The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
African Forum:
"Managing the Global Commons of a Liveable Planet"
- Peter Knox
European Forum:
"Re-Reading Pacem in Terris
with Different Eyes"
- Gregor Buss
North American Forum:
Parents' Rights, Politics, and Justice for Young People
- Mary M. Doyle Roche
Asian and Oceanian Forum:
"The Church and Partisan Politics"
- Eric Genilo
Latin American and Caribbean Forum:
"'Not Just Poor, Bloody Poor': Menstrual Justice in Zimbabwe and Jamaica"
- Anna Kasafi Perkins
Junior Scholars Forum:
"Cuidar do próximo em tempos
de relativismos"
- Robson Ribeiro de Oliveira Castro Chaves
Announcing New Virtual Table on Synodality
A new virtual table, Engaging Synodality: A Call to Higher Education and Theological Ethicists, will begin in May 2022. This table will determine interest and generate further involvement/strategic ways to contribute as theological ethicists to Pope Francis’ global consultation toward a synod on synodality and becoming a synodal church (see Synod on Synodality.) We begin as a listening-learning group. Participants will share current involvement with/interest in the synodal process. Attention will also be paid to how theological ethicists can contribute to the synodal process and how we might listen to the voices of others, particularly those outside of the academy. Discussion will move to how theological ethicists’ might further respond to the call to synodality in our locations, through our writing, presentations and through our institutions. This table will be co-chaired by Maria Cimperman, RSCJ (USA), Kevin Ahern (USA), Stephanie Ann Puen (Philippines) and Victor Carmona (USA).
Catholic Women Preach
Sr. Anne Celestine Ondigo, FSJ preached for the Fourth Sunday of Lent for Catholic Women Preach on reconciliation and re-entry. Text and video of her reflection are available here.
Asian-Oceanian Regional Report
Shinto Puthumattathil & Paulachan Kochappilly, Eds., Justice Incarnated: Theological and Pastoral Perspectives on St. Joseph (Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2022).
With the Apostolic Letter “Patriscorde,” Pope Francis recalled the 150thanniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church and proclaimed a “Year of Saint Joseph” from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. While scripture does not offer a detailed account of St. Joseph, the magisterial documents also to a greater extent continued the same patrimony. In contrast to various devotional forms evolved in history, amidst the pandemic crisis, as also Pope Francis accentuated in his Apostolic Letter, this book unravels the life, personality and the redemptive role of St. Joseph and thus investigates the theological, philosophical, spiritual and psychological dimensions thereof.
Call for Papers
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology calls for papers for its June 2022 on the theme Christian Witness in the 21st Century. Papers will offer explorations against the background of growing globalization and its underlying upsurgences, namely, modernism, atheism, materialism, secularization, relativism and pluralism, the ways in which Christian witness has been questioned in diverse ways.
Report from Ecclesia of Women in Asia
This book offers the first in-depth treatment in English language of Habermas’s long-awaited work on religion, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, published in 2019. Maureen Junker-Kenny complements Habermas' trajectory based on Paul and Augustine with different lines of continuity: the Gospels, other patristic sources, Duns Scotus and Schleiermacher, arguing for an internal connection of faith to autonomous freedom.
Das neue Lehr- und Studienbuch führt in Denkweisen, Argumentationsmuster und Themen Christlicher Sozialethik ein: Es reflektiert den wissenschaftlichen Anspruch des Faches und erschließt ihre Gestalt aus der Geschichte von Christentum und Kirche im europäischen Kontext. Ethisch-normative Leitideen und ihre Begründungen werden zeitgemäß reformuliert und auf neue Fragestellungen bezogen.
In Kürze auch online verfügbar.
Conference on Amoris laetitia
Network Meeting Report (Germany)
On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the members of the Netzwerk Moraltheologie have dealt with the question of the “future of (theological) ethics”. From 4th to 6th of March, about 30 emerging scholars attended (physically or virtually), the annual meeting at Domschule Würzburg, Germany, and discussed their vision of the future of this discipline. During the first half of the meeting, the discussion was enriched by members of the network itself; namely, Dr. Johannes Ludwig (Fribourg), Dorian Winter (Fribourg), Anna Puzio (Münster), Nicolai Kleineidam (Münster) and Julia van der Linde (Bochum). In the second half of the meeting, two members of the national German Ethics Council, Prof. em. Julian Nida-Rümelin (München) and Prof. Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl (Augsburg) delivered their lectures and engaged with members of the network in further discussion on upcoming challenges and opportunities for (theological) ethics. The network meeting ended with a plenary discussion, to which all former members of the network who currently hold a professorship were invited. The next meeting of the network in March, 2023 will deal with the topic of experience, corporeality, and narrativity. Further information about the network can be found here.
Synodal Survey of Catholic Women
Are you now or have you ever self-identified as a Catholic woman? In collaboration with the University of Newcastle in Australia and the Catholic Women’s Council, Catholic Women Speak is conducting an online survey—available in six languages—to gather feedback from women around the world for the upcoming Synod.
Latin American-Caribbean Regional Report
La Universidad Alberto Hurtado de Chile ha lanzado el Diplomado en Teología Contemporánea como una invitación a profundizar en la teología de nuestro tiempo: un pensamiento situado histórica y culturalmente que busca comprender la acción salvífica de Dios en la historia. Es una invitación a dialogar con libertad y recorrer un camino tanto intelectual como personal en torno a las preguntas actuales de la teología. IMPORTANTE: Se reciben postulaciones entre marzo y abril de 2022 y la duración del programa es de 9 meses, desde abril a diciembre de 2022. Para más información en este enlace.
El Instituto Mexicano de Doctrina Social Cristiana (IMDOSOC) invita a sus próximos cursos: 1)"La Construcción de la paz en perspectiva Latinoamericana" del 30 de abril al 28 de mayo. Más información.
2) “Economías incluyentes y construcción de la paz” del 27 de abril al 15 de junio. Más información .
3) “Qué es la justicia social” del 27 de abril al 1 de junio. Más información.
El 30 de marzo pasado fue presentado por la Universidad Anáhuac de la Ciudad de México el libro “La Moral Social Para Conocer a Francisco” de nuestro compañero Dr. Agustín Ortega.
El seminario de ética eTHEOS, de la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México, realizará su III Coloquio de “Ética y Teología desde las Fronteras”, los días 4 y 5 de noviembre del presente año, de 9am a 14hr. El tema del coloquio es: “Conversión y compromiso desde la migración”, donde se expondrán experiencias narrativas sobre migración, con el fin de promover la participación social y eclesial en favor de la población migrante. El coloquio se realizará de forma híbrida, en la medida en que las condiciones sanitarias del momento lo permitan. Interesados en participar dirigirse con el Dr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos, en la siguiente dirección electrónica:
North American Regional Report
Book Publications
The book applies a contextual theology of conscience to Catholic elementary, secondary, and higher education. Among the contributors are James Keenan, S.J., Cathleen Kaveny, Daniel Castillo, Brandi Odom Lucas, Julie Rubio, and more.
Karen Peterson-Iyer adopts a feminist Christian anthropological framework to connect robust theological and ethical analysis to practical sexual issues, particularly those confronting college-aged and younger adults today. Through case studies, Peterson-Iyer shows that ethical sex is best demarcated not as a matter of chastity on the one hand and purely free consent on the other, but rather as ideally expressing the fullness of human agency, communicating the joy of shared pleasure, and conferring a deep sense of possibility and wholeness upon all participants.
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