eNews Newsletter
June 2017
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
What's New at NCSM: 50th Annual Conference Update

As part of our continued effort to share the ideas and ideals expressed in our Equity and Social Justice position paper, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Pedro Noguera will deliver the 2018 keynote address at NCSM's 50th Annual Conference. Currently Dr. Noguera serves as the Director of the Center for the Study of School Transformation and as a Distinguished Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences at UCLA.
Dr. Noguera is an author of the book Excellence through Equity, NCSM's featured book in this year's Call for Collective Action to develop awareness of equity and social justice in mathematics education. You may have participated in the collaborative Twitter slow chat book study that took place throughout the month of May. Assessment was a theme that appeared several times in the collection of tweets. Participant @LindseyMottley tweeted
this line from the book: "We are failing our students when we believe that the end-all & be-all of a quality education is 'passing the test.'" I was particularly struck by the " Great Shakespearean Fiasco," a test-prep failure that led to a transformative change in teaching approach that you can read more about in chapter 1. Take a look at all of the conversations around the book that took place by searching the hashtag #EQSJMATH. 

On June 7th the third webinar in the year of collective action took place, in part featuring the reading from Dr. Noguera's book. John Staley described the five principles of courageous leadership that are featured in Excellence through Equity:
  • Getting to your core
  • Making organizational meaning
  • Ensuring constancy and consistency of purpose
  • Facing the facts and your fears
  • Building sustainable relationships
This will be your guide for looking honestly at programs in your district and planning to make your good schools into great schools! Look for a tweet and Facebook post for a link to the recording of the June 7th webinar HERE once it is available. In upcoming newsletters we will share even more with you to continue the conversations about providing quality accessible education for each and every student.
If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to pick up a copy of the book Excellence through Equity and get ready to learn more about Dr. Noguera's vision of equity and school transformation with us in Washington D.C. next April!

What's Happening in Mathematics Education

Join ONE MILLION students, teachers, math leaders, and adults from around the globe in an astounding mathematical experience! Global Math Week is October 10-17, 2017.  For more information and how to become a Global Math Ambassador, click HERE

Welcome to the June 2017

The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation! 

Mona Toncheff, eNews Editor 
Message from the NCSM President, Connie Schrock
Summer is a time to refresh and renew as we prepare for another school year this fall. Many of you provide coaching and professional learning for others throughout the year. What do you do for yourself? Do you have a stack of books to read?  Who do you collaborate with to dig deeper into mathematics leadership?  

Why not join us and other leaders in Maine for the 2017 NCSM Summer Leadership Academy. If you live in the area, then a leadership conference close to you is a good reason to attend. If you do not live in Maine, then this is your opportunity for professional learning for yourself and a chance to explore at the same time. Bring a colleague, a friend, or your team to this three-day conference.  

Another event we would like you to get on your professional calendar is the 50th NCSM Annual Conference in Washington DC April 23- 25, 2018. Be sure to read the announcement of our exciting keynote speaker, Pedro Noguerahere in eNews. We also had close to 600 proposals submitted this year and we our looking forward to celebrating our Golden Anniversary with another premier learning event for mathematics leaders:  Leading Mathematics into the Future: Inspiring Monumental Change.   

Enjoy your summer months as your refresh, renew and re-energize for the 2017-2018 school year.   
Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels

Summer Leadership Academy

The 2017 NCSM Summer Academy  is located in Bangor, Maine! Bring the family early or stay after for an amazing vacation. Maine truly is "vacationland." Bangor is about an hour drive from Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor and a two hour drive towards Portland and the southern coast. 

Come join us in Bangor, ME July 24-26, 2017. Keynote speaker, NCSM President Connie Schrock, NCSM board members and participants will be learning together during this three-day conference for mathematics teachers, teacher leaders, coaches, consultants, professional developers, department chairs and district leaders of mathematics programs. Our focus will be on Teaching and Learning Leadership. 

Registration is now open and hotel information is available at http://bit.ly/NCSMLA17  Come join us! The hotel is located at the Bangor Airport, so is easily accessible for those flying in.

Upcoming Event: Fall Seminar
What: Chicago Fall Seminar
Where: Chicago, IL (location TBD)
When: November 29, 2017
Theme: Leadership for Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics
Watch for more information on http://www.mathedleadership.org/  

Threaded throughout all professional learning opportunities will be shifting mindsets and beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics.

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