The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
African Forum:
"Freedom in the Present Age"
- Solange Ngah
European Forum:
"Struggling to be a Cosmopolitan in a Globalized World"
- Ellen Van Stichel
North American Forum:
"Three Ways to Deal with Exhaustion in Catholic Higher Education"
- Jason King
Asian and Oceanian Forum:
"Amoris Laetitia and Catholic Families in Asia"
- Dionius B. Mahamboro
Latin American and Caribbean Forum:
"La perspectiva ética del Dios bíblico"
- María Cristina Ventura Campusano
Junior Scholars Forum:
"La menstruación, el tabú más eterno. Un llamado a subvertirlo desde la ética teológica feminista"
- Verónica Naranjo Quintero
Nonviolence and Just Peace Virtual Table
Our purpose has been to deepen reflection on the cross-cutting, intersectional theme of nonviolence. We have discussed existing efforts of nonviolence on the ground in the regions where participants reside; how nonviolence is a cross-cutting, intersectional theme both in terms of illuminating specific moral issues and generating creative, transformative praxis; what norms and ethical framework better enables nonviolence to proliferate and deepen within the Catholic church and broader society; and how might just peace moral reasoning contribute to this effort. We have been working on case studies drawing on a just peace framework. We have completed one on Boko Haram in Nigeria drawing on insight from a participant who is from Nigeria and other voices we interviewed living in Nigeria. We are presently working on a case study drawing on a just peace framework to analyze a sample of Catholic Universities and how they are addressing Climate Change. We also recently discussed Maria Power’s just peace approach based on her field work in Northern Ireland. With the recent war in Ukraine, we explored various ways nonviolence can illuminate root causes and focus us on how to break the dynamic of violence. Some participants have written articles and we shared various resources, such as statements by Pope Francis, the effectiveness of civil resistance in Ukraine, ways to focus on and support NV resistance in Ukraine, a just peace approach to the Ukraine crisis, a webinar on NV resistance in Ukraine, Latin American theologians on the war in Ukraine, moving beyond the possibility of war being just, and a general collection of resources on nonviolent resistance action related to Ukraine. If you would like to join our conversations, contact Eli McCarthy,
Asian-Oceanian Regional Report
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Special Issue 1, January 2022
Edited by George Kodithottam and Christopher Vimalraj Hiruthya
This special issue is a collection of papers presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI). Articles by Shaji George Kochuthara, Francis Chittuparambil, Rahul Sima, Scaria Kanniyakonil, Paulachan Kochappilly, Mary Mee-Yin Yuen, Metti Amritham, Sahayaraj Stanley, and James F. Keenan.
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Special Issue 2, March 2022
Special Issue edited by Shinto Puthumattathil & Paulachan Kochappilly
Articles by Francis Thonippara, Kurian Kachappilly, Benny Thettayil, Josin Kaithakulam, Joy Philip Kakkanattu, Mary Ann Madhavathu, Mathew Thekkemuriyil, Paul Kunjanayil, Paulachan Kochappilly, Peter Kochalumkal, Thomas Prasobh Kolliyelil, and Thomas Parayil.
Isis Ibrahim, Shaji George Kochuthara, Klaus Vellguth, ed., Finding a Home in Creation: Asian Spiritualities of Creation in Dialogue. (Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2022).
The book aims to reveal the ecological potential of the religious traditions of Asia for the benefit of our common home, the earth. Their specific creation narratives, their spiritual worldviews, and their ethical principles are presented and discussed in the intention to further interreligious dialogue in ecological matters. With contributions from Omneya Ayad, Clarence Devadass, Goldy M. George, Tabassum Hameed, Rey-Sheng Her, Isis Ibrahim, Saji Mathew Kanayankal CST, Shaji George Kochuthara CMI, Nanditha Krishna, Junghee Min, Daniel Franklin E. Pilario C.M., A. Faizur Rahman, Jyoti Sahi, Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Tattwarupanandaji Maharaj, Hector D’Souza SJ, Klaus Vellguth, Chandrasekar Venkataraman, Virginius Xaxa.
Conference of Societas Ethica in Zürich, August 25-28, 2022: Vulnerability & Integrity
The moral impact of vulnerability, especially human vulnerability, has been intensely discussed in recent years. It seems that human vulnerability offers a foundation to better understand morality, especially regarding the moral duties of beneficence and nonmaleficence. But it might also enable a deepened understanding of concepts of autonomy and justice. While the concept of vulnerability has been intensely discussed there is far less ethical discussion on the concept of integrity. Therefore, this conference suggests clarifying the moral relevance of vulnerability by reference to a better understanding the concept of integrity and vice versa. The topic will be discussed on a fundamental conceptual and normative level, as well as with regard to different areas of applied ethics. Further conference information.
(ATIEM) La Asociación Teológica Ibérica para el Estudio de la Moral
La Asociación Teológica Ibérica para el Estudio de la Moral, fundada en 2018 con la intención de ser un lugar de encuentro y reflexión conjunta entre moralistas de España y Portugal, convoca las primeras jornadas de teología moral que se celebrarán los días 30 de junio y 1 de julio en Oporto (Portugal): “La teología moral del futuro: perspectivas”. De lo que se trata es de analizar las claves fundamentales que debemos tener en cuenta a la hora de abordar las distintas cuestiones de la teología moral cristiana de cara al futuro, teniendo en cuenta las orientaciones que el Papa Francisco nos está dando en sus documentos e intervenciones.
New Chairpersons of the German Associations of Moral Theology and Christian Social Ethics
The German Association of Moral Theology, an association of professors and emeriti of moral theology at German universities) elected in their annual meeting (5-6 of April 20022) two new chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Katharina Klöcker (Bochum) as the 1st chairperson, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weißer (Bamberg) as the 2nd chairperson.
The Association for Christian Social Ethics (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Sozialethik) also elected in their annual meeting two new chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Michelle Becka (Würzburg) and Prof. Dr. Christian Spieß (Linz).
Werner Wolbert, Schmutzige Hände und weiße Westen. Schuld und Unschuld in moralischen Extremsituationen, Basel: Schwabe/Würzburg: Echter 2022. (Studien zur theologischen Ethik Bd. 158).
Die Metapher der schmutzigen Hände steht bisweilen für die Haltung eines Menschen, dem zur Erreichung seiner Ziele jedes Mittel recht ist – oder aber für den Mut, sich zu engagieren und dabei Mittel anzuwenden, die zu Zweifeln an der Integrität des/der Handelnden Anlass geben könnten, wobei es stets auch um die Konkurrenz nicht gleichzeitig erreichbarer wünschbarer Ziele geht. Das Buch unternimmt – v.a. anhand von Beispielen - eine ethische Beurteilung, die in der üblichen Verwendung der Metapher lediglich angedeutet ist.
Latin American-Caribbean Regional Report
Organizado por José A. Trasferetti e Ronaldo Zacharias, acaba de ser publicado o livro "Ética Teológica e Pandemias: entre a razão e a urgência social" (São Paulo: Paulus, 2022). A obra conta com a colaboração de alguns membros da CTEWC: James Keenan, Alexandre A. Martins, Maria Inês de Castro Millen, José A. Trasfertti e e Ronaldo Zacharias.
A Sociedade Brasileira de Teologia Moral realizará o II Simpósio Brasileiro de Teologia Moral e o I Simpósio Internacional de Ética Teológica. O tema abordado será "Educar para a Ética: repensar as relações em tempos de pluralidade" e o evento se realizado online de 07 a 09 de junho de 2022 - link.
La Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) llevará adelante la cuarta edición del programa sobre Santidad -en modalidad online y gratuita- presentando las figuras ejemplares de santidad pastoral del Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez (Chile), Monseñor Hélder Câmara (Brasil) y Monseñor Jorge Novak (Argentina). El Pbro. Dr. Élio E. Gasda SJ, miembro de la CTEWC de Latinoamérica y profesor de la Facultad Jesuíta de Belo Horizonte (Brasil) será el encargado de presentar el testimonio de Mons. Hélder Câmara. Más información para Inscripción.
El Instituto de Cultura Universitaria (ICU) de la UCA (Argentina) presenta el seminario Internacional “Sinodalidad en la vida de la Iglesia”, en modalidad online y gratuita. El primer encuentro de este seminario será el próximo 19 de mayo y contará con la participación de la Lic. Dolores García Pi, Presidenta del Foro de Laicos de España y de Monseñor Enrique Eguía Seguí, Vicario general del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, Secretario general del Sínodo diocesano 2017-2021. Más información para Inscripción.
El 16 de abril se estrenó una canción en memoria del niño mártir Iqbal Masih perteneciente a un proyecto contra la esclavitud infantil con letra de nuestro compañero Agustín Ortega.
Marcela la Palma presenta dos videos acompañada por Ronaldo Zacharias y Claudia Leal todos miembros de CTEWG con el tema Hermenéutica del LECTOR (no del AUTOR).
North American Regional Report
Lecture Series
James F. Keenan, SJ presents the The D'Arcy Lectures 2022: Preparing for the Moral Life; Every Tuesday 5:30pm-6:45pm (BST) from 26 April-14 June; Venue: Campion Hall and livestream. What type of Catholic Theological Ethics do we need to develop as the 21st century unfolds? In this prestigious lecture series Keenan addresses grief, vulnerability, recognition, conscience, the call of discipleship, grace and sin, virtues and the beatitudes, and mercy and the world church. Visit this site for more information and to register.
Virtual Conference
May 6-8, 2022: The Church of Now: Young People and Global Catholicism Today, the conference (free to register) recognizes that young people, as Pope Francis said in 2019, in Christus Vivit, “are not merely on the receiving end of pastoral activity: they are living members of the one ecclesial body.” This conference brings together scholars and activists from all over the world to address questions of: Vocation and discernment, Faith formation, Trauma and moral courage, Sustainable development, and Young people’s leadership in the Church. Hosted by the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology (CWCIT) at DePaul. Contact Karen Kraft with any questions.
Upcoming Lecture
CTEWC member Gerald Beyer is speaking virtually at Marquette on his book Just Universities, with a focus on gender justice at Catholic institutions. The event is virtual and open to the public, on May 4 at 6 p.m. Central Time. It is hosted by Marquette's Institute for Women's Leadership. Click here to register.