Dear Students and Families,
The start of a new school year is kind of like going to the premiere of a new movie; you may have seen the previews or acquainted yourself with the actors (and perhaps you have some Twizzlers™), but the action only happens once the curtains open and showtime begins!
Alas, this analogy may fail for a few reasons – first, we're not sure how many people still go to the theater anymore (cheers to those who still do!), and second, Kehillah students are not mere spectators watching someone else’s movie.
Kehillah students are the actors, artists, participants, and protagonists, and our community is the space where they can write their own stories and star in their own movies, in collaboration with supportive peers and dedicated faculty.
With that, we welcome you to the beginning of the 2023-24 school year –one that has no official movie title but does have a genre: transformation and possibility. These two words capture our joint commitment to your child’s growth as a learner, leader, and fully-engaged human being.
In this newsletter, you’ll learn about the incredible new faculty joining Kehillah (hailing from Honolulu, DC, and more!), and the events, programs, and highlights to look out for over the next month – including the Kehillah Kick-off Picnic on August 17.
As always, we’ll be here to answer all of your questions and build toward an Oscar-winning school year!