eNews Newsletter
October 2016
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
What's Happening in Mathematics Education
The 38th Annual Conference of PME-NA (North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education) will be held Nov. 3-6 in Tucson, AZ. Registration  is still open! The theme is Sin Frontiers: Questioning Borders with(in) Mathematics Education

Leadership Resources
Professional Learning Opportunities at NCSM in 2016-17!  Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels

NCSM is striving to provide year-long professional learning opportunities that follow the theme of Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels utilizing It's Time and PRIME resources. Please join us for one or more events!

What: Phoenix Fall Seminar
Where: Hyatt Regency Phoenix;         Phoenix, AZ
When: October 25, 2016

Notes: Seminar will be from 11:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m with lunch included. Matt Larson, current president of NCTM, will be speaking on Supporting Effective Instructional Practice: Strategies for Responding to Critics.
This seminar is being co-hosted with the Arizona Mathematics Leaders organization. Explore Learning will be sponsoring lunc h. Additional information is now available on the NCSM website.

What: St. Louis Fall Seminar
Where: Marriott St. Louis; St. Louis, MO
When: November 16, 2016

Notes: Breakfast/registration will begin at 7:15 am, and the seminar will be from 8:00 am- 4:00 p.m. Lunch will be sponsored by Explore Learning. The seminar will focus on Leading Mathematics Curriculum Coherence and participants will be provided with
concrete re sources to bring back to lead local professional learning. Registration and additional information is now available on the NCSM website.

What:  Winter Leadership Academy
Where: Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, Atlanta, GA
When: December 2-4, 2016

Join Graham Fletcher and John Staley for a weekend of professional learning and strategic leadership planning around the theme of teaching and learning. Register now!

The Fall Seminars will expand on Curriculum Leadership and the  NEW Winter Academy will take on the Teaching and Learning Leadership Principle. Threaded throughout all professional learning opportunities will be shifting mindsets and beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics.

What's New at NCSM
Membership in NCSM brings with it many benefits. Just a few are listed below:
  • Discounts to all events, like the Fall Seminars and Leadership Academy;
  • A weekly subscription to the Marshall Memo, a weekly round-up of important ideas and research in K-12 education;
  • Full access to current and archived NCSM journals, newsletters, and webinars.

Welcome to the October 2016

The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Our goal is to provide the NCSM community with current happenings for both the NCSM organization and mathematics education. Please let us know if you have suggestions for future editions. And, please consider forwarding this eNews to a colleague-let's get everyone involved in the conversation!

Babette M. Benken, eNews Editor 
Message from the NCSM President, John Staley 

How might we chart a course to change the future?
The NCSM Board just wrapped up our Fall Board Meeting. During the meeting we continued our conversations around the following three questions:


1.     Why NCSM?

2.     Where are we in our "Pursuit for a Vision of Equity"         and Social Justice?

3.     Where are we in supporting and engaging our                 membership?

As we continued the work from our summer strategic planning meeting of developing the details for the adopted strategic initiatives and projects, supporting and engaging the NCSM members in the work was at the heart of all discussions and plans.
The following NCSM Initiatives for 2016-2018 focus our work and allow us to engage you, our members, in the development of new resources and events designed to better serve the needs of growing and supporting mathematics education leaders at all levels:

Initiative 1:   Connecting Leaders
Initiative 2:   Leadership Learning
Initiative 3:   Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics
The following link provides a brief overview of each of the strategic initiatives https://mix.office.com/watch/1elkhbhj2jw0b . After viewing the video, please reach out to an NCSM board member so you can get involved.
Have a great month,  and join us on Twitter, #EQSJMATH.

Registration is now open!

Join us at the 49th NCSM Annual Conference, April 3-5, 2017. All sessions will be in the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, Texas. This is your opportunity to hear speakers such as Eli Luberoff, Jo Boaler, Graham Fletcher, and Donna Leak.

Already registered? The registration site is ready! Also, please consider volunteering. See you in San Antonio!
2017 Horizontal Logo
Nominate a Colleague for the Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award!

Colleagues across the nation are engaging in significant work to further ideas and passion regarding mathematics leadership and education. Please consider nominating a person you know who has made significant and describable contributions to the field through a dedication and concern for his/her fellow mathematics educators. This person should demonstrate a clear knowledge of mathematics education and contribute to the furthering of the stated purposes of NCSM: the interchange of ideas, cooperation with other professional organizations, and leadership in attacking current problems in mathematics curriculum and supervision. Please visit the NCSM awards page for more information and/or  to nominate a candidate for this award.  

Deadline is November 1, 2016.
Call for nominations.   
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