Member News

September 2024

Welcome to the WFCU Credit Union family, Rapport!
Rapport members are now part of the WFCU Credit Union Family. To celebrate, take advantage if these exclusive introductory offers: 4.39% 5 year fixed mortgage 4.69% 1 year GIC, 5.89% Auto Loan. Terms and conditions apply.

Welcome Rapport's Members!

We're celebrating Rapport – A Division of WFCU Credit Union with special introductory offers for all Rapport members! 

Explore our 5.89%* Auto Loan4.69%* 1-Year GIC, and 4.39%* 5-Year Fixed Mortgage offers to find the best fit for you. Learn more about how you can take advantage of these rates by booking an appointment today.

Additionally, all Rapport members are eligible to open their own Eva Chequing Account, which transforms the traditional chequing account into one with unlimited transactions and many other benefits!

On the left: a woman paying to a cashier holding a payment machine. On the right: Text that reads: Get to know Eva chequing account. Unlimited transactions, unlimited e-transfers and much more!
Person using a smartphone with dollar symbols floating above it, suggesting financial transactions or investments, next to an open laptop on a desk.

Understanding Cryptocurrency Investment Scams

With the rise in popularity of digital assets such as Bitcoin, cryptocurrency investment scams have become a growing concern for many Canadians.  


At Rapport – A Division of WFCU Credit Union, we work hard to keep you safe from financial harm. To help protect members from cryptocurrency investment scams, we’ve developed the following list on our corporate website to provide you with key watchouts for a variety of scams.


Coming Up Around Town

Stay Tuned for GovFest 2024 Music and Cultural Festival! Coming November 2024.

a man and woman sitting at a table looking at a tablet

Invest in the Growth of the Credit Union

Now that you’re an official part of the WFCU Credit Union family, you can invest in our growth!

Earning a premium rate of return, WFCU Credit Union Investment Shares are a long-term investment that is perfect for your TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF. With no fees or commissions, this unique investment option allows you to invest directly in the credit union’s performance and growth while earning a premium rate of return. At a cost of $1 per share, with a minimum purchase of 500 shares, learn more on our corporate website, about this exciting opportunity to watch your investment and WFCU family grow, together!  


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Amherstburg | Chatham | Kingsville | LaSalle | Leamington | London | Tecumseh | Windsor

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Cambridge | Kitchener | Waterloo

CAMH (Toronto) | Hamilton | Kakabeka Falls | Kingston | Midland | North Bay

Oshawa | Peterborough | Thunder Bay | Toronto


At Rapport, keeping our members secure and informed is a top priority. Accurate information allows us to safeguard your accounts and keep you up to date on all our latest offers. Please take a moment to ensure your details are up-to-date and contact us with any recent changes!