Hello Welcome House Raleigh family! I am grateful for each one of you, and I thank God for how you love and serve your international neighbors through expressions of welcome - as day hosts, ESL teachers, hospitality teams, prayer partners, and friends. Over the years, we have seen the ways God’s Spirit has moved within our own hearts as loving our neighbors moved from being a nice spiritual concept to a true, concrete expression of our faith in Jesus. You have had a front row seat to the transformative power of Christian love and hospitality in your own heart, and you have allowed God to move you in love to support, encourage, and pray for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. And, for that I give thanks to God.
I am humbled and encouraged as I join the Welcome House Raleigh team in this new capacity. I have seen tremendous growth in God’s ministry through WHR over the years, and I am eager to see what the next years hold in store for connecting friends and neighbors as we build God’s beloved community here in Raleigh. I am eager to listen and learn, to nurture and to grow as we learn from where we’ve been, listen for God’s Wisdom and Spirit, and look to where we are going together.
Isn’t it incredible that God is at work and knitting us together, and we are invited to roll up our sleeves, open our hearts, and join in this amazing Kingdom-building work? 2024 is full of God’s goodness, and I am excited to experience it with you!