October/November 2018
AzPPA E-Newsletter
Join us for an important and educational seminar, giving us all practical guidance for clarifying and communicating the importance of product safety awareness and compliance to our customers.
It's Time to Nominate Your 2019 AzPPA Board Members!
Have you ever thought you'd like to make a contribution to your local Arizona Promotional Products Association?
We are now accepting nominations for the 2019/2020 AzPPA Board of Directors through October 19th this year.
here for more information and the nomination form. Submit the form, a brief bio, and a photograph to betsy@azppa.net
by 10/19/18 to be considered for the next 2 year term.
Donate Today To Help Disaster Survivors and Support our AzPPA President's Charity!
In 2017 – 2018 we have experienced what seems to be an ever-growing number of natural disasters - fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods. This year’s President’s charity is PPDRF, the Promotional Products Disaster Recovery Foundation which has been set up to help promotional products industry members get back to business in the wake of a federally-declared natural disaster. The fund can help replace lost equipment and supplies - computers, cell phones, office supplies - promotional products catalogs and samples, provide a work area, or give other assistance as needed to get an affected business up and running as soon as possible.
There is a major fund-raising effort going on
through October 10th, 2018.
During that time, make sure that your donations are designated as coming from an AzPPA member so that our region can receive credit. Read more about this effort on the
PPAI website
. Please consider making a tax deductible donation today. The link is on our website:
It Will Be Here Before We Know It!
The PPAI Expo is back, Jan. 13 - 17, 2019!
Can you believe we're already talking about 2019?!? Get ready, because it's coming soon! Click
here for more info about the upcoming PPAI Expo in Las Vegas in January.
Watch the "Get In Touch" video for some marketing inspiration!
We've Introduced a New Member Benefit!
Make it easier than ever to take advantage of the special offers from the AzPPA Members-Only Coupon Book!
AzPPA members, log in to www.azppa.net, go to the Members tab in the menu, and select the Members-Only Coupon Book from the drop down menu. On that page, scroll down to the information about PromoHunt, and follow the simple sign-up instructions.
August 2018
The AzPPA Expo was Great!
Were You There??
Thank You to all who participated!
- Two amazing keynote speakers!
- More than 20 volunteer helpers!
- More than 50 end user client attendees!
- More than 70 incredible exhibitors!
- More than 100 product lines represented!
- More than 200 distributor attendees!
to see the photos on our website, and join us next time to take part in all the fun!
December 6, 2018
Our Annual Holiday Party -
New Location: The Raven Golf Club in Phoenix!
5:30 pm - 8 pm
3636 E. Baseline Rd, Phoenix AZ 85042
Registration Details will be out soon!
We hope you'll join us for an elegant year-end celebration of all the fun, education, and inspiration we've had this year!
Honor our outstanding suppliers and volunteers. Enjoy a great evening of socializing and good food.
Let's Get Social!
Share the reason you support PPEF with a #unselfie. Here's how: on a piece of paper, write why you are supporting PPEF, take an unselfie with the paper in front of your face and post it to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media to raise awareness for PPEF's Scholarship Fund. Don't forget to use the hashtags #givingtuesday and #PPAIunselfie.
$1.9 Million In Scholarships And Counting
is a national holiday celebrated around the world where people come together to give back. Giving Tuesday is celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and this year the date to remember is November 27.
This year,
Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF)
is participating in Giving Tuesday to raise money for college scholarships for those with parents in the promotional products indsutry. Since 1989, PPEF has awarded more than $1.9 million in college scholarships to 1,013 students. This year, PPEF has awarded $200,000 to 132 recipients. Help us reach our current goal of $10,000 by participating in #GivingTuesday and donate to PPEF for tomorrow's future leaders in the promotional products industry.
We're so happy to have you as part of the AzPPA Family!
We had a number of new members join during the registration period for our AzPPA Expo.
Atlantis Time-Line
Bayside Apparel/AST Sportswear
Giant Media
Multiline Reps:
Maguire Marketing Agency
Business Services:
Atkinson Consulting
Be Cre8tive Custom Printing
Branding Elements
DV Ink, dba Surf & Ski
Industrial Shirt Shop
Magical Marketing
McKenzie Sew On
Merch Market Media
Nash Promos
Proforma I.D. Clare & Co.
Promo Sauce
Sports Station
Trophies Unlimited and Personalized Gifts
Wheeler Wholesale
AzPPA Wild Wednesday Webinars
Wednesday, October 31st -
Customer Engagement Through the Use of Technology
- David Schultz, commonsku
Details to Follow
PPAI Webinars
October 10, 11:00 am - Ship Like A Pro
October 24, 11:00 am - Cultural Diversity and Its Impact on Today's Industry Trends
October 31, 11:00 am - Country Risk Assessments in Responsible Sourcing
On-demand topics are available whenever you log in to ppai.org.
Save the Dates!
Watch for more details about these upcoming AzPPA events:
Oct. 23, 2018
- Communicating Product Safety Compliance to your Clients
Dec. 6, 2018
Annual Holiday Party - The Raven Golf Resort
Benefits of Membership
McCreary's Tees:
As the Official Apparel Sponsor for AzPPA, McCreary’s Tees is offering to waive for AzPPA members, the $2.00 or $5.00 fee that is normally charged on smaller orders.
You must ask for this waiver at the time the order is placed, whether on an order placed via the website or via telephone.
This is another great benefit of your membership.
You can contact McCreary’s Tees at
for details
For more information about the benefits of Membership in AzPPA, click
Find savings from PromoHunt, SAGE, Zoom Catalog, Constant Contact, FedEx, Merchant Services, and more!
Contact your SAGE representative for more details.
for more details and to get started.
Sponsors and Affiliations
AzPPA is Proudly Affiliated With: