Volume 1 | April 22 2020
Law & Life
This is the first edition of our monthly newsletter. You are receiving it as you either met me (Lori) or we chatted over email. We hope you find the content useful and reach out to us for suggestions or feedback. If you would like to unsubscribe, please use the button below, but we hope you stick around!

We are open for business during this crisis. We are able to serve your needs virtually, from start to finish. We are offering "virtual rates" to help you get your Estate Plan even if you are suffering financially. Wishing you health and safety during this time. Feel free to reach out just to say hello. -Lori
Parents' Legal Guide to Prepare for Emergency Situations
Important-Check Beneficiary Designations!
During this time of crisis, please make sure your account beneficiaries are correctly designated. Use this link for a refresher on which accounts you should check.

FREE Estate Plan Review
Would you like your Estate Plan reviewed free of charge? You are invited to submit your documents or ask me to review the documents I drafted for you. Use the confidential link below to upload.

For a free Estate Plan Organizer, download it from the front page of our website.

Legal Lifts-Combat Stress
During the quarantine, one major goal of mine is to get in great shape. Not only do you look better, but exercise is an amazing outlet for stress. Here is a great tip I have used since my teenage years. Place 5 lb. weights in your TV area. Next time you binge Netflix, lift weights during the entire show. Take one minute breaks here and there, but try many different movements to work the biceps, triceps, deltoids, etc. In a short while, you will be looking and feeling better. [pictured: Lori and her son]
To speak with us, view the schedule and make an appointment:
The Law Office of Lori Vellaโ€™s newsletter contains general information directed to Florida residents. This firm does not intend to give legal advice through its newsletter, pages and/or blog. If you need legal advice, we encourage you to find an attorney licensed in your state. This language on this newsletter or the links does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and this firm.