Can you delegate in Workday? Yes, you can!
The problem: You'll be on vacation for two weeks and need someone to handle various requests, such as time off, in your absence.
The solution: Delegate the task to someone on the team to handle during your absence within Workday. How helpful is that?!
Delegation is the assignment of another person to act on your behalf to carry out specific activities to ensure that tasks do not get held up when the task owner is unavailable.
Delegation options include:
Start on My Behalf - Use when your delegate needs to initiate a business process.
Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf - Use when "Start On My Behalf" is selected to allow action on initiated items (such as approving time off and approving requisitions).
None of the Above - Use if you do not want your delegate to perform Inbox tasks for you. Selecting this option will enable the delegation to proceed, retaining responsibility for ALL Inbox tasks to you (keep in mind that a Delegate cannot approve a process they have initiated).
Inboxes contain HR-related tasks that may contain salary or other personal information; delegating your entire Inbox should be done only when you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.
A Delegate should be a person (peer or supervisor) who already has access to the same information you do.
The Begin & End Date for the Delegation cannot be longer than one year in duration.
When a delegation is about to expire, a notification goes out a week ahead.
An Alternate Delegate may be needed in case the primary Delegate has requested a task needing approval, such as Time Off.
Specific Delegations available:
Start on My Behalf
- Expense Reports
- Travel Requests
- Time Entry
- Request Time Off
Do Inbox Tasks on My behalf
- P-Card Verification
- Correct Time Off