The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
September 2022
Featured Forum Articles
African Forum:
"From the Abundance of Life Comes Hope: Laurenti Magesa Reminds Africans of their Cultural Heritage"
-Nora Kofognotera Nonterah

European Forum:
"The Russian War against Ukraine: The Moral Accountability of Patriarch Kirill and President Putin"
- Martin Lintner

North American Forum:
“An Apology is the Beginning of Healing: Pope Francis and the Indigenous Peoples”
- Mary Jo Iozzio
Asian and Oceanian Forum:
"Inadequate Housing and Children's Development"
-Mary Yuen

Latin American and Caribbean Forum:
"El proceso constituyente en Chile. Algunas reflexiones sobre identidad religiosa y militancia política."
- Claudia Leal

Junior Scholars Forum:
"Unifying the Liturgy, Decentralizing the Government in Pope Francis’ Reforms"
- Federico Cinocca

For these articles and over a decade of global scholarship, visit the CTEWC Forum.
In Memoriam
Fr. Laurenti Magesa (1946-2022) – the Giant of African Theology

Roman Catholic priest, theologian and teacher, Laurenti Magesa, died in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on Thursday, 11 August, 2022, the day after he turned 76. To many who knew him, Magesa was a father (Baba) and grandfather (Babu); a friend and a mentor; a brother and a teacher. The belief is strong in many parts of Africa that the status of an ancestor is reserved for people who have made a transformative and enduring contribution of service to their community. By his life of service as a pastor, the depth of his scholarship and the example of his life as a Christian, Magesa now qualifies to join the ranks of ancestors of the Church in Africa and the World Church.

Read more from Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator's in his obituary for Laurenti Magesa. Other remembrances offered by Emmanuel Bueya on Magesa's contributions to African theology, and by colleagues through a video tribute on YouTube.
Virtual Tables
La Mesa Virtual de Migración y Fronteras en América inició sus reuniones el 9 de julio pasado con la colaboración de 9 académicos. La intención es profundizar en el tema y elaborar un texto que refleje la situación en América Latina. Las reuniones son en primer jueves de cada dos mes. Interesados en participar comunicarse con Jutta Battenberg: [email protected].

The Migración y Fronteras en América Virtual Table met in July with 9 people in attendance. It is hoped to extend membership over the coming months, and anyone interested in joining please contact Jutta Battenberg. Meetings will be conducted in Spanish or Portuguese. The next meeting is in September. Arising from the meetings, this working group expects to produce a book on migration in due course.
African Regional Report
Report from the 2nd Congress of the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network

The Pan-African Catholic Congress on Theology, Society and Pastoral Life, was held from the 18th -23rd of July 2022 at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi, Kenya. The opening message of the congress was by our Holy Father Pope Francis encouraging African theologians to bring ‘good news of mercy for the poor and nourish people and communities in their struggle for life, peace and hope’ and he further called on the church to embrace the ‘paths of missionary, ecological conversion, peace, reconciliation and transformation of the whole world’.

The congress had also some key message of the best practices that revolve around the synod, the vital church, children and women in the church in Africa as well as LGBT persons. Around all these discussions that took place via the palaver method there was a strong feeling that the Church in Africa, just like in the whole world, has not been left behind in the process of the synod where issues of clericalism abound; the role of women are key. Read more from Sr. Leonida Katunge's report here.
Asian-Oceanian Regional Report
New Publication
Scaria Kanniyakonil, The Truth and Beauty of Human Sexuality A Catholic Perspective (Bengaluru: ATC Publishers, 2022).

This work provides a welcome introduction to the complex reality of sexuality within the framework of Catholic teaching. This book discusses the general scientific view of human sexuality, fundamental theology of human sexuality, special cases in human sexuality, chastity and celibacy, and the need for sex education. Perhaps the book's greatest virtue is that, as the work's title suggests, the author never loses sight of the beauty and blessing of human sexuality.
European Regional Report

„Ermutigung zur Verantwortung“. Festschrift für Josef Römelt
(Studien der Moraltheologie. Neue Folge 16) edited by Christof Mandry/Stefan Meyer-Ahlen.
 "Encouragement to Responsibility" (Ermutigung zur Verantwortung) is the title of the Festschrift with which friends and companions honour the Erfurt moral theologian Josef Römelt CSsR. The book, edited by Christof Mandry and Stefan Meyer-Ahlen, offers an inspiring overview of the current theological-ethical discourse on responsibility.
Marie-Jo Thiel, Anne Danion-Grilliat, et Frédéric Trautmann (dir.), ABUS SEXUELS. ÉCOUTER, ENQUÊTER, PRÉVENIR, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg - Collection Chemins d'éthique, février 2022.
This book examines the trauma of victims of sexual assault and explores the entire medical and legal chain, from reporting, police investigation, listening to minors, to the eventual conviction of the perpetrator and the possibilities of care. It also gives the floor to theologians and canonists from France, Luxembourg, Germany and Canada. This high-quality reflection, unique in its kind, contributes to increased vigilance.

Conference on Intersectionality

 “Theology: Biographical – Contextual – Intersectional” in Münster on the 20th and 21st of October 2022 by the Centre for Theological Gender Studies at the University of Münster (Germany). Having started to map out theological gender studies in the German speaking context, their potentials and limitations in 2019, we now want to broaden our perspectives to a bigger international context and to the topic of intersectionality. Conference registration is live. Additionally, the conference issues a call for poster presentations: professors, researchers in bigger and smaller projects and especially young scholars are invited to present posters about their projects and to enrich the conference this way. Submission deadline: 30th of September 2022.
Calls for Papers

WORKSHOP ETHIK: „Intuition und Intuitionen in der Ethik", 13.03.-15.03.2023 im Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus, Wiesbaden-Naurod. Thema des Workshops ist die Rolle von Intuitionen in der Ethik. Was genau ist ihre Natur? Ist für sie das Spontane, Intuitive oder Instinktive wesentlich? Gibt es Bedingungen, die sie erfüllen müssen, um für die Ethik interessant zu sein? Was genau leisten Intuitionen für die Ermittlung der richtigen Handlung? Welche Rolle spielen Intuitionen bei der Rechtfertigung ethischer Prinzipien? For further information, click here.

From 13th-17th of February 2023 an international and interdisciplinary symposium will take place in Vienna: "War in Ukraine. Theological, Ethical and Historical Reflections. Vienna Postgraduate Symposium" is organized by the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna and wants to align theological research, historical accounts and philosophical-ethical questions with the current situation in Ukraine as well as to reflect on the challenges that go along with the war and its containment. It welcomes in particular postgraduate Ukrainian scholars from the fields of Theology, Religious Studies, and History (or related disciplines), who either live in Ukraine or had to leave the country in the past months. Submission deadline is the 30th of September 2022.
Upcoming Webinar on the War in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has been a major shock, which has led us to rethink not only international relations, but also dialogue between churches. In this webinar, a panel will reflect on how this war will affect ecumenical relations between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and Christian Churches worldwide. Sponsored by the Superior Institute of Ecumenical Studies, the Institute of Ecumenical Studies, and the Institute of Oriental Christians of Paris. Working languages: English and French. Registration is available here

Latin American-Caribbean Regional Report

A Sociedade Brasileira de Teologia Moral (SBTM) vem neste ano de 2022 realizar o seu 45º. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE TEOLOGIA MORAL: Cruzar fronteiras: uma urgência para a ética teológica”.Trata-se de um Congresso que pretende abordar o papel da Teologia Moral no espaço público a fim auxiliar o ser humano no que tange a aprofundar a sua humanização, no sentido de abrir pontes de diálogo e de convivência para a consolidação de um mundo onde haja paz, respeito à diversidade, tolerância, cuidado com a terra, onde se mantenha a opção preferencial pelo pobre e o cuidado redobrado pelos mais desvalidos da Terra. O Congresso aposta num mundo que valoriza a dignidade da vida, os direitos humanos, preservados acima de qualquer assédio, racismo, homofobia e preconceito. Bem como, também aposta no direito dos animais. São os princípios éticos cristãos da responsabilidade e do cuidado alguns dos seus norteadores.

Nuestro compañero Agustín Ortega participó en el VI Curso de Actualización Teológica en la Diócesis de Chosica.


Nuestro compañero el Padre Alberto Múnera nos comparte su artículo “Aclaraciones sobre el aborto en la Iglesia Católica” en la revista Theologica Xaveriana.
North American Regional Report
Catholic Peacebuilding Network Recording

The Catholic Peacebuilding Network held a virtual international conference from June 20-23. You can find information on it on our conference site, including links to session recordings, program, and media coverage, or on the CPN YouTube channel.

Call for Abstracts: Journal of Catholic Social Thought

In his 2017 World Day of Peace Message, Pope Francis emphasized the need to “make active nonviolence our way of life.” CTEWC's Nonviolence and Just Peace Virtual Table invites contributions on this theme for a dedicated issue in the Journal for Catholic Social Thought. See here for the full call for papers and submission details. Abstracts should be submitted no later than October 1, 2022. Notice of acceptance will be given by November 1. Papers from international authors are strongly encouraged; please note, however, that the journal publishes in English.

Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action: Sept. 21-Oct. 2

These days of action promote and celebrate nonviolence between 21 September (International Day of Peace) and 2 October (International Day of Nonviolence and Gandhi’s birthday). These dates align with the Season of Creation, which extends from 1 September (Day of Prayer for creation) until 4 October (feast of St. Francis of Assisi.)
Recent Books

SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai, editor, Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement: The Journey to Holistic Freedom (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022). A fundamental question that this volume aims to address is: What does it mean to be a woman of color in a world where systems of erasure dominate? The title of this volume is meant to showcase a deliberate engagement with the uncelebrated insights and perspectives of women of color in a world where systemic discrimination persists, and to articulate new strategies and paradigms for recognizing their contributions to the broader struggles for freedom and equity of women in our world.
Kate Jackson-Meyer, Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics (Georgetown University Press, 2022). Jackson-Meyer develops a new theological understanding of tragic dilemmas rooted in moral philosophy, contemporary case studies, and psychological literature on moral injury. She offers practical strategies that Christian communities can use to provide healing to those who have acted in tragic dilemmas and to transform the unjust structures that often cause these tragedies.
Pre-AAR Workshop

Pre-AAR Writing & Publishing Workshop (November 17-18, Denver, Colorado): "So You Want to Write a Trade Book?" Enrollment is limited; please see the flyer for further instructions.

Recent Articles

David Hollenbach, "A Relational Understanding of Human Rights: Human Dignity in Social Solidarity," Emory Law 71(7), 2022.

Ramón Luzárraga, “The Ethics of a Just, Protracted War,” Political Theology, June 30, 2022.

On the June Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Decision:

Meghan Clark, Jesus Trusted Women: Why Can’t We? Fordham Blog, July 26, 2022.

“Disturbing the Foundations: Feminist Ethicists Respond to the Dobbs Decision,” Political Theology, Part 1: Emily Reimer-Barry, Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes, and Cristina Traina and Part 2: Meg Stapleton Smith, Elsie Miranda and Taylor Ott, June and July 2022.

Call for Potential Participants

CTEWC members who may be interested in participating in a project on "The Peaceable City: A Just Peacebuilding Approach to Policing" are invited to contact the project's principal investigator Maria Power, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford ([email protected]), who is working with Tobias Winright, St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth, and Kevin Hargaden, Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin. We are applying for a small grant to support the activities of this small research group. Please note that expression of interest does not automatically mean participation, especially given the possible grant's particulars.