First eHUBS Newsletter | 13th November 2019
Welcome to the first eHUBS Newsletter
Dear readers,

Welcome to the first issue of our eHUBS newsletter! 

The EU project eHUBS, co-funded by European Commission’s Interreg North-West Europe Programme, aims at increasing the uptake of shared electric mobility solutions by end-users, through the deployment and promotion of e-Mobility hubs in seven European pilot cities.

e-Mobility hubs, shortly eHUBS, are on-street locations where citizens can choose from different sustainable electric transport options for shared use. eHUBS bring together e-bikes, e-cargo bikes, e-scooters and/or e-cars, offering the user a wide range of options to choose from, based on his or her needs at a given moment.

In this newsletter, you will get introduced to our project and read about one of the six eHUBS pilot cities regions: in this first issue, we present the coordinator of the eHUBS project, the City of Amsterdam. You will also learn about the opportunities to contribute to the success of eHUBS and you will have an insight into the activities of the consortium. 

We wish you a pleasant reading!
Get familiar with eHUBS
On the 10th of April 2019, the EU project eHUBS, co-funded by European Commission’s Interreg North-West Europe Programme, kicked off its activities at a partner meeting in Lille.

Leuven presents eHUBS at “Maak het mee” Festival
On May 12th 2019, the City of Leuven organized the “Maak het mee” (Take part) Festival, where it presented to the citizens the concept of eHUBS and the city's objective for their deployment.

Amsterdam launches eHUBS at WeMaketheCity Festival
Sharon Dijksma, Amsterdam Alderperson for Transport and Traffic, launched in Amsterdam at the WeMakeTheCity Festival the Smart Mobility Program, which includes the deployment in the city of 20 eHUBS in the coming years.

How can eHUBS become more attractive?
Bayern Innovativ asked this question to the participants of the ADAC Mobility Bar Camp, held in Nuremberg on July16th. Valuable suggestions and ideas were gathered on many aspects of eHUBS design.

The first digital eHUB pillar presented in Leuven at the Car-Free Day
The city of Leuven, together with project partners, Cargoroo, and URBEE, presented the first eHUB digital pillar at the Leuven Car-Free Day.

eHUBS at Shared Mobility Rocks
On 8th October 2019, eHUBS pilot cities Amsterdam and Leuven presented their approach to eHUBS at Shared Mobility Rocks, the international symposium on shared mobility organised by eHUBS project partners and Taxistop

eHUBS workshop with e-mobility and MaaS
On Thursday, the 24th of October, the eHUBS project held a workshop dedicated to the identification of effective forms of public-private cooperation, with the objective to effectively deploy shared and electric mobility hubs in cities in North-West Europe.

City in the spotlight
Every six months, eHUBS will put one of the six eHUBS pilot cities in the spotlight. In November 2019: Amsterdam
Upcoming events
Polis Conference
Brussels, Belgium
27-28 November 2019
Interreg NWE Making An Impact Event
Tourcoing, France
4-5 December 2019

and follow us on social media
This newsletter reflects the author's views only and the Interreg North-West Europe Programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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Polis - European cities & regions networking for innovative transport solutions
Tel: +32 2 500 56 71