
I want to officially welcome you to doTerra! I am SO excited to help you get started.


First, you can log in to your account at Your ID is 4831981 and Hialeah3301 is the password I created for you. You can go in and change your password once you log in. 

This is where you can track your orders and create your Loyalty Rewards Program template, which we'll talk about a little later. 

We are a part of a "team" called "Creating oBundance," and they have a website with an awesome wealth of knowledge about the oils and the doTERRA company -

I HIGHLY recommend you go to the Creating oBundance site and sign up to go through the Bootcamp. There are 4 Bootcamp videos total, hosted by our direct team leader, and they help explain the doTERRA products and system. You can do it at your own pace, any time, but you'll want to do them within the next week so you can get a better understanding of everything. The password to the website is "iamsuccess." 

I will add you to the Facebook group "Healthy oBundance with Essential Oils" as well. It's a great place to ask questions and learn about using the oils. 

If you haven't already, you should be receiving your kit soon, and I can't wait for you to use your oils! I know you (and everyone else around you) will love all of it. If you ever have any questions, there is a wealth of info out there, and you can ALWAYS text or call me too! I expect and want you to ask me questions. I want you to feel completely comfortable using your products. 

I wanted to share some outside resources with you as well:

  • There are a few great books that I recommend you make an investment in. You can pick just one of them, both are very good. The first one is Modern Essentials and it can be found on The other is The Essential Life and it can be found on I love The Essential Life personally (I reference it daily).
  • You have access to some great videos if you want to learn more about Essential Oils and the company. Some of them are pretty interesting. They can be found at:
  • Here is another site that I love: and if you want awesome scientific information, go to:
  • There is also an app for your phone called Modern Essentials. The cost is $6.99 but it’s a good app with good oil information there. You can look up ailments and see what oil to use and it is doTerra specific.

I will be in touch with you to guide you through learning your oils and the doTERRA system, but for now, I want to CONGRATULATE you for your investment in the health and wellbeing for you and your family. You're awesome!

Hoping all is well with you! Take care, talk to you soon!

Megan Schlobohm
doTERRA Wellness Advocate