Center For Conscious Living | |
Kindness is a lasting source of happiness for me.
I hold no bitterness toward others.
My Happiness is linked to the happiness of others.
I hold kindness, compassion and warmth in my heart
I give forth honesty, truth and justice.
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This Sunday Feb 2nd at 10am |
Sunday Meditation Service
with Kathy Milano
and musical inspiration by Ginger Coyle
In Person and Zoom
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Meeting ID: 842 3319 9242
Password: 123456
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Also This Sunday:
Reverend Christina Marie Layer Steps In As Senior Minister Completing the Transition with Reverend Dr Katherine McClelland
(pictures from last Sunday's Service)
It is with the utmost confidence and joy that Reverend Christina Marie Layer is welcomed into her full time position as
Senior Minister to the CCL congregation. Thank you Reverend Christina for answering the Call of service to CCL.
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Thank You Reverend Katherine! | |
We say farewell, with Love and in Grace, to Reverend Katherine, as we extend our heartfelt appreciation for her accomplishments in bringing CCL to operational stability, and the CCL Ministry to greater creativity and expansion.
During Reverend Katherine’s nearly three years as Senior Minister, she has worked tirelessly to expand CCL’s capacities; she has introduced an inter-spiritual focus in our Science of Mind teachings; she has created systems and stabilized our operations providing a solid platform for new growth, enhanced stability, and inspired creativity.
Reverend Katherine has dedicated this last full year of her ministry to ensure that the CCL ministry continues its strong leadership activities. Within her commitment, she has mentored, coached, and nurtured the talents and capabilities of our new Senior Minister, Reverend Christina Marie Layer and our new Practitioner/Prayer Ministry team.
On behalf of the CCL community, we express our love and gratitude to Reverend Katherine, and we wish her peace, harmony, love and joy in all of her professional and personal activities. She radiates love, and we return to her our most profound expression of Love.
Reverend Katherine, we miss you, we love you, and we hold you in our hearts!
~ Reverend Christina, Reverend Paul, and Stewardship Council members June Hament and Jane Hobson.
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Reverend Christina and Goodbye and Thank you ~ from Reverend Katherine
It has been my great honor to mentor Reverend Christina through the past year as she embraced the work of running CCL. Adding to her well developed skills and talents in the non profit world, Reverend Christina carries a deep connection to her Spirtual Life and commitment to her embodied practices. She is well prepared for this opportunity to lead CCL and I am grateful for her grace as I leave her in your loving hands.
You have all served as my teachers, friends, guides and blessings along the way. I am deeply grateful and honored that you invited me to lead you ~ I have held each one of you heart to heart ~ during this time.
Thank you all from the depths of my soul journey for the experiences of Love and Life in Faith that have carried us together over the last 3 years.
During the time that I have served as your Senior Minister/Spiritual Leader, we touched a powerful and abiding love that lifted us through many transitions and carried us into the field of Love to this moment now.
I will be holding you all in my heart, while in absence as Reverend Christina Marie Layer answers the call of the heavens and steps fully into her Senior Ministry.
Your impress upon my heart is eternal and I shall always hold you all in a most sacred place of Love.
All my love,
Reverend Dr Katherine McClelland
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A few days ago, CCL learned from the Moorestown Community House leaders that they will be using the ballroom space, where we currently hold our services, for other purposes. As they continue to roll out their new vision and mission, CCL will continue its services here until the end of August, while opening now to new possibilities.
We are grateful to the Community Center for the home it has provided to CCL over many years, and we are now looking expectantly forward to new vistas, and new horizons. Over the next 6-9 months, as we expectantly anticipate Spirit’s perfect idea for CCL’s new spiritual home.
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The Season for Peace and Nonviolence
Starts Tomorrow January 30th
The Season For Nonviolence, launched at the United Nations in 1998, marks the annual 64 calendar days between the memorial anniversary of Mohandas K. Gandhi on January 30 and that of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4.
The Season teaches that every person can move the world forward in the direction of peace through daily nonviolent choices and actions.
CCL celebrates this powerful annual tradition by sharing the following daily affirmations for contemplation and reflection each day for 64 Days, starting Thurs Jan 30th
Day 1, Jan 30: Today, I contemplate Mahatma Gandhi’s statement: “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.”
Day 2, Jan 31: Today, I reflect on what peace means to me.
Day 3, Feb 1: Today, I eliminate all self-deprecating joking and sarcasm.
Day 4, Feb 2: Today, I affirm my value and worth with positive "self talk" and refuse to put myself down.
Day 5, Feb 3: Today, I strive to learn from my mistakes without self criticism or judgment.
Day 6, Feb 4: Today, I forgive myself.
Day 7, Feb 5: Today, I practice self-compassion.
Day 8, Feb 6: Today, I let go of one thought or behavior that no longer serves my highest concept of myself.
Day 9, Feb 7: Today, I live in the present moment and release the past.
Day 10, Feb 8: Today, I find one way to “treat” myself to a peace-filled experience.
64 Days and 64 Ways, Transforming the World By Cultivating These Simple Daily Practices
Reverend Katherine and Wayne are offering their 64 Day email series, based on the Season For Peace and Nonviolence. Each email includes a beautiful graphic, practice, and contemplation for the day, written by Reverend Katherine.
We all need these reminders now more than ever, and we hope that the practices and contemplations enrich your life and experience.
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This Monday, February 3rd, 7pm Zoom Only
Mini-Monday with Ahaji Schreffler
“Love Is My Superpower”
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Our February Mini-Monday, “Love Is My Superpower,” will be led by Ahaji Schreffler, a long-time member of the Center for Conscious Living.
This workshop is designed to amplify your greatest superpower, LOVE! Travel with Ahaji on a journey of Love in Action, as she weaves together themes from activist bell hooks’ book, All About Love, along with inspired lessons from her 12 years of charitable work in Haiti. During the workshop, you will be guided, through meditation and reflective activities, to help tap into your superpower in a bold new way!
As always, love donations are welcome and appreciated! Both CCL and Soul Sanctuary are Love Orphanage Community Partners & Sponsors, participating in various ways over the years.
We look forward to seeing you when we gather for this Zoom-only event on February 3, 2025, 7:00-8:30pm. Just click the link below at that time.
“Love O” is in the Air! ❤️
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New Music Fellowship with Myra Maud! | |
CCL is beginning the New Year with an exciting new program! Many of you have been asking for more opportunities to sing, and we are answering your call!
CCL is announcing a new Music Fellowship, and we are sponsoring an international vocalist and musician, Myra Maud, to come to CCL and create a choir.
This is a three-month fellowship, with renewal possibilities for another three months. Planning has already begun, and Myra will be on-site with us beginning in February.
We have a solid choir group forming and it's not too late to join!
Just reach out to the CCL office to let us know you are interested to get the party started. And do it today as Myra is forming a plan right now.
Click to watch the short video linked below to listen to Myra's lovely welcome message. (less than 2 minutes long)
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Stay Connected and Inspired on Social Media | |
If you have not yet, please join our free Facebook community or join us on Instagram if you prefer.
And if you are already with us there, be sure to visit often and like and/or comment on our posts when you see them.
This sort of engagement encourages the social systems to show our content more often so we have yet another chance to stay connected.
New All CCL Master Link
Below is a new ALL CCL link that includes everything CCL, including the Facebook and Instagram pages, our YouTube Channel, the Zoom link for Sunday Services and a web version of our most recent newsletter. Save this link in your bookmarks to never miss a thing!
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Above is an example of a recent post with a lovely meme graphic including an inspiring quote from a recent talk by Rev Christina Marie Layer.
On our social media channels, you will also see video reels, community event invitations from our members, links to the most recent services and more!
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2/2 10 am In-Person and Zoom Meditation Service with Kathy Milano and Reverend Christina Marie Layer and Rev. Paul; Rev Ken (on Zoom). Music with Ginger Coyle
2/3 7 pm Mini-Monday with Ahaji Schreffler, Love Orphanage (Zoom Only)
2/9 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Rev. Christina Marie Layer and Rev Paul Hoyt; Rev. Ken (on Zoom). Music with Stephen Wise
2/16 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Rev. Paul Hoyt and Rev Christina Marie Layer; Rev. Ken (on Zoom). Music with Ginger Coyle
2/17 7 pm In-Person Men’s Group
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Daily Prayer with Reverend Christina Marie Layer (via Zoom)
We come gather together LIVE: to say hello, connect, pray and meditate and simply be together ~ to touch each other in a deep way to remind each other who we are all, to spend this time together and then get back to our earthly lives… from Heaven within.
Bring your prayer(s) to share, or just come to silently participate, there are no requirements or expectations.
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Due to some tech difficulties, we have no recording from last Sunday's service. We are in process of upgrading our systems for more optimal Zoom and recording experiences. Thanks for your patience! | |
Notes From The CCL Stewardship Council | |
Thank You For Your Generous Giving and Tithes
Please use the button below to donate anytime.
Thank you CCL!
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Or send your checks to:
Check: PO Box 44, Moorestown, NJ,08057
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch past services, shorts and other special videos | |
Join our Center for Conscious Living (CCL) Facebook group where you can stay in touch and share your happenings with the CCL community. | |
16 E. Main St. Moorestown, NJ
(our mailing address is shown below)
Phone: (856) 722-5683
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