The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
African Forum: "Capacity Development for Peacebuilding in Africa in a Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Future" - Reginald Nalugala
European Forum: "Religious Freedom, Constitutional Recognition, and Democracy" - Diego Alonso-Lasheras
"El desafío de la polarización social (en México) - Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Junior Scholars Forum: "Doing Business in the Philippines During the Covid-19 Pandemic" - Stephanie Ann Puen
Six months ago, we reported to you on the Virtual Table "The Response to the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church: Perspectives from Theological Ethics" and its book project. We have since received almost all the first drafts of the contributors, with many returned to the authors with comments from the editors, Daniel Fleming, Jim Keenan, and Hans Zollner. We are right on schedule for a June 2022 submission to the Journal of Moral Theology where the volume will be fully accessible on-line and hard copies may be bought through Wipf and Stock.
Still, we meet regularly with our format of two members presenting each their own “provocations” that get us looking at new issues on the crisis. On November 23, we heard from the civil and canon lawyer and theologian from Kenya, Sr. Leonida Katunge, and from Prof. Kate Jackson-Meyer of the United States, who has been working on moral injury.
On the First of March we met again, to hear provocations from India’s Shaji George Kochuthara and from Argentina’s Carolina Montero. If you are interested in joining us for our next VT, contact our organizer from Australia, Daniel Fleming at
New Regional Virtual Table
Statement from the Jesuit Institute of South Africa on Ukraine
"The Jesuit Institute SA has called on South Africa’s government to take action against the 'unjust aggressor' Russia following the invasion of the Ukraine." View the full statement here.
Asian-Oceanian Regional Report
Mary Mee-Yin Yuen and Regina Wentzel Wolfe, eds., Displacement and Disqualification: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives (Manila: Claretian, 2022).
This anthology is a collection of twelve articles which were the revised versions of the keynote speech and papers presented at the ninth biennial conference organized by the Ecclesia of Women in Asia in 2020, with the same theme as the title of the book. Edited by Mary Mee-Yin Yuen (Hong Kong) and Regina Wentzel Wolfe (USA), this book is divided into five parts: Migration and Displacement Overview, Women on the Move: Migration and Displacement in Context, Migrant Women and the Home Altar, Biblical Narratives and Displacement, and Displacement and Disqualification in the Church. Contributors are from different parts of Asia who are active in higher education, pastoral ministries and empowerment of women. For any inquiries, please contact Mary Yuen at
Voluntary Assisted Dying: Law? Health? Justice? Edited by Daniel J. Fleming and David J. Carter (ANU Press, 2022).
Since the introduction of voluntary assisted dying in 2019, a ‘new moment’ in the governance of life and death has opened up within the Australian context. This collection brings together critical perspectives on voluntary assisted dying itself, and on various practices adjacent to it, including questions of state power, population ageing, the differential treatment of human and non-human animals at the time of death, the management of health care processes through silent ‘workarounds’, and the financialisation of death.
Congratulations on New Assignment
Dr. David Kirchhoffer, director of the Queensland Bioethics Centre at Australian Catholic University, and member of CTEWC, has been appointed to the Australian Health Ethics Committee. AHEC is the Australian peak health ethics body and is a committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council. AHEC is responsible for ongoing revision of Australia’s national human research ethics guidelines as well as for developing new ethics guidelines for emerging medical technologies and other health matters.
Asian-Oceanian regional VT held on 17 February, 2022
Asian-Oceanian regional VT was held on 17 February, 2022 with 10 members. The first session, which lasted for an hour, was moderated by Eric Marcelo Genilo. Dionius Mahamboro presented a paper on “Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating for Irregular Marriage: Case in Local Church.” Taking the example of a particular archdiocese in Indonesia, Mahamboro explained how the basic Christian community cell in that region deal with irregular marriages. Such basic ecclesial units make a spiritual discernment of the situation of such couples and show them mercy to the extent of permitting them to receive the Eucharist. The paper provoked many questions, while it brought forth many concerns of Amoris Laetitia. A fruitful discussion followed. In the second session that lasted for half an hour, many practical concerns surfaced and were subjected to discussion.
Public Health Conference
"The Mission of the Church in the Era of Global Public Health," online from Frankfurt, St. Georgen, Germany, 30 March - 1 April 2022. This conference provides a chance for intensive exchange and worldwide networking on the Church’s role in public health now that the issues have become global in their scope. The program includes general lectures by recognized experts and interactive workshops, involving scholars from different countries and fields of expertise, on such themes as “Health from a Theological and Anthropological Perspective”, “Interconnections and Global Health”, and “Multiple Levels of the Mission of the Church”.
Pastoral Responses to Covid-19 Paper and Webinar
Jim McManus, a psychologist, public health expert, and theologian, has authored the first report in a three-part series, entitled "Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery: A Briefing for Faith Communities." (The second paper in the series will be a guide to pastoral recovery and tasks for churches, to be launched in May, and the third paper will be on ethical and theological aspects of leadership, to be launched in November.) The reports and accompanying webinars can be found through FaithAction.
Latin American-Caribbean Regional Report
Organizado por Rosana Manzini e Ronaldo Zacharias, acaba de ser publicado o livro "Direitos Humanos e Doutrina Social da Igreja: da globalização da indiferença à globalização da solidariedade" (Sâo Paulo: Paulus, 2022). A obra conta com a colaboração de alguns membros da CTEWC: Gustavo Irrazábal, Maria Isabel Gil Espinosa, Emilce Cuda, André Luiz Boccato de Almeida, Rosana Manzini e Ronaldo Zacharias.
Nuestro compañero Agustín Ortega dará un curso breve acerca del Papa Francisco los días 12,19, 26 de marzo y 2 abril de 11:00 a 14:00 horas. Informes.
Nuestra compañera María Isabel Gil Espinosa fue invitada a participar el pasado 23 de febrero en el proyecto Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa, por la Association of Catholic Universities and Higher Institutes of Africa and Madagascar para dar la conferencia War and Peacebuilding from an Ethical Perspective.
North American Regional Report
Recent Articles
CTSA Pre-Conference Training: “Short and to the Point: Writing for a General Audience”
Registration open via CTSA conference registration: At this training, sponsored by CTEWC open to all CTSA members, journalist and Emory University Professor of Practice in Creative Writing Hank Klibanoff will introduce the art of writing for the general public to help make your work accessible for a general audience. Learn how to identify your audience and to engage them by leading with anecdotes, leveraging the narrative of your own work, and focusing on a single message without over-simplifying. The session is capped at 30 participants. Thursday, June 9,12:45-2:45pm, at the Sheraton Atlanta.
EWA Participation
The Ecclesia of Women in Asia (EWA) held its 10th Biennial Conference online under the theme: “Towards Life-giving Communities in a Time of Pandemic: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives.” It included an Intercontinental video-conferencing session, with representation from CTEWC (as well as Marquette, JST/SCU, BC, Fordham, and St. Mary’s College). Stay tuned for further reflections.