The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
November 2019
CTEWC's Second Generation: An Invitation
As Jim Keenan’s recent letter to the membership detailed, CTEWC’s planning committee convened in Munich last month with 36 others from across the network to think together about its second generation. We reflected on our first 16 years and what this new stage of the network calls forth, in terms of shared leadership, inclusive hospitality, and persistent hope. As we transition from a network marked by large conferencing to new modes of virtual engagement, online publishing and expanded partnerships, we invite each of you to reflect on how you can get more deeply involved. In Munich we were energized and heartened by participants’ commitment; the next generation will depend on this. We have outlined whom you can contact to get involved with our various new initiatives here on the website, and we would be delighted to hear from you with your own ideas, as well. 
Featured Forum Articles
African Forum : "On Heroes, Hero Worship and Veneration of Saints" - Laurenti Magesa

European Forum: "Under the Wave of Populism and Nationalism: What, if any, is the future for the Christian Democrat party?" - Ellen van Stitchel

North American Forum: "USCCB Support for Employment Discrimination" - Emily Reimer-Barry
Asian Forum : "A Growing Culture of Hope or Fear?" - Carolyn Ong

Latin American and Caribbean Forum: "Hora de reconsiderar la Cristianización de las Américas: La modalidad de Dios es encuentro" - MT Dávila

Junior Scholars Forum: " Sínodo Para La Región Panamazónica" - María Isabel Gil Espinosa
Asian Regional Report
The National Consultation of Women in Pune, India

95 consecrated women in India met October 4-6 to reflect on the theme "Women in the Church; reading the 'Signs of the Times.'"  
Congratulations Dr. J. Charles Davis

The Vatican has appointed Dr. J. Charles Davis of Jammu-Srinagar Diocese, Kashmir, India, as a Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life as of February 2019. Read the Report
Association of Moral Theologians in India

The AMTI held their annual meeting October 18-20 on the topic "Crisis in the Church: Ethical Perspectives in the Context of the Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Church."

Upcoming: INSeCT Conference

Our Kairos – Common Challenges in Different Perspectives: Asian-European Dialogue
Topics: Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation, Migration, and Family & Sexual Relationships
Nov 12-13, 2019
Faber Hall 101, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines
Participating theological societies DaKaTeO (Catholic Theological Society of the Philippines), ESCT (European Society of Catholic Theology), EWA (Ecclesia of Women in Asia), ESWTR (European Soc. of Women in Theological Research), ACTA (Australian Catholic Theological Association), IWTF (Indian Women's Theologians' Forum) and ITA (Indian Theological Association)
European Regional Report
New Courses at Catherine of Siena College, Starting November 11:
Invitation to the Annual Conference of Social Ethicists in Berlin
February, 17-19, 2020.
Theme: Critique of Identity Politics
(Language: German)


"Liebe, Sexualität und Partnerschaft. Die Lebensformen der Intimität im Wandel" - Eberhard Schockenhoff (Editor)
Today´s society is characterized by a tension between the growing freedom, when it comes to decisions that are concerning our own biography, and the demands and risks that come with this change. Thus, the volume attempts to examine the relevance and implications of this change, focussing especially on the area of love, sexuality and partnership. The book contains contributions from Judith Frommer, Karl Gabriel, Stephan Goertz, Thomas Heinemann, Konrad Hilpert, Ulrich Lüke, Gerhard Marschütz, Claude Ozankom and Eberhard Schockenhoff.

Latin American and Caribbean Regional Report
Congresso sobre igreja e abusos sexuais

Será realizado, de 04 a 05 de novembro de 2019, em São Paulo (Brasil), o II Congresso Católico "Construindo Identidades em Meio à Crise", que abordará o tema  Igreja e Abusos Sexuais: a urgência de uma nova cultura formativa . Organizado pelo membro da CTEWC, Ronaldo Zacharias e pelos padres diocesanos Alfredo Veiga e Humberto Robson de Carvalho, o Congresso visa abordar o fenômeno dos abusos sexuais em vista de propor uma nova cultura formativa na Igreja. Temas como  Os impactos dos escândalos sexuais na vida da Igreja, A etiologia dos escândalos sexuais, Os equívocos no processo formativo, Os desafios a serem assumidos no processo formativo, O significado de amar como pastores  serão abordados por especialistas de várias áreas do saber. Informações e inscrições:

Livro: igreja e escândalos sexuais: por uma nova cultura formativa

Membros da CTEWC publicaram suas contribuições na obra "Igreja e escândalos sexuais: por uma nova cultura formativa", organizada por Aldredo César da Veiga e Ronaldo Zacharias: Luiz Augusto de Mattos: Abuso sexual e processo formativo: por uma formação integradora e humanizadora; André Luiz Boccato de Almeida:  Da ferida incurável à cicatrização dolorosa: uma reflexão propositiva diante dos desafios formativos na Igreja;  Maria Inês de Castro Millen:  Formação e repressão do eros;   Ronaldo Zacharias: Equívocos no processo formativo.


A revista TEOLOGIA EM QUESTÃO publicou um número monográfico sobre temas morais: TEOLOGIA MORAL - UM OLHAR PARA FRENTE (n. 35 - 2019). Membros do CTEWC contribuíram com os seguintes artigos: Dom Ricardo Hoepers: Teologia Moral: um olhar para frente; Luiz Augusto de Mattos: A ética teológica cristã e o princípio misericórdia; André Luiz Boccato de Almeida: Teologia Moral e  Amoris Laetitia;   Maria Inês de Castro Millen: O desafio da Teologia Moral na superação de uma ética individualista; José Antonio Trasferetti: Misoginia e violência contra a mulher; Ronaldo Zacharias: Por uma tolerância 'virtuosamente' ativa: desafios à ética teológica; Mário Marcelo Coelho: Roboética: humanos e máquinas. Disponível em .


Fr. Nilo Agostini, membro da CTEWC, publicou pela editora Vozes, dois recentes livros:  Moral Fundamental: iniciação à Teologia Os desafios da educação a partir de Paulo Freire e Walter Benjamin.

Teólogas y teólogos se reúnen en rio para promover una américa unida y diversa:
Dr. Agustin Ortega Cabrera
El Dr. Agustín Ortega Cabrera, misionero laico español (Las Palmas de GC.), profesor e investigador en diversas universidades latinoamericanas y peruanas, hizo la conferencia de clausura, "Pensamiento social y ética en una antropología hermenéutica", en la Semana de Humanidades (Jueves Filosóficos), Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal (UNFV, Lima). En la foto, con la Decana de la Facultad de Humanidades y con el Director de la Escuela de Filosofía, que le acompañaron en la mesa durante dicha conferencia.
La región de América Latina y del Caribe tiene un nuevo comité:
  • Alexandre A. Martins (Brasil) - Coordinador regional
  • Pablo Blanco (Argentina) – Coordinador del Fórum regional 
  • Anna Perkins (Jamaica) – Coordinadora del Caribe 
  • Verónica Anguita (Chile) – Responsable por el website regional 
  • Jutta Battenberg (Mexico) – Responsable to colectar informaciones para The First   
  • María Isabel Gil Espinosa (Colombia) – Miembro del comité regional
  • Ronaldo Zacharias (Brasil) – Miembro del comité regional

Agradecemos profundamente a Emilce Culda y Elio Gasda por su eficiente colaboración.
North American Regional Report
CTEWC Collaboration

The North American Regional Committee wants to highlight the collaborative work of two CTEWC network members: Anna Perkins (Jamaica, The University of West Indies) and Meghan Clark (New York City, St. John’s University). Anna and Meghan have developed a partnership in their teaching. In a course called Global Online Learning Experience, Meghan and Anna serve as a guest lecturer for one another’s students via WebEx (a Zoom-like online conference program). Anna teaches about the work of the Caribbean bishop’s conference to students in her Jamaica classroom, and in Meghan’s NYC classroom. Meghan delivers a lecture on environmental racism to both her local NYC students, and Anna’s students at the University of West Indies. See more about their collaborative efforts here .

Jornada por la Justicia

Jeremy Cruz and Victor Carmona participated in Jornada por la Justicia, the teach-in and action meeting that Latinx Catholic Leadership Coalition sponsored in El Paso, Texas in mid-October. Jeremy has written an essay on the work of “Jornada” that will appear in an upcoming edition of the First’s Junior Scholars’ Forum. In the meantime, he encourages all of us to see this update on the experience from Ignatian Solidarity Network
Still Unhealed: Treating the Pathology in the Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis
By: Sr. Nuala Kenny
In her new book , Nuala Kenny treats her “patient” (the Roman Catholic Church) like a family doctor would faced with a serious illness. Combining insights in medicine, theology, history, psychology, and sociology, she gives an insightful prognosis, followed by some sound advice and hopeful vision for clergy and laity working together to heal the Church. To offer greater depth to the theological perspective, she collaborated with David Deane, who has focused on the abuse crisis in his own work.

Mining Morality: Prospecting for Ethics in a Wounded World
By William George
Mining Morality: Prospecting for Ethics in a Wounded World is now available. This notice from Rowman & Littlefield offers 30% discount and is good until December of next year. The book explores the ethics of mining through insights from Bernard Lonergan, the Catholic social tradition as reflected in Laudato si ', international law, and the virtue of prudence as a contribution to Catholic theological ethics in the world church.

Finally, if you have any news to report via the North American Regional Update send it to Anna Floerke Scheid at [email protected] .
Job Postings
Inclusive Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow in the area of Diversity & Immigration Ethics at t he Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, USA.

Assistant Professor in Theology of Latin Patristics (cluster hire in Race, Ethnic and Indigenous studies) at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA.