeting with Tyandaga Ward One residents to discuss several topics including:
- Tyandaga-area Development news
- Tyandaga-area Construction projects
- Meridian Quarry updates
- General Ward One news
Seating will be limited to 100 people, but we will endeavour to once again livestream this meeting on FB Live for those who cannot attend in person. This video will be uploaded and saved to my Facebook page for viewing.
If you have questions that you would like addressed, please forward them to me at
ward1@burlington.ca, and note in the subject line "
Ward One Meeting Question".
I hope to see you there!
Interim Control Bylaw - EXEMPTIONS
In my time in office there has perhaps been no topic more intensely discussed with me than this decision.
The Interim Control By-Law (ICBL) was passed on March 5, and will temporarily restrict the development of lands withing the study area (see image) for a period of one year, with a possible extension of a second year.
Council passed an additional 5 exemptions to the ICBL at the last Council meeting with several other developers seeking exemptions for their projects. At the moment we are not considering additional exemptions and the work on the Land Use study of the subject area is underway.
I will continue to update residents affected on the status of non-exempted development applications as the information becomes available to me, and more information can be found on the City's website by visiting
Jefferson Salamanders - Move Complete!
The annual closure of King Road to allow for the safe passage of the endangered Jefferson salamanders during their breeding migration began on Monday, March 18. King Road was closed from the base of the Niagara Escarpment to Mountain Brow Road for approximately four weeks.
Now that the migration is complete, the road is re-opened. We thank you for your patience, understanding and assistance during this migration period!
Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force - Update
The Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force sub groups have been meeting for several weeks to have ongoing discussions around red-tape issues identified in the Task Force Town Hall.
These groups have included small-sized business, large-sized business and one on one meetings.
As a business person in Burlington for 25 years, I have always been committed to and interested in local business success stories. The Red Tape Red Carpet task force has been established to hear from the business community on ways that the city can help eliminate obstacles in terms of Red Tape that prevents them from expanding or doing business in general in our city. We believe that a successful business community in our city creates jobs, reduces commuters and adds to a healthy and happy community in Burlington.
We have heard and highlighted several areas of concern and will continue to update on the progress of these discussions. Recommendations to Council will be made in the coming months. If you would like more information on these issues, please contact me at
ward1@burlington.ca, and note "
Task Force Question" in the subject line.
Ward One residents have shown great passion and initiative in supporting Burlington Green's Clean Up Week! We had several groups contact our office for information on how to initiate a clean up, and many more looking to join a group.
There were several registered clean up sites in our Ward:
- Call us Molly Maid for the Environment! - Burlington Beach
- Glenview Public School - school grounds, area around 143 Townsend Ave.
- Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School - school grounds and Aldershot Park
- Friends of Kerncliff - Kerncliff Park
- Grace Christian School - LaSalle Park, along North Shore Blvd East
- Maplehurst Public School - Maplehurst school, Maplehurst park and surrounding neighbourhood of maplehurst school
I'd like to thank all of those who took part in this fantastic initiative this year!
Gypsy Moth Aerial Spraying
As part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program, the City of Burlington will be using a low-flying helicopter to apply a bio-pesticide over four wooded areas to control gypsy moth populations which causes significant defoliation and potential long-term impact to the City’s urban forest.
The areas include:
• Forestvale/Kerncliff Park
• LaSalle Park
• Lowville Park
• Mountainside Park
The exact date of the spraying is expected to be during the third and fourth weeks of May in the early morning. Weather conditions as well as insect development will determine the exact date.
Spray dates will be posted on the City’s Twitter and Facebook accounts @CityBurlington and online at
at least 48-hours before the spraying. I will also share those posts on my own social media outlets.
Residents can also use the
website to enter their address to see where the spraying will occur in relation to their home or work.
The City’s contractor will be applying a Class 11 biopesticide, Foray 48B, REGISTRATION NO. 24977 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT, with active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis ‘kurstaki’.
Application of the pesticide with be completed between 5 and 7:30 a.m.
About the Biological Pesticide
Bacillus thuringiensis ‘kurstaki’ (Btk) is a soil-borne bacterium that is applied to the leaves of affected trees while caterpillars are in their early stages of development. Once ingested, the bacterium disrupts the caterpillars’ digestive system with cessation of eating within 24-48 hours. Within days, caterpillars that have ingested Btk will succumb to its effects.
Btk does not have any negative effects to humans, birds or bees. Btk will affect other caterpillar species (known as non-target species). Due to its low residual nature and the narrow spray window due to larval development, the non-target impact is expected to be low.
Individuals who have concerns should take reasonable precautions to avoid exposure during a spray program in the same way they would avoid pollen or other airborne materials during days when air quality advisories are issued. Residents can also reduce exposure by staying indoors with windows and doors shut during the spray period if spraying is taking place in their area, although this is not required by health officials.
If you have further questions or concerns about this initiative, please email
ward1@burlington.ca and note "
Gypsy Moth Question/Concern" in the subject line.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
The City is updating how we deliver, track and prioritize customer requests to optimize customer service delivery and improve your experience. Callers will be asked to provide their name, contact numbers and address. This information is only used for the purpose of fulfilling your request and will not be shared without your consent. Should you wish to remain anonymous, or withhold certain information, you are free to do so.
For faster service when contacting the city regarding service requests, please use
city@burlington.ca ;
ward1@burlington.ca or
mayor@burlington.ca . These emails are monitored during regular business hours and customers can expect notification that their email has been received and in some instances a case number may be assigned to help track your request.
This development application is currently appealed to LPAT.
To learn more about the appeals process, please visit
The proposed development requires Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit two nine-storey condominium apartment buildings with commercial uses on the ground floor and 283 residential units above, and 117 condominium stacked back to back townhouse units.
Phone: 905-335-7600, ext. 7788
"Georgian Court" - 610, 611 Surrey Lane; 865 King Road; 615, 699 Marley Road; 847, 871, 894, 917 Warwick Drive
The proposed development affects 8.4 hectares of land on the east side of King Road, south of Plains Road East. The area currently contains 280 rental townhouse units. The redevelopment proposes the successive demolition of the existing townhouse units and their replacement with new apartments and townhouse blocks. Official Plan Amendment, rezoning and draft plan of subdivision applications have been submitted.
A total of 1450 new rental units are proposed, with a mix of townhouses and mid and high-rise apartment buildings. Low-rise street townhouses and back-to-back townhouses of up to three storeys are proposed along the outer perimeter of the site. Mid-rise buildings of generally up to eight storeys, with one at 11 storeys, are proposed central to the site to frame a new central park area. Three taller buildings of 16, 19 and 20 storeys are proposed at the northerly portion of the site. A total of 200 townhouse units are proposed (all three bedroom) along with 1250 apartment units.
I continue to meet with Warwick/Surrey community group representatives as well as with developer representatives to engage in healthy dialogue about this development application.
I will update you with any new information as it becomes available. To view the development page, please visit
1085 Clearview Avenue (
1085 Clearview Ave., 1082, 1086 & 1090 St. Matthews Ave.)
The proposed development asks for an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
A 6 storey, 160 unit residential apartment building is proposed. 203 parking spaces are proposed, with 154 spaces located in a below-grade parking structure, and 49 spaces provided at grade.
Two vehicle entrances are proposed for the site, located on the east and west sides of the proposed residential building. The building is proposed to have two main resident entrances, one fronting onto Masonry Court, and the other from the rear of the building.
To view the development page, please visit
To view all Ward One development projects, please visit
Maple Avenue Area Minor Reconstruction
Work on this project is ongoing, and Maple Avenue area residents can stay up to date on this initiative by visiting and subscribing to the project page
The tentative construction timeline is from February 2019 to September 2019 (weather permitting). Area residents may experience disruption in access, parking, water services, and mail. More information on the project and the possible impacts to residents can be found
For day to day construction inquiries regarding road, curb, storm sewer and other general inquiries, please contact Ryan Stoneman, Contract Administrator 905-335-7600 x7818
For day to day construction inquiries regarding watermain and water service replacement, please contact Imtiaz Ahmad, Project Manager 905-825-6000 3226
We will continue to share information as it becomes available
Ester Drive Area Minor Reconstruction
The City of Burlington and the Region of Halton are making improvements to various streets in the Ester Drive area. King Paving & Construction Co. was awarded the project. The project map, included with this update, outlines which streets are included. This is a two-year project in consideration of the amount of Region of Halton infrastructure being replaced
Project Scope and Schedule
- Traffic control, tree protection and removal, site office - Beginning April 29th
- Ester Drive, Janina Blvd., and Humphreys Cres. - Waste water main rehabilitation and water main replacement; Temporary road and driveway restoration - May to December 2019
- Ester Drive, Janina Blvd., and Humphreys Cres. - Roadworks, including asphalt and curb replacement and sidewalk rehabilitation - April to August 2020
Utilities such as Union Gas, Hydro and Bell Canada have already started to locate and mark out their existing infrastructure to prepare for this construction.
Please do not remove these marker stakes or paint markings. Staff will return to remove them once the project is complete.
More information about this project can be found
For day to day construction inquiries, please contact Dave Hill Construction Inspector 289-983-5003. For Construction and watermain inquiries, please contact Rod McFarlane Construction Inspector 647-290-5893. For all other inquiries, please contact Rob Stuart, Project Manager 905-335-7600 x7519
New Structure to be Built at City View Park
Since approval of the park Master Plan, phased implementation of the components of City View Park has occurred including three artificial turf fields, creative playground, parking, pond/wetland, trails, natural restoration and a park maintenance facility.
In the next phase, the City of Burlington has designed a park building in City View Park and is planning to construct the building in 2020, with completion in 2021.
In addition to green building measures under the LEED® program, the “passive house” design includes criteria to minimize energy use, particularly through heat requirements.
The year-round building will support existing and future planned uses in the park.
Specific components of the park building include:
• Public, universal washrooms
• Indoor public gathering area that can be used by all park users
• Exterior space includes an outdoor terrace
• Accessible parking and drop-off area
• Interpretive displays highlighting the unique park setting
• A public art installation
If you have any questions or comments related to the design, construction and timelines, please contact Jennifer Johnson, Project Manager, 905-335-7600, ext. 7358 or email at
If you have any questions related to the use and function of the park building, please contact Doug Pladsen, Community Development Planner, 905-335-7600, ext. 7627 or email at
"The speeding on our street is out of control - how do we get speedbumps installed"/"We do not like the speedbumps on our street - how do we get them removed"
We have received several emails about speedbumps/speeding on various Ward 1 streets.
The City's Traffic services section works alongside Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) to address these issues. The best option for speeding complaints is to submit the concern to the HRPS Traffic Complaints Online Reporting tool. You can access it
Residents can also review requests that the city has received for traffic calming measures - please visit
If you would like to speak with staff, please email traffic@burlington.ca
"When will you be providing an update on Meridian Quarry?"
I will be providing a detailed update on the quarry at my next Ward 1 meeting, June 5 6:30-8:30, Tyandaga Golf Club.
"When will they start the street sweeping program?"
The city has provided the following update on street sweeping: The City of Burlington’s annual spring street sweeping blitz will begin in the first week of May. The cleaning of winter sand and debris from roads is expected to take six weeks with a crew of seven vehicles working seven days a week.
Street sweepers are exempt from the noise bylaw; however, to reduce noise disruption, residential streets will only be cleaned between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. The rest of the time will be spent cleaning primary and secondary roads.
Residents are asked to avoid parking cars on the roads and to remove encroaching basketball and road hockey nets from the street so the sweepers can move quickly and efficiently.
If you have a question that you would like to see appear in this section, please email
and note "FAQ Section" in the subject line.
- City of Burlington launching Walk the Talk and community activity challenge more info
- Council approves 2019 Tax Levy Bylaw more info
- City of Burlington declares a climate emergency more info
- City of Burlington launches Park Play Experience Fund more info
- Burlington Fire Department seeks Volunteer Firefighters more info
- Burlington Animal shelter hosting 2 spring events more info
HDSB Trustees have planned three local Education Action meetings to gather feedback from parents, students, and community members to inform their submission to the Ministry of Education’s consultations on class size, e-learning and hiring practices. The meetings will take place at 7 pm in the cafeteria:
May 2, Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School(3040 Tim Dobbie Drive), Burlington
• May 8, Abbey Park Secondary School(1455 Glen Abbey Gate), Oakville
• May 13, Milton District High School(396 Williams Ave), Milton
The agenda will be very interactive, with Trustees briefly setting the context and then participants working together to provide feedback around key subjects including class size, e-learning and hiring practices. Bringing along a wi-fi enabled device (phone, tablet or laptop) to the meeting will help the feedback-gathering process, but no pressure
HaltonEducationAction.ca website has been created to share information about the Ministry’s consultations. On this website you can RSVP your attendance, find maps to the meeting locations, request a copy of the final submissions and for those unable to attend a meeting but want to contribute they can provide feedback, on the
HaltonEducationAction.ca website from May 2 to May 13, 2019 only.
Ward 1 Community News & Events
Aldershot Community Honour Roll
Celebrating over 10 years of outstanding citizens of Aldershot!
Nominations are now closed. For more information on this celebration, please visit
Celebration date May 29, 2019, 7:00 - 9:00pm at LaSalle Park Pavillion
For more information or to sign up for this wonderful initiative please visit
Local Boards & Community Involvement
In addition to serving as Ward 1 City and Regional Councillor, I have the opportunity to sit on a few other local boards and committees:
Royal Botanical Gardens Board
As a member of the Board of Directors for Ward 1's own Royal Botanical Gardens, I meet with a team of ## dedicated individuals, aimed at serving Burlington and beyond.
We meet roughly every 3 months, with the Annual General Meeting occurring in June.
For more information on the Royal Botanical Gardens, please visit
Tourism Burlington Board
Tourism Burlington is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors who represent various sectors of the Tourism, Industry and Business sectors in the City of Burlington. The Board meets September to November and February to May on the 3rd Thursday of the month, with the Annual General Meeting held in May of each year.
Aldershot Village BIA (Business Improvement Area)
The Aldershot Village BIA identifies Aldershot as a distinct community for shopping, dining and for doing business. The BIA contributes to a variety of initiatives including the completion of a full interchange at Waterdown Road and revitalization and development along the Plains Road corridor.
The BIA partners with several other Aldershot groups including the Aldershot Community Honour Roll, Plains Road Village Vision Group, Partnering Aldershot, Alderfest Community Festival and others to build support for approximately 250 retailers and service professionals.
I have committed to sharing frequent updates via social media channels. I would love to connect with you there to be able to share day to day information. If there are specific items you would like me to address, send me a note!
You can find me here:
In compliance with Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation, recipients of this newsletter may unsubscribe at any time. Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to friends, family, neighbours and colleagues so that they can sign up as well.
Please add kelvin.galbraith@burlington.ca to your address book so that this correspondence will be sure to arrive in your inbox.
As always, you can contact my office at any time through email, telephone, social media or by attending neighbourhood and public open house meetings.
City of Burlington & Region of Halton
Ward 1 Councillor
905-335-7600 x7587
fax: 905-335-7881