Dear friend of 4Cs,

Happy New Year! With a new year upon us, I’ve spent some time looking back on the incredible work of our team and, more importantly, the impact of that work. In December, during our annual toy distribution event, I met Ms. Johnson, a grandmother who attended the event to pick up a few special gifts for her grandchildren. While chatting, Ms. Johnson shared with me that her own children attended 4Cs’ Child Development Center program decades ago and how grateful she was for the life-changing impact that our child care site and the free care and education it provided were for her and her family. After a few minutes of sharing about how her children and grandchildren are thriving, Ms. Johnson pulled out her purse and insisted on making a meaningful donation to our agency. Her words and token of gratitude remind me of how much our work matters. Testimonials like Ms. Johnson’s keep us grounded and working every day to serve our community. 

As I flipped my calendar to 2023, another parent shared their gratitude along with a generous donation: 4C was incredible with helping my family at the onset of my wife was/is an essential worker, we qualified for tuition subsidies for our daycare so we could handle our work priorities while knowing our sons were in great hands with our daycare provider. It was a tremendous help and we are so grateful we were able to qualify for assistance. I hope this donation can be used to help other families like 4Cs helped us. Thank you! The work of our team and those that support us and the families we serve are critical especially in this time of great need. 

Whether you were a client 50 years ago when 4Cs was just opening its doors, a current family receiving our support, a child care champion, advocate, or partner of 4Cs, we appreciate you. Your supportive words mean so much and we look forward to continuing our dedication to serving our Alameda County community as we welcome the new year.

Be well,
Renee S. Herzfeld
Chief Executive Officer