How We Create Award-Winning & Successful Model Homes that Sell
We were inspired to elaborate on our secret to award-winning model homes by this enlightening article: Making the Sale: The Importance of a Buyer Profile written by the NAHB. You won't want to miss it.
As successful merchandisers, we begin every job by researching the buyer profile and create a competitive analysis. By doing this, we are able to envision a home that will inspire your primary target market.

Every buyer gets excited about what's new and next! Current trends always take center stage and lay down the foundation for the style and color of our designs. Our talent lies in defining the balance your buyer will want and can buy... Just enough to say "I must, I can, I will buy this home because it's me!"
As we begin our model home designs, we always talk about "the story" . We translate our research into reality and weave personality into merchandising each space. We want to get in tune with the buyers needs and desires so we can design a home that reflects their identity. We ask ourselves a few questions about the demographic so we can take a walk in their shoes. Who is this person and what do they like?
Our goal is to create laughter, awe, memories and a real sense of place. Perhaps a little too perfect for reality... but one can dream!
Our in-depth research and unique merchandising stories have created award-winning model homes for the past 40 years... Contact us today to begin working on your next model!

Best wishes,

Phyllis, Johanna, Kate & Corrie
Interior Concepts Model Home Team