Welcome to Upper Elementary for 2022-23
Dear GMS Family,

The start of the new school year is just a few days away, and we are eagerly preparing the Upper Elementary classrooms for your child's arrival. We're also looking forward to meeting all of our new families and getting reacquainted with our returning families during our virtual Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns parent-teacher conferences. These conferences are designed for us to build a partnership in nurturing and challenging your child. While your child will be invited to future parent-teacher conferences, we ask that your child not attend this conference, ensuring we have safe space to discuss your child and their needs as their adult guides.

Action Required for New Students to Our Classrooms: Prior to your Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns parent-teacher conference, please complete the "My Child as a Learner" form in Magnus Health. We will use the insights you share with us a springboard for our conference. We will also come back to this document throughout the year to help us best connect to your child and their academic, social, emotional, and physical growth.

In the coming days, ask your child about:

  • Gathering their school supplies (click here to download the list)
  • Summer project presentation readiness (fifth graders only)
  • Capstone projects (sixth graders only)
  • Summer math work and reading
  • Participating in Panthers athletics
  • How they are feeling about returning to school, providing support and communicating that what they may be feeling is normal

We look forward to meeting each of you and working together toward an engaging, successful, and joyful year! Please keep reading for information about back-to-school requirements; our classroom schedule; some nuts and bolts; snacks and lunches; and our back-to-school schedule of events. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us ... no inquiry is too big or too small!

John Archambault
Lead Teacher
Brooke Juneau
Lead Teacher
Cathy Moses
Lead Teacher
Laetitia Mourand
Lead Teacher
Beth Wilson
Lead Teacher
Nancy VanWinkle
Director of Upper School
Back-to-School Requirements
Back-to-School Forms
Action Required: Prior to joining us on the first day of school, you must log in to Magnus Health and complete your child's "requirements" by this Friday, August 19. "Requirements" represent the various information and forms we collect annually during the back-to-school process and include things like health records, insurance information, emergency contacts, authorized persons to pick up your child, acknowledgment of the Family Handbook, COVID-19 waivers, Technology Acceptable Use Guidelines, School Counseling Informed Consent, etc. Once you have completed all your requirements, you will be done with all back-to-school forms.

If you did not receive an email from Greensboro Montessori School with login credentials to Magnus Health, please email Andi Bogan or call the Office at 336-668-0119.
Panthers Athletics
Greensboro Montessori School is a member of the Independent School League and will participate in five sports seasons this year: cross country, soccer, flag football, volleyball, and basketball. Sixth graders may compete in all sports. Fourth and fifth graders may participate in cross country (practice and compete) and basketball (practice only).

Our director of information technology, Brandon Johnson, is also our athletic director. Brandon was a multi-sport varsity athlete in high school and has existing relationships with many of our Upper School students.

Cross country begins Tuesday, August 30 with practice from 3:45 to 5 p.m. Practice continues at this time on subsequent Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, except on days we have meets. Pickup up is at 5 p.m. in the cul-de-sac adjacent to the Gym. If your child participates in All-Inclusive or After-School CASA, we will escort them to their CASA classroom when practice ends. Our first meet is Tuesday, September 6 at 4:30 p.m. at Noble Academy. More details will be shared with participants once the team is formed.

Action Required:
  • If your child participated in athletics last year, please return your uniform (jersey, and/or shorts) on the first day of school. We need all available uniforms to support the quickly approaching Cross Country season.
  • If your child would like to participate in Cross Country, please email Brandon Johnson by end of day Tuesday, August 23. Please also visit Magnus Health to complete the Athletics Authorization Form.
  • If your child would like to participate in any other Panthers athletic team (soccer, football, and volleyball for sixth graders or basketball for all students), visit Magnus Health to complete the Athletics Authorization Form.
Our Classroom Schedule
The main focus of our first three days of school is to build community and trust with our students. Class begins at 8 a.m. and dismisses at 12:30 p.m., so we are available in the afternoons to meet parents for our annual 30-minute Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns parent-teacher conferences.

  • On Wednesday, all students will dismiss at 12:30 p.m. through car line. Students should bring a water bottle and midmorning snack; however, they do not need to pack a lunch.
  • On Thursday and Friday, some students will dismiss at 12:30 p.m., while others will remain for All-Inclusive CASA. Students should bring a water bottle and midmorning snack; however, they do not need to pack a lunch for these days unless they are participating in All-Inclusive CASA.

When our classroom is operating on a normal schedule (beginning Monday, August 29), Upper Elementary is open from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and After-School CASA is open until 6 p.m. If you know ahead of time that your drop-off or pick-up schedule will be different than normal, please notify us ahead of time via email. If you are caught in unforeseen traffic delays, please call the Office at 336-668-0119 to let us know. We certainly appreciate that getting into the groove of a new routine can take some extra time and patience, and we are here to support you and your child in having a successful start to the school year!
Arrival at 8 a.m.
Students participating in Early Bird or All-Inclusive CASA may join CASA in the Gym as early as 7:30 a.m. Look for an email early next week from our director of CASA, Sarah Bobo, with more information on All-Inclusive CASA.

Morning car line is from 8 to 8:15 a.m. Please drop off as close to 8 a.m. as possible. This supports your child by providing time for them to start to the day with an early morning check-in with their advisor and helps our community by keeping car line moving.

Please drop off your child by using the drive toward the Upper School, round the cul-de-sac, and pull forward to the front of the Gym. We will be there to greet your child and provide any assistance getting out of the car. From there, your child will follow the designated path to join their Advisory.

Upper Elementary car line ends promptly at 8:15 a.m., and the Primary car line begins immediately at 8:15 a.m. If you arrive after 8:15 a.m., please park your car in the lot (not in front of the Office, which will block Primary car line), walk to the Office to get a tardy slip, and then walk your child to class.
Dismissal at 3:30 p.m.
All Upper Elementary students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m. Students will either be dismissed through car line or join CASA.

  • Car Line:
  • Dismissal car line is along the side of the Gym. Follow the drive toward the Upper School, round the cul-de-sac, and pull up to the front of the Gym.
  • If you are late for car line, your child will join CASA, so they are supervised and able to enjoy time with their friends. A Drop-In CASA fee will be assessed. 
  • CASA: Students participating in All-Inclusive or After-School CASA will be escorted by our CASA faculty to their after-school classroom. Look for an email early next week from Sarah Bobo, our director of CASA, with more information on our CASA program.
  • For All Families:
  • We have asked you to provide a list of persons authorized to pick up your child in Magnus Health. We will not release your child to someone who is not on this list. Please let us know in advance whenever someone on this list is picking up your child from school, and please know they may be asked to show photo identification before we release your child to them.
  • If you are picking up your child at any other time, please call the Office at 336-668-0119 prior to arriving on campus.
Some Nuts and Bolts
Here's a run down of the most common topics as we head into the first week of School. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

  • Masks: Your child should bring at least two well-fitting masks to school each day. While masks are optional on a regular basis, if we learn that a community member has tested positive for COVID-19, we will require all exposed individuals to wear a mask for 10 days following the date of their last exposure (unless an exemption to mask use applies).
  • School Supplies: Your child should have all school supplies in the classroom by Monday, August 29. Please clearly label all supplies, including your pencil box or pouch, water bottle, and lunchbox, in places that are easily seen (e.g., on the outside, versus the inside, of the lunchbox).
  • Fifth Grade Summer Project Presentations: Fifth graders will present their summer projects the week of Monday, August 29, so student should be prepared to present by then. All presentations will be scheduled in Google Calendar, so families interested in virtually viewing presentations can plan accordingly.
Snacks and Lunches
A healthy breakfast, including adequate protein, will help ensure your child's ability to concentrate on school activities throughout the day. Please help us establish these healthy eating routines:

  • Snack: Ask your child to prepare their own morning snack. Please make sure they include this nutritious midmorning meal in their bag daily.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Your student will need a refillable water bottle which they bring to and from school daily.
  • Lunch: Please encourage your child to make a nutritious lunch that includes protein. Lunches will not be refrigerated, so please include a high-quality ice pack.
  • Please remember that microwaves are not available for warming foods. We recommend using a thermos to keep food warm until lunchtime.
  • Please refrain from delivering fast food, and sodas are not allowed. 
  • In keeping with our School's goal of sustainability, we ask that students pack litter-free lunches by using reusable containers and utensils.
  • Nut-Free: We are a nut-free campus. Please do not send food containing peanuts, tree nuts, nut oils, and nut flavors. We appreciate your close attention to this policy.
  • Candy-Free: We do not allow candy at school. Please do not allow your student to include candy or sugary dessert snacks in their midmorning snack or lunch.
Schedule for Back-to-School Events
Classroom Open House

Visit Upper Elementary to meet us, explore the classrooms, and connect with other families. Please come anytime between 9 to 11 a.m. and stay for as long, or as little, as you like.
First Day of School with Early Dismissal

Students should arrive at 8 a.m., and we will dismiss at 12:30p.m. We will follow this academic schedule for the first three days of school, with All-Inclusive CASA open Thursday and Friday until 6 p.m. for participating families.
Wed. to Fri.
Hopes, Dreams, and Concerns Conferences

These conferences are an opportunity for you to share hopes, goals, concerns, or specific information about your child and your family. If you haven't already done so, follow the links the book your conference with your child's advisor: Brooke Juneau and Beth Wilson, John Archambault, or Cathy Moses. If you would like to schedule an in-person conference with your teachers, please email them directly. We all have individual email addresses which follow the School's standard naming convention of firstname.lastname@gms.org.
Regular Classroom Schedule Begins

Our classroom will begin our regular schedule. Students should arrive between 8 and 8:15 a.m., and you may pick up at 3:30 p.m. After-School CASA is open until 6 p.m. for participating families. Please make sure your child has all their school supplies by this date and begin sending your child to school with a packed lunch.
Tues. to Thur.
Save the Date: YMCA Camp Weaver Overnight

Each year, Upper Elementary welcomes returning students, third graders moving up from Lower Elementary, and students new to our School. We spend the first few weeks of school building community with each other, reviewing classroom guidelines, and working into our regular schedule.

Similar to years' past, we are planning an overnight field trip to YMCA Camp Weaver for the sole purpose of getting to know each other and team building. Please mark your calendars for September 27 to 29 for this special trip. More information will be provided next month.
Greensboro Montessori School
2856 Horse Pen Creek Road, Greensboro, NC 27410
336-668-0119 | gms.org