Salim says that his family is thoroughly enjoying Cornelius. During the warmer months, they spent many days by the pool, at one of our exceptional parks, or getting to know their new neighbors. While they're still unfamiliar with much of the area, Salim and his family are looking forward to exploring all that our Town has to offer.
Much to our delight, the Hashemi family has received a very warm welcome from our community. Thanks to the management of Meredith and David Romley, their two daughters, and the generosity of countless Cornelians, a massive donation drive was held to gather supplies, household items, clothes, and more for the Hashemis.
David served 21 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and witnessed firsthand the need for interpreters while stationed in Afghanistan. The Romleys organized this drive as a thank you to Salim for the crucial role he played in supporting U.S. troops.
The Hashemi family was not only surprised by the donations they received, but abundantly grateful for the hospitality shown by our residents. We are so proud of all the Cornelians who came together to help and put the Cornelius Way on full display.
We'd like to extend our most sincere thanks to Salim for his devoted service to our nation and our most enthusiastic welcome to him and his family. Cornelius is lucky to have you!