Welcome to Christmas

Churches and friends will turn the pages of their Bibles and read the story of Christmas yet again. The calendar calls us to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. At Welcome House our guests remind us this holy story is more than just the sweetness of a baby born in a manger. It is a gritty and powerful accounting of God's grace and mercy that resonates even today.

When Jesus was born - all was not well. This Light of the World was offered in a very precarious time. Jesus was born in an occupied land; his parents fled from their country to Egypt without documentation; a tyrant sought to kill him. Yet in the midst of this terror, God was present. There were angels and shepherds called stand near this young family. Wealthy men were led to him and brought gifts - sharing from their abundance. The Light shines even in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. This Light continues even in 2023, we see it every day in the faces and lives of our guests and in our volunteers.

We at Welcome House Raleigh pray that as you join with us in this season to welcome the stranger, the ancient words we hold dear will resonate more clearly and vividly.


The Word became flesh and blood,

    and moved into the neighborhood.

We saw the glory with our own eyes,

    the one-of-a-kind glory,

    like Father, like Son,

Generous inside and out,

    true from start to finish. 

(John 1:14 The Message)



Truly God is with Us! Blessings be upon you as you make room in your hearts for the Christ Child in this season of light.

A Word From our New Welcome Network Director

Lydia Pratt Tatum

Learn about Lydia
Read our Press Release

Hello Welcome House Raleigh family! I am grateful for each one of you, and I thank God for how you love and serve your international neighbors through expressions of welcome - as day hosts, ESL teachers, hospitality teams, prayer partners, and friends. Over the years, we have seen the ways God’s Spirit has moved within our own hearts as loving our neighbors moved from being a nice spiritual concept to a true, concrete expression of our faith in Jesus. You have had a front row seat to the transformative power of Christian love and hospitality in your own heart, and you have allowed God to move you in love to support, encourage, and pray for some of the most vulnerable people in our community. And, for that I give thanks to God.  

I am humbled and encouraged as I join the Welcome House Raleigh team in this new capacity. I have seen tremendous growth in God’s ministry through WHR over the years, and I am eager to see what the next years hold in store for connecting friends and neighbors as we build God’s beloved community here in Raleigh. I am eager to listen and learn, to nurture and to grow as we learn from where we’ve been, listen for God’s Wisdom and Spirit, and look to where we are going together.

Isn’t it incredible that God is at work and knitting us together, and we are invited to roll up our sleeves, open our hearts, and join in this amazing Kingdom-building work? 2024 is full of God’s goodness, and I am excited to experience it with you!

A Time of Thanksgiving

On November 18 over 150 people gathered at Ridge Road Baptist Church to give thanks. The event was hosted by Ridge Road BC, Common Thread, the Karen Fellowship and Hayes Barton Methodist. It was a beautiful day filled with language, joy and wonderful food. All of our former and current guests were invited.

Before our meal together, the Psalms were read in 13 languages. Families stood to share good news with the whole group (sometimes they spoke in English). There was rejoicing for new jobs, degrees completed, cars, housing, education, safety. Children played on the church lawn and we celebrated together. Connections were strengthened and new friendships were born.

Thanks be to God who transforms and creates with us and for us a beautiful tapestry of community.

USCRI Article
Volunteer with Welcome House

Celebrating Volunteers

Welcome House ESL Volunteer, Marci Curtis, was recently recognized by our partner, USCRI. We are so grateful for all our volunteers.

When asked why she thought this work was important, she responded: “I think it’s very important to reach outside our own bubble of language and culture to create connections and create a wider community. It’s important for those of us who have lived in comfort and in a country that hasn’t known war or famine to help be a part of building a community.” 

Well said, Marci! You can read the whole article by clicking the link. If you or your friend would like to volunteer with Welcome House Raleigh and join in the fun, there is a link for that as well.

Christmas Bag Delivery

As this newsletter is delivered, hundreds of people across the Triangle will receive a gift bag. Volunteers will distribute these bags to folks who have been our guests at Welcome House and participated in ESL classes. Inside the bag are toys and games for the children, a gift card for groceries and necessities, and a card with links to the story of Jesus. Thank you to all the individuals, classes, groups, churches that make this Christmas tradition possible.

Gifts to Welcome House Raleigh are given through the

 CBFNC Website.  

A Note: In the drop down menu under Additional Information - "Where would you like to direct your gift?" PLEASE CHOOSE "WELCOME HOUSE (WYATT MINISTRY)"

If you would like to mail your gift, kindly use this address:

CBFNC | 2640 Reynolda Road | Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Please indicate on your check: Welcome House Raleigh

Welcome House Raleigh is part of CBF North Carolina's Welcome House Community Network, a collaborative missions program of CBFNC, CBF field personnel, partner churches and individuals that provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors across the state.

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